Remarriage is NOT a Sin! - Pastors Doug Perry & Darius Good

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Pastors Darius Good (Connecticut) and Doug Perry (Kansas City) talk about marriage and remarriage and what the Bible REALLY says. There's been a LOT of misunderstanding and bad teaching about what Jesus meant on this topic. Hopefully this is the first of several conversations on this topic. Please comment and let us know if you'd like to see more.

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Paul said AFTER one dies then he or she is free to remarry. 1 corinthians 7 :39. Romans 7 : 1 -3. John the Baptist was persecuted. for this reason when he rebuked Herod for having his brothers wife. But Will God work in this way ?. It doesnt sound right because God can never contradict his own word by approving remarriage while first spouse is living.🤔


People who are divorced NEED this! They will be able to pay attention for an hour! Please do another show! Actually you need to do a debate show weekly so people can get involved. It will help open minds and help people understand that what they think they know came from those who thought they knew!!!


Someone needs to make sure that this message gets out! Do you know how many people are living in bondage? How many divorced people are miserable and alone because they've been lied to? Do you know how many pastors have caused people to despise them after they learn the truth? Do you know many years of wasted time and agony this lie causes? How many refuse to go to church over this condemnation by the pastors? How many stopped reading their Bibles because they feel hopeless because these evil pastors cause them to slowly die instead of having life. How many divorced people no longer pray because they believe that their Father would do this to them - condemn them to a life of misery or be a sinner and go to hell. THAT is being taught in baptist churches all over the world!


My roommate said this was the teaching she thinks was the answer to her prayers for clarity and truth on the subject. It's a burden lifter for sure.


This was a great conversation! Good Biblical understanding of divorce and remarriage!


Where in Scripture does it say Paul left his wife?


At the 40 minute Mark it speaks of Jesus words but it was not mentioned hpw Jesus said moses gave the rule on divorce was because of their hardness of heart. In the orginal text it is speaking on lack of understanding
Also thess old testament things being spoken of seem to be talmudic in some instances.


very edifying I must say, where can I get rest of this convo?


I love Darius teaching on marriage and divorce. I’ve been listening to his podcast for about a week or two. Very good!


Why don't we have more pastors like you guys? We NEED intelligence at the pulpit!


Sure, if someone is widowed, it is not adultery.


Absolutely wonderful...what freedom and life we have in our Father .loved it...thank you.
It was good. And bad. And ugly a good way..
Appreciate you guys soooo much


No! No! No! They took your TP! NO, NO!
