Obama's Address Fails to Look at Roots of Income Inequality

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David Cay Johnston: Put in historical context, a $10.10 minimum wage is still substantially lower than it was in the 1960s
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Let the Truth be Known!, I believe that the TTP and other orders, agreements or Trade Laws should be reviewed in Great Detail, by an American Committee,  to see what they really say in them, and produce a National Report for the voters of the United States to view!


I know I should be commenting on the issue at hand, but this presenter is so smokin', been meaning to comment that a while now.


Taxes, Unions and Free Trade are not the root cause of income inequality.  The root cause of income inequality is Money Printing.  In the 1970s, income inequality was at its lowest.  It started to take off around 1978.  Coincidentally, in 1971 Richard Nixon took the US off of the Gold Standard and the Federal Reserve was then able to create a Fiat currency and start printing as much money as they wanted too.  When the Fed prints money, where do you think it goes?  It goes to other banks, Wall Street and the top government powers.  In other words, it goes to the top 1% or probably just the top .01% and never finds its way down to the rest of us.  The only way the bottom 99.99% sees it, is by creating debt.

The crash of 2008 is a perfect example of this.  Once the crash happened, income inequality spiked down dramatically.  Since then, the government started creating stimulus packages and Quantitative Easing.  These packages are just a big money printing operation.  Again, all this printed money is going to the top .01% which in turn causes the income gap to increase exponentially.  Since the bottom of the crash in 2009 to today, income inequallity is now back up to where it was prior to the crash in 2008, which is a direct result of the stimulus packages and quantitative easing.  This is why over the past three years Wall Street is making a killing and the rest of us are just creating more debt.  Printing money also causes inflation to rise and is destroying the valuse of the dollar, which is another reason why the rest of us are struggling during this recession. 

As of today, I believe that the Fed is printing 75 Billion dollars a month and the elites are reaping the rewards.  If you want this top stop; remove money from politics, end the Fed, stop the stimulus packages and stop quantitative easing.


David knows his shit. Restore The Minimum Wage!!!


Why is this still a debate?? And why do you believe you deserve any?? You have nothing to do with the USA and if anything you owe me, you need to evaluate the consequences of your actions and the meaning your broadcasting
