Isn't it arrogant to believe divorce and remarriage is adultery since so many wise pastors do not?

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Part of a documentary/interview with Kerry Shannon, his testimony concerning divorce and remarriage, and the need for the Church to repent of this sin.

Full Documentary here:

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Before coming to the knowledge that divorce after remarriage while your spouse is alive is adultery, I used to sincerely ask the Lord, "God, what is the point of marriage if I could remarry anyone I want? What is even the point of abstinence if marriage with whomever I want is possible, or so I think it's possible since so many people are doing it? You can apparently be one flesh with anyone, whenever you want as long as you're married."

Little did I know... there is a serious significance to holy matrimony and the Spirit was leading me to his truth on the matter. And now I praise him so much for revealing it to me.


Is not what pastors think it what the BIBLE SAYS....
It s what Jesus said out of his own mouth. Jesus’ word has more Authority than a pastors.


A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.


And MANY false prophets shall rise, and shall DECEIVE many.


Only the death of a partner breaks the marriage covenant made in the sight of God that will allow a remarriage of the surviving spouse all else is adultery. And adulterers will not have a place in heaven


Marriage is a covenant. A covenant can only be broken by death. Under NO circumstances are you allowed to remarry unless the spouse dies.


‘whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.’ Matthew 5:32


Question: Isn't it arrogant to believe divorce and remarriage is adultery since so many wise pastors do not?
Answer: No. It isn't arrogant to believe divorce and remarriage - while the spouse yet lives - is adultery, because no pastor being wise would ever advocate for such wickedness. Only prideful pastors will walk in willful sin and teach others to do the same... Only prideful pastors make merchandise of men's souls... as they entertain their fans and in turn reap the rewards - cash donations - for their Mixture (false teachings that tickle the ears of sinners)... Only prideful pastors are arrogant enough to reject God's Word as they mock God with their fake and false worship. So it isn't arrogant to believe divorce and remarriage - while the spouse yet lives - is adultery... because God has said it is arrogant to believe otherwise.


Divorce and remarriage hurt children and the innocent. A man could get himself killed by moving in with a divorced woman’s estate. Pastors who preached that the Bible teaches remarriages are OK under some conditions absolutely fail on this issue. Google David Pawson on this issue.


Unto the false prophets: PROVERB 17:15
He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.


When the one pastor says "I think that's what it means "
That's the biggest problem in today's think!"
Read the scriptures....what does does God think?


Wise pastors listen to what God says in His Word and not to other people's opinions.


Paul said you aren’t under bondage. He didn’t say you aren’t bound.


I have prayed that the Lord send many more of His servants to speak the truth on this matter which had sadly fallen into the cracks with His people. All glory unto Him. When Paul said that one is "no longer bound, " he goes on to add, "because the Lord has called us to peace." Peace? Does remarriage constitute peace? No, that which the Holy Spirit (through Paul) is referring to is no longer being bound to marital duties, which can no longer be otherwise conducted in a peaceful manner.

Concerning divorce, The Father can separate His people out from their marriage for His purposes as He did in the Book of Ezra (no where does Scripture say that the Lord cannot separate out that which He or man has joined together). However, Paul does not mince words when He tells those who are divorced to remain unmarried. If remarriage was allowed whilst the first spouse was still alive, then what prohibits 3 marriages or 5?

I walk in this example, personally. The Lord has not ordained a spouse for me, and so I needed to lay those desires on His Holy Altar, along with my life, in order for the flesh to be crucified and to die to self.

Last but not least, the Lord's judgement is now upon us and it begins in His House. Christians who are living in sin are under this judgement- not His provision and protection, as most believe.


There is never a licence to remarry after divorce what a horrible false teaching. What a twist of scripture.


This video was poorly put together. Putting brief snippets of comments made by a bunch of different people was a stupid mistake by whoever made this thing.


*"Isn't it arrogant to believe divorce and remarriage is adultery...?"* Not to put too sharp a point on it but, no, it isn't.


Some Pastors I know, they believe in remarriage, yet every time one of the saints (or one the Pastors that believe in the truth) pressure them and ask them if they believe you can remarry, they would get nervous and try to skip the subject in conferences, or they’ll go completely off topic and not answer the question. Their lack of boldness just goes to show how insecure they are about their own doctrine. It’s hard to be confident in a doctrine you know is false.


Apparently picking and choosing parts of some of those pastors talking about divorce equates to them believing divorce is okay with conditions. God hates divorce as stated in Malachi.


GOD also said many pastors are going to hell!
