8 Psychological Effects of Being Lied to (and Why People Lie)

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Did you know that the long-term effects of being lied to can seriously damage our mental well-being?

Whether you have been told your bum doesn’t look big in that outfit, or your partner has been unfaithful behind your back; we have all been lied to at some point in our lives.

Arguably, a little white lie designed to protect your feelings is much different from an out-and-out fib from a cheating spouse. Or is it?

Research suggests that it is not the trivial nature or the importance of the lie. We suffer the psychological effects of being lied to no matter what the lie is.

8 Psychological Effects of Being Lied To and Why Do People Lie

#mentalhealthawareness #psychology #lies #liar


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As an American, ive been lied to by everyone around me my whole life. My politicians lie to me, my employers lie to me, my coworkers lie to me, my friends lie to me, my idols lie to me, my lovers lie to me... Gaslighting has become an American past-time.

I have been betrayed and lied to so much, by so many people in my environment, that i can no longer trust anyone, and have an extremely difficult time making and maintaining relationships, whether platonic, professional, or physical.

A point always arises where i am lied to, and then gaslit about being lied to, and then subsequently punished or abandoned for not accepting the lie.


Building a healthy relationship in this current society has become difficult, there’s a lot of narcissism out there. Good luck


Being lied to can make someone look and sound crazy and that not cool at all being lied to can have a huge impacted on your mental health. Tbh


I was listening to this because of dealing with ugliness in my life. But the music at the end put a big smile on my face.


Never automatically believe anyone. I don't care who it is you trust and you believe what they show you and what you see nothing else.


You start to doubt yourself, and your ability or inability to judge people.


Truth in friendship or love is the most beautiful thing you can have. Lies destroy love, can kill love, will change how you feel about someone.... no matter how much you loved them. Lies destroy love.


Even when you surround yourself with people you trust and that you think love you unconditionally, they still lie and betray you. Just don't trust anybody


Being constantly GANG-STALKED is also quite difficult to cope with. Especially if it goes on for years and years😵‍💫


It shatters your trust in everyone and everything. Then everyone thinks you’re crazy bc now you question everyone and they get pissed and use that against you


When I was young just starting work.
I remember some older people arguing that it was OK to lie cheat and even steal to live the life they wanted
Now years later those same people live very lonely and sad lives.
People who don't lie have long memories.


I’m having issues right now in my relationship because he outright lied, lied by omission and future faked. I now rethink everything he says, am not as enthusiastic about us and find myself withdrawing from him. I’m divorced because that’s all my ex did was lie lie lie lie lie. I’m not sure right now if I’m still shell shocked from being lied to for 6-years by the ex, or did he just lie and I don’t like it. We are going to premarital counseling on the 21st.


Exactly the 8th point-
I am the most empathetic person,
In fact it all started from me being empathy.
However the deception has torn me from inside.
I realised I no longer have that feelings, I no longer feel empathy towards anyone.
I feel like my heart becomes like a stone,
Since it goes against my nature it makes me angry and difficult person now.


My daughter has lied over stupid things her entire life! She’s 48 now and still lying. It’s affecting my health


People lie to me all the time to avoid hurting me and now I have no trust in anyone


Stop caring period....they were a liar when u met them


I think the big one for me is I stopped caring how people felt because I had been lied to so much. I couldn't and can't trust anyone. I feel like I'm not important enough to be respected but people expect that from me. It isn't so much the little ones it's the signifiacnt or big ones that bother me. People have been at arms length and it doesn't bother me. I know I not right all the time but for the most part I acn see right through most people and don't bother.


The only thing I hate about life anymore is just people


I’m a 56 year old man and I have been caught in some pretty elaborate lies. Lies do eventually catch up to you. Whatever the reason is for lying, it’s never a good one. Better to tell the truth and maintain respect and trust of people around you. It is painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing when you are exposed. We are selfish when we lie and we don’t think about the harm it can do and the long term effects. I am struggling and dealing with the consequences of my lies right now.


I found out my parents were not my parents😢 I’ve been lied to in so many areas of my life😢
