[EMOTIONAL] The Reality of This Dunya - Powerful Reminder (Must Watch)

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Islamic Reminder.


May Allah (الله) bless every men kind with Peace and Love ♥

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Keywords: allah muhammad rasul pbuh islam muslim religion quran peace love faith mercy merciful gracious
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Wallahi this dunya is so hard sometimes :( I'm struggling so much, but speeches like this give me hope! We are lost but Insha'Allah we will all find a way. May Allah swt grant us forgiveness and make it easy for us. Ameen


Ya Allah don't let this dunya to fool us, guide us and protect us to the right path..Ameen!!!


*"f you go to sleep at night don't expect to wake up in the morning, *
*if you wake up in the morning don't expect to see the night* " *that hit me hard!!!* 😭😭😭


Tbh if u observe things closely you’ll notice 95% of the things we talk about doesn’t matter


This world was designed to break your heart
This world can defile you but no matter how defiled you are, Allah's door is open


I come back here regularly, such a great reminder SubhanAllah


Allah guided us to Islam because he wants to see us in Jannah so it’s up to us to prove we’re worthy of it. Stay strong 💪 through tough times and smile 😊 because Allah loves 💕 you


‘And what is the life of this world except for the enjoyment of delusion’. That hit me differently 😰😥😓


This takes away any depression, the thought that you could not wake up tomorrow, while you're busy stressing about getting a 6 figure job, a beautiful wife and family you're losing track of the main goal which is the after life. Keeping up with the joneses, wanting the latest iphone...etc are all meaningless unless they are helping you get the keys to the after life, for you might not live another week, month or year after getting that 6 figure job....only Allah(swt) knows !


Ya Allah keep us safe away from this dunyas fitna❤ya Allah put this dunya in my hands and not in my heart ❤ya Allah make us those whom you love ❤im proud to be muslim


The example of Imam Ghazali (RA) Pure brilliance. Such an accurate description. May ALLAH SWT make us from amongst those who remember death and the hereafter constantly. Ameen


Life is so short, do we really know if there will be a tomorrow for us? Rather than taking for granted that there will or might be a tomorrow, we should prepare for a world much more meaningful than this temporary one that we live in.


Allah swt created one heart in mankind, if we fulfilled with the desire of the Dunya than we can't feel akhira but if we fulfill with the dikr of Allah swt than we have infinity peaceful in the heart of akhira. Allah swt know the best wa salamun aleykum


The names of Allah (S.W.T)

Allah - The single, proper name for God in Islam
Ar-Rahman - The Compassionate, The Beneficent
Ar-Raheem - The Merciful
Al-Malik - The King, The Sovereign Lord
Al-Quddoos - The Holy
As-Salaam - The Source of Peace
Al-Mu'min - The Guardian of Faith
Al-Muhaimin - The Protector
Al-'Aziz - The Mighty, The Strong
Al-Jabbaar - The Compeller
Al-Mutakabbir - The Majestic
Al-Khaaliq - The Creator
Al-Bari' - The Evolver, The Maker
Al-Musawwir - The Fashioner
Al-Ghaffaar - The Great Forgiver
Al-Qahhaar - The Subduer, The Dominant
Al-Wahhaab - The Bestower
Al-Razzaaq - The Sustainer, The Provider
Al-Fattaah - The Opener, The Reliever
Al-'Aleem - The All-Knowing
Al-Qaabid - The Retainer
Al-Baasit - The Expander
Al-Khaafid - The Abaser
Al-Raafi' - The Exalter
Al-Mu'iz - The Honorer
Al-Muthil - The Humiliator
As-Samee' - The All-Hearing
Al-Baseer - The All-Seeing
Al-Hakam - The Judge
Al-'Adl - The Just
Al-Lateef - The Subtle One
Al-Khabeer - The Aware
Al-Haleem - The Forebearing
Al-'Azeem - The Great One
Al-Ghafoor - The All-Forgiving
Ash-Shakoor - The Grateful
Al-'Aliyy - The Most High
Al-Kabeer - The Great
Al-Hafeez - The Preserver
Al-Muqeet - The Maintainer
Al-Haseeb - The Reckoner
Al-Jaleel - The Sublime One
Al-Kareem - The Generous
Ar-Raqeeb - The Watcher
Al-Mujeeb - The Responsive
Al-Wasi' - The Vast
Al-Hakeem - The Wise
Al-Wadood - The Loving
Al-Majeed - The Glorious
Al-Ba'ith - The Resurrector
Ash-Shaheed - The Witness
Al-Haqq - The Truth
Al-Wakeel - The Trustee
Al-Qawiyy - The Strong
Al-Mateen - The Firm One
Al-Waliyy - The Supporter
Al-Hameed - The Praiseworthy
Al-Muhsee - The Counter
Al-Mubdi' - The Originator
Al-Mu'eed - The Reproducer
Al-Muhyi - The Restorer
Al-Mumeet - The Destroyer
Al-Hayy - The Alive
Al-Qayyoom - The Self-Subsisting
Al-Waajid - The Perceiver
Al-Waahid - The Unique
Al-Ahad - The One
As-Samad - The Eternal
Al-Qaadir - The Able
Al-Muqtadir - The Powerful
Al-Muqaddim - The Expediter
Al-Mu'akh-khir - The Delayer
Al-'Awwal - The First
Al-'Akhir - The Last
Az-Zaahir - The Manifest
Al-Baatin - The Hidden
Al-Walee - The Governor
Al-Muta'ali - The Most Exalted
Al-Barr - The Source of All Goodness
At-Tawwaab - The Acceptor of Repentance
Al-Muntaqim - The Avenger
Al-'Afuww - The Pardoner
Ar-Ra'uf - The Compassionate
Malik Al-Mulk - The King of Kings
Thul-Jalali wal-Ikram - The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
Al-Muqsit - The Equitable
Al-Jaami' - The Gatherer
Al-Ghaniyy - The Self-Sufficient
Al-Mughni - The Enricher
Al-Maani' - The Preventer
Ad-Daarr - The Distresser
An-Nafi' - The Propitious
An-Noor - The Light
Al-Haadi - The Guide
Al-Badi' - The Incomparable
Al-Baaqi - The Everlasting
Al-Waarith - The Inheritor
Ar-Rasheed - The Guide to the Right Path
As-Saboor - The Patient


Ya allah plzz give us good in this world and give us better in akhera


😢😢😢😢 may Allah forgive us and mercy on us


May Allah SWT keep our hearts steadfast on his Iman and succeed in this duniya and akhira(hereafter)


We are all in transit. ...May Allah guide us InshaAllah


All who intentionally disliked this video, what is wrong with you? Really, look deep in your own heart, and ask your heart, what's wrong with you?


This is the reality of the life as described by Allah (God), Lord of the Worlds, Glory be to Him:
*_"Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion."_*
(Quran 57:20)
