You Are Lied to Every Day

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We are constantly being lied to by people online. These people are not your friends. Do not trust someone just because they claim to belong to your political "team". The lying has become endemic. By design it has caused us to hate, fear, and fragment.
▼Citations for this video▼
►How many adults use the internet in 1996 and 2021:
►Anger Online Study:
►Lies Spread Faster Than Truth Study:
►Why your brain loves feeling outraged:
►Kate Moss on working in the Calvin Klein Ad:
►Calvin Klein Pride Month Campaign:
►Frequency Illusion:
►How covid statistics can mislead:
►Bogus article that lies with statistics about England covid deaths:
►Official England data citied in bogus article:
►Bogus article about everyone in Germany and the UK getting AIDS by Jan. 2021:
►Bogus article that incorrectly compares pre-covid and post-covid athlete deaths:
►A doctor explaining why the article is bad and wrong:
►Pre-covid article, a student athelete dies from cardiac arrest every 3 days:
►Sudden Cardiac Death in the Athlete study from 2012:
►Child & Infant mortality of 2017 (first 4 columns of the graph):
►The media - not the science - got global cooling wrong:
►Fake Time Magazine Cover, & scientific consensus of warming in the 70s:
►Sky News bogus outrage story about 1 tweet with 55 likes:
►Articles about men becoming more feminine:
►How we fixed the ozone hole:
►Y2K was a problem, but it was solved:
►Fake Headline:
►Cherry Picking:
►Nut Picking:
►Black propaganda:
►Jussie Smolett hate crime hoax:
►Biden & BLM hate crime hoax:
►Incorrect reporting by Fox:
►Mass wedding photo:
▼Citations for this video▼
►How many adults use the internet in 1996 and 2021:
►Anger Online Study:
►Lies Spread Faster Than Truth Study:
►Why your brain loves feeling outraged:
►Kate Moss on working in the Calvin Klein Ad:
►Calvin Klein Pride Month Campaign:
►Frequency Illusion:
►How covid statistics can mislead:
►Bogus article that lies with statistics about England covid deaths:
►Official England data citied in bogus article:
►Bogus article about everyone in Germany and the UK getting AIDS by Jan. 2021:
►Bogus article that incorrectly compares pre-covid and post-covid athlete deaths:
►A doctor explaining why the article is bad and wrong:
►Pre-covid article, a student athelete dies from cardiac arrest every 3 days:
►Sudden Cardiac Death in the Athlete study from 2012:
►Child & Infant mortality of 2017 (first 4 columns of the graph):
►The media - not the science - got global cooling wrong:
►Fake Time Magazine Cover, & scientific consensus of warming in the 70s:
►Sky News bogus outrage story about 1 tweet with 55 likes:
►Articles about men becoming more feminine:
►How we fixed the ozone hole:
►Y2K was a problem, but it was solved:
►Fake Headline:
►Cherry Picking:
►Nut Picking:
►Black propaganda:
►Jussie Smolett hate crime hoax:
►Biden & BLM hate crime hoax:
►Incorrect reporting by Fox:
►Mass wedding photo: