How will children born during the millennial kingdom be different from the resurrected saints?

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I’d love to have a lot of kids in the millennial reign and raise them to glorify Yah and follow his ways


Scripture please. I cannot bring myself into agreement with this teaching.


Our glorified bodies will be fashioned after Jesus’ resurrected body.

“who, by the power that enables Him to subject all things to Himself, will transform our lowly bodies to be like His glorious body.” - Philippians 3:21


I have been following this series and this is the first one that I cant agree with. I see no biblical evidence of this kind of "mortal" eternity or "tree of life" eternity where humanity is perpetuated as we do today. This is the first explanation that is more of a theory or, at best, a possibility and requires a disclaimer or better evidence. Either way, whatever it is, I cannot wait to see it in person! Maranatha!


I’m baffled with the Millennial Reign of Christ


I find it strange that when asked this question, his sole focus was on sex.
I’m going to give my opinion, but I’m not going to spend twenty minutes researching chapter and verse for all you people who say “chapter and verse please” you own a Bible, you look it up.
In revelation it says we will receive a glorified body and will be returned to the earth during the millennial reign. The Bible says a person can only die once. That obviously means that in our resurrected bodies we can not die. This in turn means nothing can harm us. We could stand outside in zero degree weather wearing shorts, Tshirt and flip flops and the cold will not bother us. We could go scuba diving without scuba gear and we will not drown. We could go 100 years without eating and we won’t feel hungry. We could be stabbed with a sword and no harm would be done.
We will rule and reign with Christ which is in Matthew mark luke and revelation. This means during the millennial reign we will occupy all positions of power and authority. “I will put you in charge of ten cities” which I think is in Matthew.


That's not fair. What about people who will be raptured that never got to have families or children that never grew up and were able to have families. So those people left who were unbelieving get to repopulate the earth?


I’ll be a spiritual mother. I loved motherhood so much.


No, no, no. I must take issue with this one because it is very confusing and I think Biblically inaccurate. It really was startling to say this, because most things on the show are pretty spot on and easy to verify with Scripture.

Everyone has a glorified body by the time the New Heavens and New Earth roll around. Nobody is living in the New Heavens and New Earth in these moldy old bodies that have been made somehow, tragically I might add in that case, immortal. Read on to find the tragedy.

Obvious problems with the interpretation in the video:

1. Thr Tree of Life isn't there during the Millenial Kingdom, but only exists in the New Heavens and the New Earth. (Rev. 20-22)

2. The people who survive the Great Tribulation are Believers, yes, but are (obviously) fallen people. I say obviously because they don't have glorified bodies, yet. Therefore, they have sin natures. If God wouldn't let Adam and Eve chomp down on the fruit of the Tree of Life because He didn't want them to live an eternity in sin, why in the world would He let these folks? Much less let them live an eternity like that on the New Heavens and Earth? Never!

3. There is no sin and death in Heaven. In the last video there was a reference to Isaiah 65:20. If you read from there to the end of the chapter, you can see it is a stream of consciousness narrative, not a chronological one. He (Isaiah) starts out referencing the New Heavems and Earth, but then starts talking about people dying at 100 years old and sinners dying at 100 years becsuse they were sinners. There is no sin and/or death in the New Heavens and Earth (Rev. 21:4)! Not there!

God revealed lots of things to Isaiah, but some things were still a mystery. You have to take all Scripture into account together and make sure it fits together flawlessly or you are interpreting it wrong. Isaiah had a foggy view of the future, John was given a much more clear one.

Blessings to all.


I find it hard to believe that there will be _anyone_ living during the Millennial Kingdom who will have regular bodies. That just doesn't seem right. I can barely even conceive of people with glorified bodies and people with unglorified bodies living side by side. How would that work? And yet, Isaiah 65:20, if understood to be referring to the Millennial Kingdom, seems to suggest that there _will_ be people with regular bodies living amongst people with glorified bodies, but the unglorified people will be blessed with biological longevity.


Matthew 22:30 Jesus answered:"At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven."

Only the tribulation survivors will keep breeding children because their physical bodies do not transform yet.


Isaiah 65:17 onward tells of chosen having children during the millennial reign of Christ


Not the entire eternity after 1000 years Satan will be released and deceive as many as the sand in the sea


Its completely wrong doctrine. Jesus said there will be no relationship in the Heaven. (Matthew 22:27-30)

More over paul speaks about every living person who will stand faithful till the end will be tranformed into a Glorified body in just a twinkling of an eye.
(1 Corinthians 15:51-53)

So there is no point of a Humans having babies in Heaven or in the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ.


That's it for this channel for me.


Um, I don't think you can have children in the "eternity future" whatever that means. I understand the raptured Saints not having children while the "normal people" can but once we get to heaven nobody has children anymore.


During the millennial reign of Christ, there will be only physical bodies on earth. Don't know where you people get this glorified bodies thing. There are only two types of bodies. A physical body for those on earth and a spiritual body for those in heaven.
There will be the people who survived the great tribulation who will be the foundation members of the new earth. . And then there will be the people who are resurrected back to the earth. John 5:28, 29 Everyone will have the same type of bodies that Adam had. Because what we are getting back to, is God's original purpose for the earth when he created Adam and Eve.
God purposed for man, was for them to live on earth forever in physical bodies that never aged or got sick. When you pray for God's Will to be done on earth, this is what you are praying for. When the devil got our first parents to sin, this did not change God's purpose for the earth. God never purpose for there to be glorified bodies on the earth. And those on earth will continue to marry and have children until the earth is full. As God told Adam, "Be fruitful and fill the earth." Not overfill the earth. At the end of the 1000 years, there will be no more children born. Those who survive the Second Death will be granted everlasting life on earth. Rev.20:5


I don't understand how people in Heaven for Eternity can continue to have children and populate the world. Will there be no limit to the children they can have? A couple could have thousands of children?!?


Eternity future?? How? My understanding is after the 1000 year reign. There'll be the white throne judgment and all believers Who did not originally get their glorified bodies will then get their glorified Bodies. All non believers will be thrown into the fiery pit ? I can accept if I'm wrong. However, there's nowhere in scripture that speaks of How things will be after the 1000 year reign?
