PIP Claim - Preparing Food - Step By Step Guide

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This is CRITICAL! This step by step guide will explain to you how the DWP allocate points with claims regarding PREPARING FOOD. Please make sure you watch the whole guide, even if you think you do not qualify for the points (unless you are fully able bodied, of course!)

I would not have 100% success rate at winning claims if I did not go through the claims in this manner; with EVERY SINGLE PERSON. This will help you WIN!

If you are struggling with PIP (Personal Independence Payment) Claims and you would like to link with me, check out my sites:

But, before booking me PLEASE watch the guides as I am trying to provide all of the information for FREE!

On my website you will find
- PIP points and templates that you can download for FREE
- Our top Frequently Asked Questions
- Reviews


This is for future ‘live’ meetings with me where you can ask me questions directly.

My name is Charlie and I am disabled. I live with chronic illness, I have a severe form of Psoriatic Arthritis and its crap! I am in pain all the time and always battling fatigue. BUT, I will not let it win. I love to learn and to laugh (even though it hurts my arthritic rib cage LOL). You will often see Ollie (she) my black Labrador. She is currently my trainee assistance dog! We are together, literally ALL the time.

As there are a number of awful people who target us - the vulnerable - here is a link to my personal LinkedIn account. You can literally see the past 25+yrs of my career, people who have recommended me (as a Logistician as Disability Specialist is very new for me).

The most important bit: I would like to thank the support network I have around me and YOU for watching this channel.

Please know, I would love to reply to all of your comments but I cannot reply AND film new videos, write the weekly newsletter and work with clients. If I could, I really would reply to you all.

HELPFUL PRODUCTS FOR DISABLED PEOPLE (I only recommend what I know is good):
-Perch chair - I could not find the right one on Amazon, it MUST have:
- arms with grips
- tilted seat so easy to stand from
- comfy seat
- adjustable height
-Handle - I am testing this before I link it in case its crap

PS: If you order using these links I get a teeny tiny profit

If you would like to write to me here is my address:
Disabled NOT Dead
PO Box 4928

Thank you so much for reading all of this
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Hi everyone, here is a link to my weekly newsletter, I am adding a PIP section due to the increase in questions/feedback, please feel free to check it out if you are interested:

Thanks EVERYONE for watching and commenting! We will WIN! I send this weekly so its quicker to get updates and I chat about my life that week. Hope this helps as well x


During my last face to face assessment, my partner mentioned a couple of things which I hadn't even thought to include in my original claim.
I don't cook at all, but can usually manage to make toast or a sandwich while he is at work. The thing he pointed out is that I would only be able to make a sandwich if he had already opened the plastic packaging that the sliced meat comes in, as I don't have the hand strength or dexterity to do that. Another one was making a cup of tea. I have a kettle tipper (invaluable for me) but I can't open a new bottle of milk. If I manage to get the plastic cap off, there is the fiddly seal under that that I can't get off.
Because I have had my hand problems for a long time, these are things which are 'normal' for us now (that he opens things in advance) but if he doesn't, then I'm stuck.


Thanks a lot dear Charlie for your help and kindness. I don't care about the view, what is important, your information. I started the claim. I wish you all the best!


You are definitely valued Charlie, I am so very grateful!


Im so grateful i found your channel. I hope you are managing to have a lower pain day and thank you for these videos. ❤


Thank you Charlie. I'm in a similar boat to you and totally empathise ❤


I was told if you can put pre-sliced cheese on dry bread that is classed as preparing a simple meal. End of conversation, box ticked.


Hi I have ME ( CFS) and fibromyalgia I have got worse I use a wheel chair finding it hard with the walking one don't know which box to tick


Hi Charlie, your doing a great job on all this info
Truly an ambassador for this cause
I myself are looking into this right now( after 12 months of health issues & zero financial support)
Id love to be able to chat with you to take some advice and knowledge etc regarding all of this


Great video and great information too oh and I printed the points sheet out the other day x


I am logical, (stupid )so I would never have thought that these questions meant other. Especially the preparing food!!


Thank you for the info! I very clearly stated in my phone assessment (and in writing) that I cannot prepare food for myself, that my sister prepare it everyday, as it’s not safe for me to do so, aswell as being too depressed to even feed myself at all, and they said, they decided that I did not need any help to prepare food, with no explanation other than that statement!


Hi Charlie .Im Filling a pip form out now inhanced one for Daily living Ive had the form so long was meant to send back by 3rdfebbut phoned them o they extended the time .im doing bit by bit so hard with medical problems Fatique and cateracks


Do you drive Charlie, I have MH depression & anxiety as well as arthritis in spine hips, knees & fibromyalgia.Im always exhausted & struggle daily.The dwp have decided to lower my mobility because I can drive but I can barely walk without alot of pain


I am blind in one eye and sight in other eye is not that great so cannot read instructions and use times therefore my wife does all the cooking. The seasonings affects the other eye, how do I word this for pip.


Hi Charlie love your informative videos I my self am on pipbut lost out on points as like you say was too proud for to say no ah can't eat properly no ah can't toilet shower unaided an was given low rate till November 25, M question to you is how do I go about them reviewing it again so this time I can tell the truth many thanks x


Thank you for sharing this, everything you have said is exactly what I'm experiencing. I put in an application for pip and after the telephone assessment they still said no 😩


I was lucky my dad went with me for my PIP assessment. I'm autistic and my dad is my representative effectively for everything; I don't even look after my own money.


I have a problem I'm almost 2 months late from tribunal. I did not really have the capacity to think straight never mind fill in forms I'm currently having a tia or mini stroke! And more than likely was at the time!


Hi Charlie, I've been on PIP for three years, I have a condition similar to COPD. They have told me I have to have an online interview next week. I filled the form out almost 12 months ago and didn't make a copy of the form. Mostly I wrote no change to my original form. Is there any advise you can give as I have not seen any videos online where people have had an online interview?

Thanks. Jan.
