8 Things Nobody Tells You About Fasting

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Here are 8 things nobody tells you when it comes to intermittent fasting. Find out whether intermittent fasting is the right method for weight loss and fat loss for yourself. There are many benefits of intermittent fasting, but most likely there are things you do not know about it. This video will help fill in all those blanks.

Fasting has become a very popular strategy for burning fat while maintaining muscle and improving overall body composition. But, if you're not informed like most people fasting can actually set you back, make you gain body fat, lose muscle mass, and even worse end up less healthy than where you began. Now even though it's my favorite approach to dieting I'm sure there are many things that you haven't been told. So today I want to go over 8 things that you probably don't know about fasting even if you've been practicing it for some time now. And if you're thinking about fasting I definitely recommend watching this video first so you can avoid some common pitfalls. 

First, let's start with a new study that shows that intermittent fasting increases the risk of heart attack by 91 percent. This is actually something that you probably already heard since it's being sensationalized all over the mainstream news. The thing that nobody is telling you is that this study is complete attention-grabbing garbage. Let's start with the sample size out of 20,000 participants only 414 of them were intermittently fasting. Meanwhile, we're comparing those 400 people to over 11,000 people who ate a more standard breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This makes the study extremely flawed, to begin with. Anyone who understands something known as statistical significance understands that the data is borderline useless from the get-go. But on top of that 27 percent of the fasting participants were smoking, which is more than 10% higher than the sample of participants that weren't fasting. In case you don't know smokers are 2 to 4 times more likely to develop heart disease. So we already know that these people were less health conscious, many people who don't eat throughout the day aren't health conscious people again completely skewing these results. Add to all of this that the study is an observational study, which has people reporting what they ate based off of memory. And finally, one last reason why this study should be completely disregarded in my opinion is that almost all other studies on fasting have found the exact opposite, that fasting enhanced all kinds of biomarkers related to health and longevity. 

Another thing that you may not realize is that fasting actually causes changes to your hunger perception. This is important to understand because hunger cravings are the most likely factor that'll make you quit when first starting to fast. If you've been eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner your whole life, you're probably going to experience intense hunger cravings for each of those meals that you skip. Many people will quit before they comprehend that they're not even experiencing genuine hunger. Instead, they're experiencing habitual and emotional eating triggers. These triggers are so ingrained within you that even on a biological level your body will release hunger hormones like ghrelin, let's say at 2pm every day if that's the time that you're used to eating lunch. The beauty of fasting is that if you give your body time to adapt the hunger pangs will subside. Your habitual and emotional eating cues will become more muted, and even at a deeper level, you'll develop physiological adaptations such as decreased ghrelin levels at those key times. Your body will also improve it's capacity to use stored fat for energy rather than relying on food all day long. 

You just need to give your body time to adapt with quitting and without binging, which brings me to my next point that can be obvious for people with experience but not so obvious for those of you who are beginners, and it's the fact that Fasting does not automatically guarantee weight loss or fat loss, in fact, it can completely backfire and cause the opposite, weight gain. Obviously, you're not going to put on fat while you're not consuming calories, but you can easily gain fat when you break your fast through a phenomenon known as compensatory eating. This is where the increased hunger and appetite that you'll experience after fasting can cause you to consume more calories than you would've consumed if you simply did not fast at all. It's pretty easy to understand that if you binge on high-calorie foods like ice cream and pizza after your fast you can quickly negate any potential calorie savings, that you achieved during your fast. Just because you've restricted the amount of time that you're allowing yourself to eat every day does not mean that you'll lose fat. Understand that it's not the time restriction itself, but rather the fact that the...
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I eat a keto diet and intermittently fast for 16 hours. I lost 60 pounds in 8 months and still have kept it off for 2 years.


Been fasting for 5 weeks done a 72 then followed up with 16/8 then done eight day straight 20/4 eaten only whole food eggs, fish, red meat, advacado i feel amazing ive shifted weight my body composition has changed i feel healthier i feel younger i actually look a bit younger i feel stronger its been an amazing short journey already cant wait to see the results in a year!


I've been on IF for 17 years, and all I can say that's is only benefits, no more hunger, full energy during all the day, mental clarity, my blood markers are phenomenal, etc... however, IF is no a magic pill for losing weight, it makes easier since the eating windows is smaller, but at the end of the day, all that matter is calories in vs calories out, the same for muscle, If you eat enough protein a calories, you will gain the same muscle as eating 6 meals, I have been doing it without problem. Best


I've been combining exercise with a nutritious diet, intermittent fasting, one Glucomannan serving during the day, and a casein shake before bed. Works for me.


Thabk you for clarifying on hunger percerptions and hunger cravings. Its so true, once you go through that short period of hunger pangs, it goes away and you realize you CAN fast!


updated now, thanks a lot for sharing these wonderful tips


I was just talking about this!!! Great video, thank you man!!! 💯❤🎉


Love your content and find it VRY informative! I was thinking about adding collagen protein powder but not sure what the pros and cons are to it. I looked to see if you did a video already but don’t see one!? Maybe you can make one??? Would love it if you did & if not no worries, keep up the great work!


I've been doing regular fasting for years and I love it, is very covenient, I save time in the kitchen


GT accompanies me over a few years and you helped me Stick to my Plans, lost 60 pounds with IF.
Gained back 30 but mostly muscles.
The Information adapt over time which is good.
This Channel needs more attention.
Thank you GT Team
Greets From Germany


The reset your are talking about in taste buds is true, i absolutely love the flavor of my food after eating only every 24 hours it tastes amazing, something I had lost years ago 🙏🏻.


Glad you commented on this it’s been floating around for weeks


I've been binging your videos on fasting that i didn't even realize this was posted 8 minutes ago 😂


Wo this is a very excellent and brilliant video bro telling about this 8 thing that anyone will not tell you about fasting and keep it up and keep up the great work as always and take care
Keep smiling always


I exercise at least 1 hours most days and eat once every 24 hours and at the end I sprint, no lack of energy but I do drink coffee with mct oil, I’m gaining muscle 💪 and del great . However twice a week I eat 2 to 3 times a day to prevent my metabolism from slowing down and semi to be working .


Just started intermittent fasting a week ago, this video couldn’t haven’t been timed better


Would u make a video where u present ESN products and give advice which u prefer


Hey bro, thanks for sharing. Did you know they made a study on a powerlifter training 3 Times /week with intensive trainings during a 7 days fast which showed no muscle loss even after fasting 7 days in a row : with no food during this long 7 days fast. I’ve been looking on my side for some studies showing a risk of loosing muscle mass over 3 days fasting (it concerns long fasting times) but it sounds not 100% sure because of this study done on a powerlifter practicing this fast of 7 days with even 3 trainings and hard training so guessed if you heard about it and would have more infos. Im not either 100% sure of the right answer. Only thing I know is I practice OMAD for months now and keeps increasing my muscle mass faster because I succeed to train harder now during my sessions so it helps and only do 48h fasting, never tried more yet. Thanks bro.


One question: is it ok to fast for 3-4 hours after a workout?


Thank you for breaking down the study. There are other fitness influencers who have still yet to do this investigation and debunking.
