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Find out how to attract young women using the primal signals of attraction, and learn why they're much easier to attract for younger men than older girls.
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"A winner is a loser who tried one more time." -- George Augustus Moore


"I want a nice guy...but I will always leave with a bad boy."

You dont have to be a "bad boy" to get girls. It can be exciting for girls sure, but ultimately it just comes down to being confident and assertive, which can be done without being an asshole about it. You can be nice in the general sense, just don't be a pushover and be clear about your intentions.


The "nice guy vs bad boy" thing is not really about niceness, but about how confident and comfortable with yourself you present yourself as being. People think the bad boys get girls because they're bad; but the truth is it is because they don't act as if they're insecure about themselves; you don't have to stop being nice, you just have to stop being a doormat and not act as if you're worried what other people think of you.


"younger girls are easier to attract"
chris hansen: "take a seat over there"


One thing they missed, no matter what mission you assign yourself, always dress for success, looking nice is a real conference booster.


Thanks man! Tomorrow is my first day as teacher at my local elementary school!


Starts at 4:20 and ends at 5:11

Thank you


I attract females by climbing on to a big rock, and displaying my brightly colored head crests, while bellowing at the sky.


You can really tell how much time and effort this guy puts in his videos and how often he uploads. Keep it up!


This video made me want to sit on the TV and watch the couch


The way i attract younger girls is by being an older guy. Shit works


Skip to 4:20 if you don't want to hear a bunch of unrelated info.


3:36 Bill, now president: I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman.


Bill is now 45 looking for his third wife/girlfriend, has little access to his kids who are not being raised by their delinquent mothers in any way to prepare them for life and is paying a LOT of money each month while trying to hide any extra income he gets from his now meaningless promotions while battling health problems.
Bob eventually said goodbye to his aging dog at the vet and inspired by a random fitness infomercial started a little jogging and Pilates then took an online course in economics, met a school marm type of woman in her late 30's at a seminar on investing just as she was hitting the wall and learning humility, then got married, had two kids and today they own and run a modest but profitably stable cup cake and bagel shop.


That comparison of bob staying at home being bitter on the couch chilling with his dog falling asleep watching how to get rich fast from real estate is hilarious!


why is this in my recommended list im only 15 ... what am i gonna attract 7 yearolds?


"Why don't you just take a seat -- just take a seat right over their."


All women know all the tricks in the book. They are very much aware of the sweet smooth talk from us men. This crap will not work and will not persuade them at all one bit. Women decide whether they are going to fuck you or not as soon as they see you. The only thing you can do is fuck things up when you open your mouth. My advice is look presentable, smell good, especially if you are going to courageous invade her personal space, do not approach her unless you have the green light, you will usually get a sign, yup, gotta know how to read signs, usually eye contact and a smile is the sign. From that point on, just engage in smart intellectual conversation. Just make sure there is humor, show her that you are up to date with whats going on with the news, and you are not just some lame moron trying to hit on her. Compliment her, women love compliments but it better be unique and creative. Impress her by showing her that you are paying attention to details. Dont just make statements, ask questions, leave everything open for more conversation. Take initiative, be in charge, but also let her take the wheel from time to time. Make her feel comfortable, a little flirting, but avoid any skin touching! You cant do the skin on skin contact, unless SHE initiates any form of contact first. A handshake is ok. Just dont be rubbing her arm, or touching her elbow, or neck, none of that crap. Break this rules and you will end up by yourself at the end of the night, unless she had already decided to sleep with you before you even approached her. See how that works? Woman make up their mind just like us men. Everyone starts off with a chance. We are all visual beings, so if there is physical attraction, we all start off with a big fat YES, but we can quickly shut the door after we open our mouths. We are all a walking canvas. Imagine you go to an art museum/gallery, paintings attract you just by looking at them. You have no idea who painted it, what it means, or what type of paint was used. Yes, we all judge a book by its cover! So clean up, and look decent and presentable. Good luck to you all!


Man, you're blowing my mind eveytime! Actually I was being more and more life Bob but I'm gonna be more like Bill from now on! Thanks


Younger girls?, sir...if you could have a seat there please
