Carice van Houten defends Game of Thrones Season 8

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Carice van Houten who played Melisandre in GoT, doesn't thinks more criticism means better storytelling?

"So it feels a bit ungrateful. You've had such great times and then yeah, you're going to be disappointed because it's not going to go exactly how you anticipated. Of course, you're going to have all sorts of criticisms and I just thought it was a sign of how good the show was."

So, Melisandre: who was The Prince That Was Promised? Azor Awho?

The power of foresight can work (Dune Messiah), but you actually have to know how that works.

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She's an actress. She wasn't hired for her brains, education or critical faculties. She was hired because she looked good naked and was convincing in her role. She has every right to her opinion; but we have every right to pat her on the head and tell her to let the grown ups talk.


Here is the first thing, "ungrateful" its the wrong word to use here. In the first place, they are charging to watch that show. They didn't make it and gave it away for free. So they are therefore providing a service that costumers (in this case the audience) pay for. Now, a costumer can congratulate a service provider, on a job well done or they can criticize and feel resentment towards a bad job done because at the of the day its their investment. Whether is money or time (and in this case is both), that the costumer invested on the "service", then we have every right to criticize and ask for a redo.
I saw youtube theories that were far better and the characters more consistent than what we got.


See the difference between the Chad Emilia Clarke and the Virgin Carice Van Houten, Emilia Clarke genuinely cared for her character, I was reading for years that she had printouts of the Daenerys chapters to better get inside her head, and would read them on set even. Meanwhile Carice showed up for the paycheck. And you can see it with the reactions to Season 8, Emilia Clarke upon reading her character’s downfall via poor writing she had to take a whole day of walking the London streets in misery over her character’s assassination at the hands of the ever incompetent Benoiff and Weiss.
And Carice was just like “Oh I liked the randomness of it, ” and apparently the backlash was “scary?”


They had their siege weapons in the front...

They had cavalry charge, by themselves, into the dark to die.

Great writing though.


Game of Thrones Season 8 was the Mass Effect 3 of television: a colossal failure that destroyed the reputation of a beloved franchise while the creators hide behind excuse after excuse to deny their mistakes. Everything in entertainment has gotten worst ever since the Catalyst.


This is like Star Wars Sequel Trilogy defenders being like “ITS STAR WARS IT DOESNT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE!” Like good world building good lore good and competent storytelling can absolutely enhance one’s enjoyment of a story and the quality of it. Just because pretty lights are enough for you and garbage writing is imperceptible to you doesn’t mean that what you’re praising is good content. Things never improve without criticism.


This milhouse seems to be under the impression that the show was a comedy.


You know what Carise, you're right. We should be more appreciative of whatever we get. Star Wars sequel trilogy had pretty colors and women you could look at! Star Trek Picard, was a character assassination that needed to be told! Mass Effect 3's ending boldly went right up the fans' collective anus and it was awesome and also colorful! /s


That opinion is the difference between someone inside un-objectively looking out, versus the objective person looking in.


Well, I guess there's a reason some people act and some people write. 🤷‍♂️


Betraying 10 years of buildup deserves more criticism than it got honestly


to be fair anything after Jon Snow's death was Bennioff and Weiss winging it. They got to that point and it was all downhill from then. The flaws in GOT were apparent well before the final season. The story structure for example was all over the place.


I don't understand how people don't care about good writing and/or consistency. People like to use their brain when watching movies, shows, playing games, reading books and so on. Not everyone wants mindless popcorn flicks.


Alright, the woman is even more insane than the character she played.


Bran reluctantly accepted the throne? Bull. Bran outright tells everyone the only reason he was there was so that they could declare him king.


kinda weird that she liked it when her character was actually one of the most insignificant (wasted potentials) in the final season. her character's death basically just bad & meaningless.


Secretly it's super big brained to make your fans hate the show in the ending season, that way it won't be sad when it's gone.


That's funny, because her "help" at the end helped nothing.


Idc about GOT (never watched it) but one factor that affected production was the writers were hired by Disney to make something Star Wars so they rushed season 8 and they got fired from Disney
