Romans 9 Explained in Context Refutes Calvinism as Dangerous Religious Elitism

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A teaching on Romans 9 in context with the entire Letter to the Romans in particular with cross references to Romans Chapter 1, 9, 10 and 11. Whom does God love or not love? Whom will God show mercy or not show mercy? Find out the answers in Scripture presented in this video.

Also, we see the importance of how Paul loved his fellow Jewish people and was trying to persuade those arrogant religious elitist Pharisees and other Jewish religious leaders of the true Gospel of Christ which saves, because they were delusional and full of pride thinking they were the Elect, the only ones God had chosen for mercy and salvation and not those heathen Gentiles.

#Calvinism #Romans9 #GospelMessage #FaithonFire
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Logic alone debunks Calvinism.

For what purpose is God commanding those He has purposely, predetermined to be burned forever without Atonement for sin, to believe in a gospel that doesn't save them?

The reprobate are burning in hell knowing Jesus was never their Savior, and never made propitiation for sin, even though they were commanded by a deceitful omnipotent being to "Repent & believe the gospel", when no such gospel ever existed for them.

If your interpretation of Scripture violates logic, you went wrong a while back.

Calvinism is not of the Father, but from fallen man.


To the *JEW* first ... and also to the *GREEK* .... I love that verse so much so that I named my channel after it. 😎


Arminianism. "I was smart to choose God you were not."


"I praise God for the grace that he has given me, and that his grace is amazing.",


I think this saying that MacArthur should call his ministry Grace to Few quite funny but also true. I say that calvinists seems to understand the Gospel and can preach it but only as bait and then comes 5 points and total calvinistic depravity and there is no more Gospel just some weird ideas .


The term 'pagan fatalism' is so spot on! Great work, Brian.🙏✨
Indeed the Gospel is for EVERYONE, and everyone is offered God's GRACE TO BELIEVE. no works required to be saved, but FAITH ALONE!


A very powerful Gospel teaching and that was simple to understand and follow. Paul really summed it up in Romans chapter 10 verse 1.


It amazes me that Israel never understood their purpose: to be God's ambassadors, to attract the nations and invite them to worship God. They were angry with Christ for mentioning the faithful outside of Israel.
I've been in Kings & Chronicles.


Thank you brother for this video, loved it I haven't watched the other ones yet, I've been pretty sick and still am so I just haven't been on top of my game... I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to watching your other videos 🌹😊


It would be helpful for Calvinists to notice that, peppered throughout the entire chapter of Romans 9, there are a plethora of Old Testament references.

This is by design. Why?

Paul was answering Jewish interlocutors attempting to object to the Gospel.

In essence, Paul was using what the Hebrews of the time knew (their own religious texts) to prove the Gospel right.

Calvinists have painted Romans 9 with the narrative that a fake Arminian interlocutor contends against a fake Calvinistic Paul.

Yet, neither Paul nor his interlocutors would have had any concept of how Calvinism even related to the conversion, let alone what Calvinism even was. Calvinists need to learn to read the Bible in the context of its own time and audience.


I just found this channel a few days ago and love it along with Gregg Jackson's channel. My wife and I are in our mid to late 70's and she is not able to go to a physical church and we would like to find a good bible believing church online that is sound in doctrine. Can anyone give me any suggestions? Keep up the good work on this channel and thank you for your ministry.


There are so many wrong beliefs made by taking things out of context. I am just about finished reading through my Bible in just 4 months and as a result I have found things that I was taught to be wrong. I really believe we need to read our Bibles and not selected verses. I don't know enough about Calvinism, but I do agree with you that Jesus died for everyone who chooses to accept Him.


I like the way Calvinists flock to your channel to try and refute the truth you lay down so clearly


Good video.
We always call TULIP/Reformed Theology, "Calvinism." TULIP, is an acronym that describes the stuff that came from the Synod of Dort, 54 years after John Calvin's death. This is what John Calivn says in his commentary on Acts 2,
"No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keepeth us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief." - John Calvin
I shared that comment with one of my relatives that believe in Reformed Theology. They said, "Then how can John Calvin believe in Limited Atonement?" I said, "John Calivin never believed in Limited Atonement. The doctrine was created at the Synod of Dort, 54 years after his death."
One of these, "Reformed Baptists, " stated at my daughter's Baptist High School, "Some cookies are meant to be burned." This is why John Wesley believed TULIP/Extreme Predestination, made God worse than the Devil.
"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." - John 3:17


2nd video Ive seen of yours. I'm grateful to God the Father and His Son to have found your channel. I was in Edm when the ( Grace) church had erected a black fence. Helipcopters and police surround. And, Pastor Coates was arrested. I was there abd guess who I saw there? Yes, John McArthur . Is he a Calvinist or not ?
If you are Canadian and reading this comment I hope you know there have been more than one or two large scale media covered psyops. Pray for all those involved and unawares.


Great video! I don't consider Calvinists "brothers in the faith". Thank you for calling it out as a false gospel!


John 3 verse 18. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

The elect believe.
The non elect do not believe.

That is Calvinism.

( the following is taken from G Bingham's short commentary on the Gospel of John, published in 1999. Regarding verse 18 of John 3.
' those who have faith are not judged. Those who believe not " in the name of "
are already judged. They are judged because God has acted - in sending His Son - and this action has been
rejected. " )

Therefore they are without excuse.


I’m not a Calvinist but i do have a comment…when scripture says “everyone who believes” …Yahweh has and will always know who will or will not believe…before they are born.


It seems like the entire argument for answering Calvinists in Romans 9 was avoid reading Romans 9 and go to other chapters and read into those chapters what you want it to say.

Here is a quick guide to Romans 9:

(1) Paul gives a brief introduction admitting that he has the same human attachments we all do and wishes his own race was being saved like the Gentiles are currently being saved.
(2) Spends the remainder of the chapter submitting to the fact that his human attachments to his own race yield to God’s sovereign choice to elect into salvation whomever He chooses and that God creates men for His purposes and accomplishes those purposes with them.
(3) Begins chapter 10 by saying he prays for God to save the Jews but knows it is God’s choice… it is a prayer God can answer or not.

This is a very helpful chapter. We all have human attachments like Paul… but we must all learn to yield our attachments to the will of God and trust His purposes for those who we love.


He is mistaken or misleading right from the start. Everyone saved is by faith, a gift of God ( Ephesians 2:8-9). Romans 8: 33, as the whole Bible shows, Gid choses and justifies. Man is dead spiritually and can not believe apart from the gift of faith through the Holy Spirit. GOD SAVES...all we do is fall and surrender before Him . God us 💯 sovereign un salvation!!! John 3:30, all glory to Him!


Thanks for your awesome breakdown, GOD bless
