How to Walk with Confidence | Do's and Don'ts
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The walk. It’s one of the first ways to make an impression on someone, and you want to make it good, right?
Here are some of the immediate Advantages in walking correctly:
Postural training - which can really help you in the long run as bad posture can wreak havoc over the years on your body.
Attention grabbing - sure, you can grab attention walking improperly but it’s usually for all the wrong reasons. You wanna be a Buff Dude, not just a Dude.
Mental wellness - With a confident stride you just feel better. Now keep in mind you don’t have to overdo the walk and feel goofy, but just enough where you feel strong, confident and ready to take on the world.
And lastly it sets you apart from the normies, which is always nice.
So let’s go over the do’s and the do-not’s of walking with confidence.
Chest Up, Shoulders Back and Back Straight
Don’t cover them up, show off those chesticles with pride. Pec popping optional. Back straight with your chest up and shoulders back is one of the main signs of confidence, so doing this one is a must. But remember not to overdue this one or you’ll be the stick-up-his-ass-dude. Come on, you know who we’re talking about.
Slouch - In addition to bad posture, which could lead to health problems down the road, slouching shows a lack of confidence and usually sets off a chain reaction of ‘do nots’ when it comes to walking such as shoulders forward, back hunched and chest pointed towards the ground. So no slouching. Don’t become an Egor, chest up, back straight!
Eyes Up - Keeping your eyes up is a sign of confidence and shows you aren't afraid to make eye contact with people walking in the opposite direction. And don’t stare em down or quickly dart your eyes away, if you happen to make eye contact, give em a smile, nod and a good morning, good day or good evening depending on the time.
Eyes Down - keeping your eyes down is usually a sign you are scared and don’t want to interact or engage in conversation with anything except your shoes. And hey, truthfully not all of us feel like interacting all the time. But try and keep your eyes forward as much as you can, as keeping them down for long periods of time could be habit forming, and bad habits die hard.
Hands Relaxed - keeping your hands out in the open indicates confidence and shows people you have nothing to hide. You do have nothing to hide, don’t you? Also, don’t clench your fists, you’ll look like you wanna fight someone, struggling to hold in a fart or can’t wait to tell someone you’re a vegan.
Hands in Pockets - putting your hands in your pockets encourages slouching in addition to making you look nervous, which is no good. Quit playing pocket pool and take those hands out and let them sway side to side, in perfect stride with your Buff Dudes pride.
Walk Confident - Walk with purpose, like you know where you want to go and how to get there. Confidence is a part of your character and you have to not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. Look at the animal kingdom, you don’t see a lion, bear or silverback gorilla looking insecure. They know they’re the baddest animals around and you should too. But remember, confident not cocky.
Quick, Nervous Walk - Alice in Wonderland. What’s the first thing that comes to mind? No, drugs wasn’t the answer. What I was thinking of was the White Rabbit. And what was he known for? It was his quick, nervous shuffle as he constantly attempted to avoid Alice. He displayed a major lack of confidence in addition to avoiding another golden rule: If you’re not 15 minutes early, you’re late. The nervous shuffle wasn’t a good look for him, and it’s not a good look for you - even if you’re late, late, for a very important date.
Here are some of the immediate Advantages in walking correctly:
Postural training - which can really help you in the long run as bad posture can wreak havoc over the years on your body.
Attention grabbing - sure, you can grab attention walking improperly but it’s usually for all the wrong reasons. You wanna be a Buff Dude, not just a Dude.
Mental wellness - With a confident stride you just feel better. Now keep in mind you don’t have to overdo the walk and feel goofy, but just enough where you feel strong, confident and ready to take on the world.
And lastly it sets you apart from the normies, which is always nice.
So let’s go over the do’s and the do-not’s of walking with confidence.
Chest Up, Shoulders Back and Back Straight
Don’t cover them up, show off those chesticles with pride. Pec popping optional. Back straight with your chest up and shoulders back is one of the main signs of confidence, so doing this one is a must. But remember not to overdue this one or you’ll be the stick-up-his-ass-dude. Come on, you know who we’re talking about.
Slouch - In addition to bad posture, which could lead to health problems down the road, slouching shows a lack of confidence and usually sets off a chain reaction of ‘do nots’ when it comes to walking such as shoulders forward, back hunched and chest pointed towards the ground. So no slouching. Don’t become an Egor, chest up, back straight!
Eyes Up - Keeping your eyes up is a sign of confidence and shows you aren't afraid to make eye contact with people walking in the opposite direction. And don’t stare em down or quickly dart your eyes away, if you happen to make eye contact, give em a smile, nod and a good morning, good day or good evening depending on the time.
Eyes Down - keeping your eyes down is usually a sign you are scared and don’t want to interact or engage in conversation with anything except your shoes. And hey, truthfully not all of us feel like interacting all the time. But try and keep your eyes forward as much as you can, as keeping them down for long periods of time could be habit forming, and bad habits die hard.
Hands Relaxed - keeping your hands out in the open indicates confidence and shows people you have nothing to hide. You do have nothing to hide, don’t you? Also, don’t clench your fists, you’ll look like you wanna fight someone, struggling to hold in a fart or can’t wait to tell someone you’re a vegan.
Hands in Pockets - putting your hands in your pockets encourages slouching in addition to making you look nervous, which is no good. Quit playing pocket pool and take those hands out and let them sway side to side, in perfect stride with your Buff Dudes pride.
Walk Confident - Walk with purpose, like you know where you want to go and how to get there. Confidence is a part of your character and you have to not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. Look at the animal kingdom, you don’t see a lion, bear or silverback gorilla looking insecure. They know they’re the baddest animals around and you should too. But remember, confident not cocky.
Quick, Nervous Walk - Alice in Wonderland. What’s the first thing that comes to mind? No, drugs wasn’t the answer. What I was thinking of was the White Rabbit. And what was he known for? It was his quick, nervous shuffle as he constantly attempted to avoid Alice. He displayed a major lack of confidence in addition to avoiding another golden rule: If you’re not 15 minutes early, you’re late. The nervous shuffle wasn’t a good look for him, and it’s not a good look for you - even if you’re late, late, for a very important date.