Why Was Jesus Baptized? - Matthew 3

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May 7, Matthew 3, Why Was Jesus Baptized?

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And Jesus received the Holy Spirit. And we receive the Holy Spirit after we are baptized.


Since the word baptize is a transliteration, not a translation, could it not be translated, "I need to be purified, by you...?


I agree. I would further say that Jesus wouldn't have been perfect if he wasn't baptized, because he told John to suffer him to be baptized to fulfill ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS. This implies if he isn't baptized that he no longer fulfills all righteousness. That's one of the reasons I believe in baptisms for the dead, which provides those who have died a chance to accept Christ before the final judgment at the end of Christ's millennial reign on the earth.


How about Jesus getting baptized by John because he was from the high priesthood lineage


Does this demonstrate that baptism itself does not wash away sins, but rather it is a symbolic act of obedience demonstrating faith and righteousness? Ie. Jesus didn't need to be baptised to wash sins away but He did 'need' to be baptise in order to be obedient and righteous in that obedience. So too, disciples demonstrate the faith, by which they are made righteous, in their obedience and in their proclamation of repentance?


Interesting take. I would have said there might be another reason. We are to follow Christ. The first step for the new believer is to be baptized (though today some instruction is necessary first). The great commission doesn't stop at baptism. Once a disciple is baptized they are to be taught by the other disciples to obey God's commandments. Baptism isn't the last step to our salvation, just the beginning instead. Without instruction in God's commandments the baptized person is in a worse place than if he/she wasn't baptized because he/she would be under the delusion that he/she was "safe".

(The following isn't necessary to understand my point but is useful if you want to what to know what comes next.) (Also this is what the Eastern Church teaches not Roman Catholicism.)

After Jesus was baptized he was driven out to the desert to be tested by the devil. The new believer is tested by the devil to pry them back away from God. Jesus quoted scripture back to the devil (who was misusing it). That is why the new believer should be taught the Bible as a tool to fight Satan. Jesus after this gathered his disciples and He instructed to be "fishers of men" for 3 years. We need fellowship with others in the church and when we do Christ is there also (why we take communion). When we take communion we take part in the divine nature of God. That is why the church denied communion until after baptism and chrismation. Note - when Paul heard of Christians who were baptized, yet had not received the Holy Spirit, he corrected the situation by the laying on of hands (anointing them in the traditions of the early church taught by the apostles directly).
If baptism was all that was necessary then the New Testament could have been written on a postcard. Not only that but Jesus taught the apostles in person and those apostles passed it on to the church through Bishops, Elders, and Deacons.

Note - today the church will instruct converts for a period of time before baptism (catechism). This tradition was started because new converts would often come from paganism.

(Note much of what I wrote is condensed for brevity)
