#Bible about #Remarriage

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Thank you, God and Jesus, for everything 🙏 ❤❤❤❤❤❤Amen


Lord Jesus forgive me of my sins in Jesus's sweet name I pray 🙏 Amen 🙏 ❤


Preach it. Too many Americans these days treat marriage as a title of renown or accomplishment selfishly instead of sticking through the ups n downs. Thank you for finding these verses and putting them together. Very knowledgeable scripture that I had not known until today 🤙🏻💚


Thank you. The Bible should be our guide.


If the unbelieving spouse wishes to leave the believing spouse, let him depart. A brother or sister is not in bondage in such cases. God hath called us to peace.


Listen, it's better to stay single ( it's safer 😇👌👍) Yessir 😊 ( Self control.. honored it)


Amen! For the LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth! We need him. Everyday we wake up.


Scripture also states, that you can divorce your spouse for adultery. Freeing you up to remarry. STARFIRE CHOSEN ONE 🌟🔥😇.


Also in Matthew Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ says that infidelity also breaks the laws of marriage and if you choose to get divorced due to infidelity and remarry then it’s not adultery either. #JesusIsLord


Jesus Christ Loves You All & Is Coming Soon Repent Before Its To Late ✝️😊🙏 and draw near to him ❤️❤❤


That is why I turned down proposals 😢I wanna be sure I marry the right man


Amen to God bless him Jesus Christ love him pray for him Jesus Christ love him pray for him Jesus Christ amen


But what if the husband constantly cheats or abuses his wife?! Does she have to stay and deal with it?! I’ve seen a lot of battered wives who chose to stay with their husbands for the kids and God sake! It only created more problems, sometimes even death 😩🥺🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


I've dated 2 guys my whole life.. I'm 56..I married both..
One from 19-40.. My current..47 till now.. Sometime divorce is just inevitable in today's world 😢


I feel I tried in my first marriage hard not to get divorced I didn’t know my husband had addiction illness which I stood by for years to help while he didn’t work most of our marriage I also Soley supported family then the affairs started and I stayed until the last affair where he refused to stop seeing the person so I told him after many months if he didn’t that was it I was leaving and he still refused so I left and remarried and have been married for 14 years … I feel now everyday I see my husband I’m sinning against God it’s an aweful thing to live with hurting my lord and savior


Seperti Matius (Mat 19:3-9), Markus mencatat pernyataan Yesus kepada orang Farisi mengenai perceraian dan mengutip kata-kata Kristus, demikian, ”Barang siapa menceraikan istrinya dan menikah dengan orang lain, berbuat zina terhadap istrinya, dan seandainya seorang wanita, setelah menceraikan suaminya, menikah dengan orang lain, ia berbuat zina.” (Mrk 10:11,  12) Pernyataan serupa dicatat di Lukas 16:18, yang berbunyi, ”Setiap orang yang menceraikan istrinya dan menikahi wanita lain berbuat zina, dan dia yang menikahi seorang wanita yang diceraikan seorang suami berbuat zina.” Jika hanya melihat ayat-ayat itu, seolah-olah para pengikut Kristus dilarang untuk bercerai apa pun
alasannya, atau setidaknya ayat-ayat itu menunjukkan bahwa orang yang bercerai tidak berhak kawin lagi kecuali pasangan hidup orang yang diceraikan itu telah mati. Akan tetapi, kata-kata Yesus yang dicatat oleh Markus dan Lukas harus dipahami dengan mempertimbangkan pernyataan yang lebih lengkap yang dicatat oleh Matius. Ia menambahkan frasa ”kecuali atas dasar percabulan” (Mat 19:9; lihat juga Mat 5:32), yang memperlihatkan bahwa apa yang Markus dan Lukas tulis ketika mengutip perkataan Yesus tentang perceraian berlaku jika dasar perceraian itu bukan ”percabulan” (por·neiʹa) yang dilakukan oleh pasangan hidup yang tidak setia.

Yesus mengajarkan bahwa ada satu alasan seseorang bisa bercerai. Dia mengatakan, ”Kalau seseorang menceraikan istrinya, kecuali karena perbuatan cabul,  lalu menikah dengan orang lain, dia berzina.” (Mat. 19:9) Dia juga mengatakan hal yang sama dalam Khotbah di Gunung. (Mat. 5:31,  32) Dalam dua kesempatan itu, Yesus menggunakan istilah ”perbuatan cabul”. Istilah ini mencakup dosa seperti perzinaan, pelacuran, juga hubungan seks di luar nikah, dengan sesama jenis, dan dengan binatang. Misalnya, jika seorang pria yang sudah menikah melakukan perbuatan cabul, istrinya bisa memutuskan apakah dia mau menceraikan suaminya itu atau tidak. Jika mereka bercerai, Allah tidak lagi menganggap mereka sebagai suami istri.

Sekarang, Yesus memberitahukan sebuah aturan penting: ”Saya katakan kepada kalian, kalau seseorang menceraikan istrinya, kecuali karena perbuatan cabul [Yunani,  porneia] lalu menikah dengan orang lain, dia berzina.” (Matius 19:9) Jadi menurut Alkitab, perbuatan cabul adalah satu-satunya dasar untuk perceraian.

Jika orang Kristen ingin bercerai, ia bisa jadi bebas atau tidak bebas menikah lagi menurut Alkitab. Yesus berkata, ”Barang siapa menceraikan istrinya, kecuali atas dasar percabulan, dan menikah dengan orang lain, berbuat zina.” (Mat. 19:9) ”Percabulan” memaksudkan perzinaan dan dosa seksual yang serius. Orang Kristen harus berdoa meminta bimbingan Allah jika ia mempertimbangkan untuk bercerai padahal teman hidupnya tidak melakukan percabulan.


When I have been married to three women who the first filed to have our marriage annuald because she felt that she was not worthy of the marriage, my second marriage was to a woman that used me until she died from cancer , and my third wife was the only one that put her support in me as the head of the family and yet I also lost her cancer and heart failure. Other than my first wife I never left my second and third wives till they passed away.


Amennnn 🙏🙏🙏. The bible the lord gives You a letter off divorce iff cheating.


Yes on the death off a spouse not on divorce God detests divorce


It is a good thing to be familiar with all the rules, because they are His requirements. Folks think 10 is all thats needed...
