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Has God's Word failed because Israel are not currently saved? No, because God's children are through faith not natural descent or works. Whoever receives Christ, the Promised One, by faith are Abraham's children whether a Jew or Gentile. ROMANS 9 summed up in 3 sentences.

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Wow, I cannot thank you enough for this teaching. I read Romans 9 and totally saw it in the wrong light. I prayed, with tears in my eyes, asking God to show me what he really meant by this chapter because I knew that the premise of him selecting some and not others completely went against what I believed in my heart about his love and what scripture taught. This teaching really opened my eyes to what the Lord was saying. Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to teach this and put it out there for us to see ❤️


no explanation needed. It says what it means and means what it says~


WOW! The explanation on this video was amazing and made so much sense. I always struggled understanding this chapter because my interpretation of it was incorrect. It was my incorrect interpretation of it vs God's true character; Knowing God's character and his goodness I knew that who he is was clashing with how I was understanding this chapter. You broke it down in such an amazing way that shows the way I see his character is so true and fault is in the way I was reading it. It's like in my head as I read it I'm like (Lord the way I'm understanding this doesn't sound like who you really are so I know I'm missing it). Thank you so much, Our God is gracious, merciful, and simply amazing. Blessings.


TQ dear Ps Ryan for this beautiful teaching on this chapter. This is the 1st time I am hearing your msg. Thank you for allowing the Spirit of God to do this work through you.


This chapter hits me in the heart in so many ways: the first is that I’m lucky enough to be adopted or ‘grafted’ into the kingdom by my faith and that I actually have been found by Jesus in spite of my family being spiritual if not actual genetic canaanites. Paul is so amazing! It breaks my heart that not my husband nor anyone in my family can see clearly all the evidence that supports our faith. It’s kind of the same with the world and seeing through propaganda. I’m glad at least my husband can see that now but when it comes to his eternal soul he is still too dubious. Please pray for him.


New Subscriber, yooo I haven’t heard someone teach this simply in a long time. I’m in Romans right now but for some reason chapter 9 took me a lil more time to grasp. This was good.💯


Tnk u so much for your explanation Ryan. I enjoyed and understood yours the most. So il continue watching all romans by u. ❤lina from Lebanon


This was so accurate bro may God love you for me❤️❤️❤️❤️


Wow! Verse by verse! Thank you! It's a hard book to understand but you have helped me. Thank you


I love your teaching . Thankyou for helping me wĥo fiñds the bible is difficuĺt to understand. 10 th December 2023. 23.41 pm


Thank you for this explanation! And i loved your level of passion 🤍 God bless!


Thank you lord Jesus♥️
Thanks bor for explanation
God bless you


When you said “cosmic lottery, ” I laughed; I had used the same phrase recently when trying to describe Calvinism. I have recently been doing my own research on the topic by studying the Bible and looking at context and using cross referencing (I am not Calvinist and don’t understand how Calvinism is biblical or in God’s character). Commentaries are definitely insightful and helpful!


Amen! Thank you for the very good and clear exposition. God bless you more!


Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Revelation 3:18
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.


Remember the apostle was seeing and feeling with Gods love. Simply by telling of his love and concern for Israel and how he grieved for them. It was with the love of God she’d abroad in his heart. Philippians chapter 2 verse 3 says “Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves.” Verse 5 “Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus.” These verses are not as it were lip service but these things is what our Savior felt. He was lowly in heart and humbled himself. And the esteeming others better than yourself is an actual experience for the believer; it happens when one is filled with the Holy Spirit.


Thank you so much for the clarification of chapter 9. Many blessings to you.


Thank you for clarifying as I had become confused on reading the chapter.


Paul already dealt with what qualifies us for salvation. He’s not addressing that here. It comes up here only because there is no other way of salvation, so in a text that’s clearly soteriological, faith is necessarily included but it’s not the focus. Verse 6 tells us what he’s addressing here. He’s answering the objection that the word of God has failed because the Jews by and large have rejected the Messiah. The short answer is “for they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel.” He then goes at length unpacking that statement for 3 chapters while also answering further objections that come up along the way.


thank you brotherRyan, for a clear explaination. 🙏
