New Study Finds Developmental Differences For Children Born During Pandemic

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A new study reveals that children born during the pandemic are having issues with motor skills and social development due to the stress the pandemic has on the mother during pregnancy. 

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New Study Finds Developmental Differences For Children Born During Pandemic
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Imagine the outcomes of babies born to chronically poor women (like BEFORE the pandemic?), women in abusive relationships, and those with mental health issues. Are we just now realizing these women's children may have been at risk before they were born?


My daughter was born April 2020. I had 3 panic attacks during my pregnancy, my house was robbed while I was asleep, my grandma was in the hospital fighting covid the same time I was giving birth, it was a very stressful time for me. That being said, I think my daughter is actually very advanced.She was walking at 10.5 months, at 16 months she was saying her abcs, counting to 10 and she recognized her letters and numbers.


Are women who are vaccinating while pregnant being studied relative to women who aren't vaccinating while pregnant?

Really curious how that will turn out over the next few years.


I’m a early childhood teacher of over 7 years and I can honestly say that nothing is better then having one on one time with your children. They can benefit from a social environment but they flourish when they have your undivided attention in a safe fostering environment.


I gave birth to my daughter April 2021 and I was having strokes ( diagnosed with TIA ), lost my home, lost my job but I can actually say my daughter just turned 9 months and she already crawling, talking and she already trying to walk. With god Grace life gets better with each and one of us 🙏🏼


I am currently 17 weeks pregnant and I barely leave the house and I think this is a good thing for my pregnancy. I don't have unnecessary stress like a work commute, having to stand for long periods of time, or having to wait to lay down.


60 is a really small sample size, not enough to draw a conclusion from, but certainly warrants a further study at larger scale


My daughter was born April 2020. She started holding her head up a few hours after birth, siting up at 4 months, climbing on things at 6 months, started walking holding on to things at 7 months, walking without holding on a week away from turning 9 months, figured out how to open her baby gates at 15 months, started climbing out of her crib at 18 months etc. She is now 20 months old and eats with utensils, drinks out of cups/mugs without spilling. It’s been NONSTOP with her. She is a VERY social baby, smiles and waves at everyone.


Mom's health are extremely important


Every baby develops at their own pace. Even siblings aren't always comparable!


Humans are wired well for short bursts of even intense stress. Long term constant stress messes us up.


I thought they were going to talk about how advanced the babies are born during covid. My daughter was born in 2020 and already scooting across the exam table at her first appointment. I keep hearing from other people how their babies come out already sitting up and things. Will be having another baby next month. We'll see...

There have already been studies regarding the correlation between stress in the womb and mental health later in life of those children...


A lot of women found themselves jobless during the pandemic. Many had to get divorced or get sheltered due to domestic violence by their male partners.

Add to that the pandemic itself and you have this.

We need to treat our women better. They are the ones who will raise and make the next generation.


My heart goes out to these families. Never crossed my mind this was even happening. Just a reminder to be compassionate/kind. We really never know what people are dealing with. 🙏🏾


I had my daughter July 2020. She came out of NICU just in time for when I was discharged. She was lifting her head the first day home. She was laughing smiling very interactive in the first days of being born. It was shocking. She was moving her head and eyes to her dads voice in the NICU. She starting walking for sure at 10 months. She is 18 months now and she practically running extremely active kid. She knows her numbers colors and her abcs already. I only have to teach it to her once and she remembers it. She even learns songs after hearing it once. This was her first real Christmas and she learned silent night after hearing it once. She loves singing lol. I know so many other babies born during the pandemic and they are just advanced. I can’t wait to be so supportive of what she wants to do in life.


I'd like to see if there's a difference between vaccinated vs un-vaccinated births


I don’t see this in my child. She was born in June 2020 and was saying “I love you” by 9 months. She’s cognitively advanced.. imagines like an older toddler, solves puzzles very fast, and was well into 250 words & 2/3 word sentences as she approached 18 months. Looking forward to seeing if my 2nd pandemic baby (due in April) will be similar. I’ve also had Covid in both pregnancies and been fortunate to have healthy outcomes.


I'm glad this is being discussed. I've always felt that the grief and stress I experienced while carrying my child (pre-pandemic) contributed to developmental challenges. Having had some treatment during pregnancy might have made a difference.


For any first time moms, my only advice is to ignore the war stories. I realize i had my babies before the pandamnit, but i realized after my first birth that all of those stories were scare tactics. 💗 I still remember holding my 8 lb+ baby (and yes I'm small framed) and thinking ... "ok, it wasn't the easiest thing ever, but I was waaaay more fearful than i needed to be." Then i couldn't get over how much i loved my baby. I was thinking i would not be able to bond at all. Instead, i fell in love with that mini-Me 🥰
Congratulations to any new moms or moms to be. They grow fast. Enjoy it 💗💗💗


I kept trying to explain to people that my son's ADHD was possibly caused from me being in a Domestic Violence situations and I was already a domestic violence survivor during my pregnancy. I bet this is possible. He was a very active baby at a few months
