Avoid These Most Common Mistakes On Your PIP Claim - For Better Results

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Are you worried about your PIP claim? Are you anxious all the time and living in fear when it comes to PIP?

Are you in the process of your first PIP claim? Or doing a PIP review or an appeal ( Mandatory Reconsideration) or a PIP Tribunal? This video WILL help you. I PROMISE

⏱ Timestamps
00:00 Intro & how do you know if you are eligible for PIP?
02:05 What evidence should you submit for a PIP Claim?
04:39 What conditions are automatically entitled to PIP?
05:59 Are you safe, reliable and consistent in your daily living and/or mobility?
09:47 Do you feel guilty about your 'good days' and your PIP Claim?
11:23 How do you protect yourself and make sure PIP do NOT lie about what you say/do?
13:49 What to NOT say when dealing with PIP (self awareness and honesty)

If you are struggling with PIP (Personal Independence Payment) Claims and you would like to link with me, check out my sites:

But, before booking me PLEASE watch the guides as I am trying to provide all of the information for FREE!

On my website you will find
- PIP points and templates that you can download for FREE
- Our top Frequently Asked Questions
- Reviews


This is for future ‘live’ meetings with me where you can ask me questions directly.

My name is Charlie and I am disabled. I live with chronic illness, I have a severe form of Psoriatic Arthritis and its crap! I am in pain all the time and always battling fatigue. BUT, I will not let it win. I love to learn and to laugh (even though it hurts my arthritic rib cage LOL). You will often see Ollie (she) my black Labrador. She is currently my trainee assistance dog! We are together, literally ALL the time.

As there are a number of awful people who target us - the vulnerable - here is a link to my personal LinkedIn account. You can literally see the past 25+yrs of my career, people who have recommended me (as a Logistician as Disability Specialist is very new for me).

The most important bit: I would like to thank the support network I have around me and YOU for watching this channel.

Please know, I would love to reply to all of your comments but I cannot reply AND film new videos, write the weekly newsletter and work with clients. If I could, I really would reply to you all.

HELPFUL PRODUCTS FOR DISABLED PEOPLE (I only recommend what I know is good):
-Perch chair - I could not find the right one on Amazon, it MUST have:
- arms with grips
- tilted seat so easy to stand from
- comfy seat
- adjustable height
-Handle - I am testing this before I link it in case its crap

PS: If you order using these links I get a teeny tiny profit

If you would like to write to me here is my address:
Disabled NOT Dead
PO Box 4928

Thank you so much for reading all of this
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People need to remember that the PIP assessment is NOT to see what money the claimant is entitled to but rather for the DWP to see just how little they can get away with paying the claimant😔


I hate claiming pip. I so miss not being able to work. I miss so many friends and colleagues. Who wants to be sick? Great post by the way.


My husband tried to claim PIP, he had terminal mouth cancer, they refused him, he died before we could appeal, they messed us about for months. We had to use what little savings we had to pay, council tax, rent and utility bills, so come the funeral there wasnt a penny to pay for it, I can honestly say it was the lowest I had ever been in my life, I just wanted to die, and it was all because we couldn’t get help from anyone.


Am just too scared that I don't bother going through their mind games to get pip. i think you are amazing, and the way you explain it is brilliant xx


When you actually stop and think how much your illness affects your daily life it can be so demoralising and upsetting, i ended up in tears and barely able to speak because up until then i hadnt even realise hkw much i was struggling every single day.


I also got refused so took them to court and won. They were ordered to pay my pip for 3 years.


Oh so true! PIP and DLA are so depressing. I had a good spell when I began to think I no longer qualified but then BANG I had a desperate spell of 7 weeks when I was unable to do anything.


You are absolutely correct. I applied and got PIP with the mobility component by telling them how it affected me. Again you mentioned buttons, this was one of the questions I was aked about and told them I wear T-Shirts because I cannot do buttons. As you said, tell them the truth about it affects your daily routine, not about what you can do, but what you cannot do. Don't be afraid, tell the truth and you will succeed at the first attempt like me.


Charlie, you have had me in tears. 'on a good day' on a good day, I have looked and re read my forms and think oh that poor person then realise thats me, its all true but because we live daily with our conditions everything becomes the norm. Its only when we have to think of life BEFORE that. oh and the bit about PIP guilting you .


I just sent in my review last week, I wish I’d seen your channel before filling the form.


I started crying when you said but then you asked “yea but when was your last good day” 😭
Thank you so much for these videos.
I had an appointment with the CAB woman who advised me to wait to send my forms in so I had been on my medication for another 6 weeks, and now they have sent me an appointment for a phone assessment, which is tomorrow.
I have had awful anxiety for the last two weeks over it and have just found your channel.


While I respect (as much I am able to process) you are helping people that honestly really need this PIP and basically want to "scroungers" to do one fair enough. However like many I feel very much in 2 minds (speaking as someone who is Niro divergent and still waiting to see what is actually going on in my head) as to if I should put mla claim in. Both the job centre and citizens advice believe I should. But hearing some of what you say makes me feel like I don't qualify.


I've been through he'll getting my pip. You are exactly right. This is the best information I've ever seen. Just tell them what's wrong, don't waffle on, that's the best way💯❤


Thanks for your help, I got max ADL and Mobility. Your amazing


Thanks Charlie I can attest that my documentation went missing twice. Then I sent it recorded and it was acknowledged. Funny that!


Great video well done. As an advisor myself I have always told my clients to keep a bullet point diary from the day you call for your PIP form until the day you complete it, why? because you will only fill out the form on a good day and you need to recall your bad days. Also, have someone who knows you well when you complete the form and see if they agree with what you think you should be putting another persons perception can be helpful in this.


I’m so glad I found your channel. I felt quite emotional watching it. I’m going to watch all your videos. Thank you 🥰❤️❤️


Hi Charlie, I found your channel thank you so much, I had a traumatic brain injury in Sep 2012, and was claiming via the DLA no issues, then once I was transferred over to PIP, I was fully rejected, approached the Citizens Advice, went to court with PIP, and it went in my favour, and the judge gave me 5 years. Last November but PIP review was in place, went straight to Citizens Advice this time, was rejected, went back to them, submitted again, rejected again (but given medium living allowance no mobility) we (citizens advice and I) appealed again they have until the end of February to come back to me, likelihood is I'll have to go to Court again. I am going to watch all your video's to look for tips to prepare for court. I'm most shocked they haven't given me enough points on mobility, and thats my biggest problem area (not in same position as you I know) but from a different angle. Clair x


You are fantastic person, dear Charlie! Manu thanks for your advise and support!


very good advice there i had review papers for pip 2023 february i got face to face as i requested it on 8th march reason i said no to telephone is that on phone i wont get anxiety and social withdrawal issues as im at home in safe place i want them to see me at my worst and since i last went to face to face in 2019 it can now all legally be recorded my conditions are aspergers syndrome severe epilepsy severe depression and severe personality disorder i have always had to take to tribunal and always won good advice on there by the way
