What Just Happened At New Madrid Terrifies The Whole World!

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What Just Happened At New Madrid Terrifies The Whole World!

A shocking discovery in the New Madrid Seismic Zone has the world gripped with terror. Evidence has emerged of a catastrophic geological event brewing beneath the heartland, one that could violently rewrite the map of North America as we know it. Chilling first-hand accounts and prophetic visions depict a future of unimaginable devastation and continent-shattering forces.

Could these dire predictions finally be coming true? Is the sleeping giant about to awaken from its billion-year slumber?

Join us as we explore the scary details of what emerged in New Madrid that terrifies the whole world.

We've all heard the terrifying stories of massive earthquakes shaking the ground violently and swallowing up entire cities. But for most of us living in the heartland of America, the idea of a huge quake hitting our homes seems almost unthinkable. After all, aren't those kinds of natural disasters reserved for the West Coast folks living along those infamous fault lines? Well, we shouldn't be too confident yet because there's a seismic time bomb ticking right beneath our feet: the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
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On September 25, 2017 I wrote about a dream I had. In that dream, I saw a massive quake striking Ontario, Canada. This quake appeared to be centred on a line along the eastern shore of Lake Huron on a summer like day. As the quake unfolded, the ground was heaving and rolling like waves on a large lake and it was so powerful it caused extensive land deformation even far inland. It was also powerful enough to cause a large tsunami along the shoreline causing even more widespread damage.

My research in the years that have followed has shown that the rolling ground I foresaw is both unusual and rare to occur but can in fact happen. This earthquake I have foreseen showed severe and widespread damage in my home province of Ontario and I now believe it may possibly be somehow tied into this New Madrid Fault. The New Madrid fault should not be taken lightly and I'm happy to see others are working on preparations for dealing with and minimizing the impact of such an event.

History shows the extreme devastation this fault can cause and just how widespread and far reaching the damage can be. My reading also shows this fault seems to be a failed attempt in history to tear North America apart. I believe my dream is also a warning which should not to be ignored. My ongoing seismic research is what brought me to this video so quickly all these years later. It's also why I'm taking the time today to share my own dream warning of this disaster with you too.

Please take care,
David Hafner
Mitchell, Ontario, Canada


Hello New friend from Australia my friend. 😊😊😊😊😊


That arrows pointed at my town haha pretty damn close at least


I can't wait for The Big One.
To separate the sheep.
From the goats.
In this country.


He sees it because his religion and culture have created an attitude of ignorance about the environment and the lessons of science. Not faith but perception and serious competence. He sounds guilty.
