Exercise 8 - Your Dark Side

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Welcome back to my monthly series of exercises from my book, "The Laws of Human Nature." Today, I examine channeling your dark side.

Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, Mastery, The Laws of Human Nature, and most recently, The Daily Laws.

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Tell me how you channel your dark side in the comments below.


This video is fire. "your dark energy contains a lot of power, a lot of energy. Admit the energy and find a way to channel it. " Brilliant.


If there were two suns, I would have two shadows... There is one sun, so I have one shadow... No sun, no shadow...🙏


Robert Greene Exercise 8 in One word


It so true, whenever I'm jokingly rude, I get belly laughs from people and I belly laugh when someone else is, provided it was actually funny. I think it's because it's never really just a joke but a connection to each others' dark side. Just like Robert said, we love the expression of the dark side, when it's not hurting anyone.


I’m truly grateful for that this human being is still here with us, dispersing these rare jewels!! ❤🙏🏾🙌🏾


Please do more videos regarding this topic. We all have these emotions but self control is crucial. Proverbs 16:22 says; The one slow to anger is better than a mighty man. And the one controlling his temper than one conquering a city.


I know I probably don't need to say this to a guy like you Rob but NEVER stop doing the work that you do because you truly are changing lives.

I grew up as someone with a chronic lack of guidance and though I was able to keep out of jail there are still things I feel as though I'm lacking. Your works have helped me find paths to certain truths that I would have never found in my family or peer group.

Thank You for giving me the gift of imparted wisdom.


Redirecting your weakness or dark side into something positive. I am currently writing a book about loyalty. Based on all the loyalty dynamics I faced during my working years.. Thanks for reminding me again


when i was child i had expectations form my parents to be a good kid, and i showed respect and pleased everyone as much as i can .many people know me for that during my childhood, but when i had alone moments i had uncontrollable feelings that kept popping out i cry, burst out with anger, i felt others were better than me when it became overwhelming i started drawing arts, listening to music and i also created my own wierd hand game 😂.., anyways that gave me relief and i enjoyed it went this way productively


I think learning a musical instrument is an excellent way to befriend yourself, it unites the subconscious with the conscious mind. I also think it is possible to reason with your dark side. To see his side of the story is beneficial too.


I first stumbled upon your lesson on the shadow some years ago. I was already starting to develop the understanding of its importance but your books saved me so much time and from potential mistakes. I have been dancing with the darkness inside me for so long that it has become second nature. I have transformed into a machine of destruction, into a spawn of blackness.

With this much power in my hands I am able to move forward, to create a life that will allow me to blossom as the God of my realm. The best version of myself.

I truly have never been happier as now the Light and Shadow inside me have become eternal lovers. Thank you!


Thank you for explaining it like this, it definitely helped me understand why I've been having episodes lately.


You are absolutely right about power man! I just always wanted it but my weak self could never accept it. And also I agree with you on the fact that mastery gives you the ultimate power.
And once you develop mastery, you can also enjoy side politics. And enjoy The Game!
Politics without mastery would give you hollowness inside in spite of success but politics and understanding of human nature along with mastery will make you a God among men.


Love you for free, Robert Greene from KENYA. You should visit Kenya. Thanks.


I never knew I needed this, thank you Robert 🙏
Made me think about the book called Meeting the Shadow, it will be my next read for sure


A good man should be dangerous. But under control. A good man is powerful, and that power is harnessed towards the good and towards productive ends. Not a direct quote, but I think of this as Jordan Peterson.


I’m going through a hard time in life and you have no idea how much I have learned. Thanks a lot you are very blessed. And shine blessing other people with your knowledge. I admire the way you express your thoughts. Keep up the good work blessing people. I hope your book it’s very expensive I can afford to buy it.👍


Another great video Robert! Very inspiring. I'm a singer and a songwriter. I will definitely try and use more of my dark side in my work.


being creative and following my passion/obsession of producing music
