Remarriage is NOT a Sin 2 - Doug Perry & Darius Good

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This is a follow-up discussion with Pastors Doug Perry (Kansas City) and Darius Good (Connecticut) about divorce and remarriage. They discuss specific verses and what Jesus (and Moses) meant about marriage. This topic is a LOT more nuanced and complicated then most pastors would have you believe. God is not a God of bondage and suffering. He came to set people at LIBERTY. His yoke is easy and His burden light - when you listen to the Holy Spirit and not to the legalism of men and demons.

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I appreciate this... I was cheated on many times, my name ruined via lies and public reviling, and thrown in jail under false accusations of domestuc violence if I ever complained about anything... This from someone who went to Gods house with me... Yes, I divorced the person after 17 years of that kind of treatment.... She was never "a wife/helpmeet."


Was so waiting for this part 2. Thanks for your time and efforts.


I've been divorced now for nearly 10 years, I pray everyday for the Lord to bring a spouse into my life, I still have hope but my belief in if he wants to is fading. I too was clubbed with this issue when I was first divorced, the devil attacked me daily and I was contemplating suicide because of this. It took our Greek priests, to put me right about this issue.


I'm down for some Part 3. Very informative conversing from experience from these brothers. This ought to give the people much too pray about, study anew, and rejoice in if truth has been revealed and received. This makes me think of when Jesus told Satan that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. It's important to know that God's words are pure and freeing if received in the manner of truth that God intends for those that believe.


Why does all and I mean all churches, teach that whoever divorces the spouse, whatever the reason, is NOT free to remarry but the person that didn’t file for the divorce is free and clear, regardless of THEIR contribution to the demise of the marriage AND if the person that initiated the divorce is going to hell?


What does, "what God has joined together, let not man put asunder" mean?


Paul told the Corinthians to remain single --- they were discussing the current times they were living in and what was coming. Of course - knowing what they were about to experience - of course it was better to be single because each individual could be responsible for only themselves, verses a spouse and themselves. Paul did not create our Commandments and words spoken by him are not laws.


Please touch more on 1 Corinthians 7 especially verse 15


Good study yall brought some good scripture out.


Wow thank you for this video. Ive learned so much!


At a church in GA - I wanted to take my own camera to events and photograph people on my own dime - as my way of doing something for the church. But no. I was divorced so... actually, the man thought I was divorced but I wasn't legally so I was technically 'separated' (apolyo). I stated that I helped with Awanas in that very church and others... he asked "Weren't you married then?" So I was discarded because I was divorced. Okay to volunteer your time at the church if you're married. But if you're divorced you're second-class and not only are you not wanted or needed - you are now deserting church all-together.


Sorry, why is the Hammurabi code so relevant if it’s a Babylonian text? Thanks!
