Is it possible to do DNA testing before a baby is born to find out who the father is?

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You wanted to know about paternity testing and what your options are before and after the baby's birth. And there is a test called non-invasive prenatal paternity testing that can be done anytime after the 8th week of pregnancy. And the mother's blood is drawn and compared to a sample from the father, or potential fathers, to determine who the father actually is. And it's 99.9% accurate. There is absolutely no risk to the baby by doing this test. There are more definitive tests that can be done, but it can cause potential harm to the pregnancy and put the baby and pregnancy at risk, so for this reason, the blood test is recommended if the mother needs to know paternity during the pregnancy.

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Anyone who needs this video is not ready for a child


If DNA testing was mandatory at birth, we would save alot of ppl stress, money and time that they would have wasted otherwise.
The child also get what he or she needs or at least the knowledge. I know ppl who went their whole life without know because ppl keep it from them.


May God remind me of this... when the time comes


I love how she grins every time she says “father or potential fathers”. LOL


I really like your video, however I feel nowadays the test should be mandatory, since so many women lie to the husband/lover/ boyfriend about him being the father. Or here’s another alternative, if it is proven the male is not the father/husband and he is ordered to pay child support by the courts. Then the ex husband/one night stand/ lover should demand and get all monies paid returned to him. Man can you imagine what that would do to the child support system. Can you say bankrupt! So, for everyone’s best interest make DNA testing for newborns paternity mandatory.


This is information easily accessible for someone who knows how to read.


I cannot find not one damm review on getting a paternity test while pregnant. The reviews that I do see have nothing to do with actual women who had the test and the results were right. Smh what’s the point of adding these videos and articles just to explain the test but no one and I mean NO ONE has said if this test has personally worked for them or not


Pretty messed up laws we have when we need the mother's consent for a paternity test after the child is born.


If there are potential fathers this is certainly not someone you want to be having a kid with.


But it's the mother's blood not the baby's


"if the mother needs" but what about the need of the child and the father? the child has the right to know who their real father is, and has the right to be raised by their real father.

and men just like women should be able to decide whether they raise a child or not, they should be able to make the decision with full information available to them. by the way,

I'm pro-abortion I think women should be able to decide and men should be able to decide.

so the test should be mandatory, if you do this then you will get the support of men, including conservative men to pass abortion laws.


when i was a kid. i feel that my father secretly done this test.
i vaguely remember the detail.s
he took me to some kind of lab, he drew blood from my index finger and spread over a some kind of sheet. that's all i can remember
i never knew my blood group till graduation, even to my parents.


The fact that some see this as a necessary says a lot about our society today. Women lie, sleep around, can't be trusted, etc. Just how many sex partners did you have while you were ovulating ?


Does tht test cost money to do? Nd how much if yu kno.


If you never had sex with woman baby is not yours. The father is the one who signs the birth certificate.


Can you please reply. I did a test but all I had to do was put 3 drops in blood on is thing. And a swab from Dad mouth. I live in the U.K. and sent it to Canda it cost me £350. It came back that his the dad but they never received it for 2 weeks as I used the wrong posting service. The people in the U.K. said that it will get spoiled and therefore if won’t work but the people in Canda bare in mind they work for the same company said it had a 6 months shell life. I read loads and loads of reviews saying it all a scan even to a point a women believing it her white husband child it came out black like her lover. I have now told the other father their maybe an uncertainty who the father is and he beyond furious. We doing the blood test one now so know it going to cost over £1100 but am just wondering this is really a good test or was the other test okay? X


I’m currently pregnant and wanted to see if it’s possible to do a dna from a sibling? Potencial father is in méxico and I have no contact with him. I would like to know if my daughter that I know it’s his is also his daughter of new baby coming.


Hello ma’am

My wife is B-be
I’m O+ve
Our first son B+ve (6year)

Anti-D was also given immediate post delivery.

She got pregnant second time now, but her ICT is Positive & Titre is 1:64.

No abortion or miscarriage etc. history between first delivery & second pregnancy.

Can you guide us please to continue with this pregnancy or not ?? Because we are not ready for anemia/ jaundice / blood transfusion or such medical conditions..

When can we know Blood group of baby in womb ??


What can be the cost of noninvasive prenatal paternity test, ..
