The Secrets Hiding Inside The Great Pyramid #grahamhancock #science #history #ancient #egypt

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Graham Hancock explains his first-hand experience of entering and discovering all the hidden chambers, passages, and secrets of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Part 2 of the Graham Hancock presentation. This is the second part of three videos taken from Graham Hancock Presentation at the 2012 Tipping Point Prophets Conference, Fingerprints of the gods


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Big fan of Graham, I'll watch, listen, or read whatever he produces 👍


After reading (audio book) fingerprints of the gods, twice, this is great to finally actually see. I was swept away by your books, fascinating theories that are all but convincing. Great work Graham.


The great pyramid at least, likely had many epochs of builders. Carbon dating of the organics imbedded in the mortar roughly agrees with the Khufu era. However, in the central granite chambers there is NO mortar. Those chambers could be thousands of years older and we would, as yet, have no way to know. Until we discover Old Kingdom documentation and technology artefacts that match the construction we should not be claiming the pyramids as entirely Old Kingdom building. Thanks. Graham, for not succumbing to intimidation! The P. Hancock anecdote is priceless!


I can listen to him hours after hours..


Amazes us now. Image how people felt seeing it at that time.


There's a temple that has pillars in it. It goes back over 4, 000 year. Recently, under one of the pillars excess floor was shown. Below the floor the top of a pillar was seen. So, under the floor was a top of a much older temple from an older time. They don't want to dig and possible destroy the temple that fits the narrative.


Mr. Hancock, it must have been soo cool to see your Grandfather’s name on top of the Great Pyramid, I hope you put, “Graham was here too” next to his name. I think the “box” in the king’s chamber was where the ark of the covenant originally sat, nearly the same dimensions, and that’s why Ramses went mad and chased Moses down for stealing it.. You are truly a gifted man and it is a pleasure to hear your theory’s, it is a shame you are told that you are wrong by the mainstream, when what they say are just theories too, no one can go back and say exactly what the pyramids were for or how they were built or by whom, they are truly a mystery and forever fascinating.. Thank you so much for your work..


I don’t care how old Hancock says it is……I say it’s older.


I have been hooked since the mid 90's when I bought Fingerprints, also shared it with a few friends, we discussed in the pub and all of us awe struck by the obvious facts you noticed that clash with the schoolboy narrative crap we were all fed


The layered ceiling in the kings chamber looks like some sort of heat sink to draw heat away from the chamber.


After reading Graham’s question it just struck me that maybe maps were a form of misinformation, like their ancient “internet” was the map…Explorers, conquerers and empires trying to expand and creating false maps to throw off the masses… early map makers were probably also guessing… pretending to know… like modern day influencers lol 😂oh geez down the rabbit hole I go!


Inside the King's chamber was a prism. Someone removed or stole it. There were mechanical pulley system as means to increased or lowered the prisms position to direct the light refracted out of the prism towards designated positions.


Amazing, and we still have no idea how or who built them 🤔🤔🤔


I'll bet one of the times that you were at the summit of the great Pyramid ' illegally ' Mr Hancock, you shouted down to the Cairo cops ' oh yeah, come on up and arrest me then ?' Another education dept lesson from you ...superb !


Preflood concept of Atlantis. Pangea. Pyramids everywhere in all of these continents where actually just on one original landmass. The spread of civilization was easy because it was one land mass. The deluge ended with drastic shifting of plates to allow water to subside.


The "sarcophagus" was probably part of some kind of energy system. Back up, or storage battery. Electrolysis system. Chemical storage. Just guessing.


I was lucky enough to see the Great Pyramid back in ‘95.
I bribed a guard $10 and he turned on the lights down in the descending passage and I went all the way down to the subterranean chamber, too.


Precision was necessary for a machine built to harness energy on a galactic scale. The great pyramid is just a small leftover of a greater network of ancient advanced technology. The Kardashev scale is going to need major modern revisions.


Just like ‘Tesla’ said..
If you want to understand the cosmos..
It’s Frequency and vibration
That’s how the massive stone was moved


....and the rest is, where?
Graham Hancock we salute you!
