What Just EMERGED At New Madrid Terrifies The Whole World!

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What Just EMERGED At New Mardrid Terrifies The Whole World!

Underneath the middle of America, a massive force lies dormant, hidden from the view. The New Madrid Seismic Zone holds stories of past destruction and hints at the potential for another major earthquake. While people go about their lives unaware, scientists and skeptics argue over the dangers that could happen. Could the ground shake violently like it did in the 1800s? Will there be a violent earthquake soon? Join us as we explore the possibility of sudden catastrophe right beneath us.

Early on December 16, 1811, the United States experienced a strange event: the earth started shaking hard. For example, tremors in Asheville, North Carolina woke many people. Although there was no major damage or deaths, it was scary for residents who had never felt an earthquake before.

A few days after, a local newspaper shared a witness's story. By itself, this might not seem important. But what was remarkable was the widespread nature of this event. Similar stories appeared in papers far and wide, from Natchez and Charleston in the south to Washington, Pittsburgh, Detroit, and New York in the north, covering distances as large as from the UK to Greece. Almost the whole country felt the quakes that night.
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Right now I feel far more threatened by our own government!!🇺🇸🇺🇸


I live there. If we die, we die. I refuse to live my life in fear.


2 Tim 1:7. God does not give us a Spirit of fear but of love m, peace and power.


Coincidentally, This is where the solar eclipse will pass over.


No matter what happens God is in control.Not man.


These quakes made the Mississippi River run backwards.


Interesting that government disaster response is just a bad today as in 1812.


The New Madrid earthquake zone, is a deep down fault line, and I mean really deep down. I live in Cheyenne Wyoming, and back in 1985 felt a earthquake. Too many of these fault lines are so deep down, they are not well known. Oh and during the 1811 quake, the Mississippi river flowed backwards for a time.


There was a solar eclipse also in 1811 on September 17 USA


Do any of you guys believe we are in the end times, book of revelations


Ya never know...but....the "big one" may not be California.


I saw on a dream that it was a huge earthquake in the area. It did affected texas too. My grandsons live in marion Illinois. I do pray for mercy for all the people of the world to my father God. Repent now return to Jesus. After the eclipse something is going to happen. Keep praying. Keep our father GOD close to you. Keep praying. God bless our nation and our families.


Just trust in Jesus and trust him to save you. If you are his in Christ you never need to fear.


I woke up this morning after waking from dreaming of this horrible earthquake that occured here where I live & the house I am at. So dreadful & scary ! Slow motion as allowing me to see it very vividly. It wasn't as though there was shaking to it, rather, the earth was rising & lowering just like waves of the Sea. The home here is large, it was causing the house to break & burst apart, the counter cabinets were seperating & raising off floor at each end about 3 ft, as the house riased & lowered - frightening !!! I told my sister, we got to get out of here ! Woke up.
I live in Southeast Indiana near the New Madrid Faultline.


The largest springs in the world are the ones formed when the 1811 quake hit. The Current, Eleven Point, Jacks, White and Black rivers are crystal clear and they are fed by those springs. I have canoed and kayaked this beautiful region.


1811 had an eclipse too, just saying.


Fascinating, especially since I live only 35ish miles from the 2011 Va. earthquake. I was cleaning my house when it occurred I watched the minute hand thinking it would be over in ten to 15 seconds…Wrong it was nearer to 46 sec. Prior to that day I had never been in an earthquake. The men performing some tree cutting said the truck was jumping about 2 inches!


This is the noise everyone is hearing it’s the earth making noises about to break loose causing massive earthquakes


Has dutchsense been blocked again he studies this stuff and lives in the Madrid area


The word safety is non applicable when you cannot control the hazard.
