10 Mind Blowing Hidden SECRETS In The US Dollar

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10 Secrets in the United States 1$ bill you never noticed.
Have you ever wondered what are some of the symbols on the dollar bill? What do the Roman numerals mean at the bottom of the pyramid? From American Eagle, the All-Seeing Eye, and the pyramid, to the serial numbers, a secret owl, and September 11 conspiracy theories, these are some of the most mind-blowing secrets in the US dollar!

Let’s start with the American Eagle, a symbol of beauty and longevity. Pay attention to what the eagle is holding. The thirteen arrows represent thirteen original American colonies at war, and the olive branch represents peace. There’s even a secret behind the positioning of the arrows and the olive branch!

The All-Seeing Eye is a very controversial element on the dollar bill. While some claim it holds religious beliefs and acts as a cap for the unfinished pyramid, but many see the triangle as an Illuminati sign. Wait until you see some of the other Illuminati connections on the dollar bill!

The unfinished pyramid is also a symbol of strength and duration of the country, as well as the future expansion and neverending growth. The thirteen steps represent the original thirteen colonies, but have you ever noticed the Roman numerals at the bottom of the pyramid? It holds even more mind-blowing secrets you’ve never known before.

From conspiracy theories, September 11 references, Illuminati symbolism in the All-Seeing Eye, and secret owls to the meaning of serial numbers and more, these are some of the most mind-blowing secrets in the US dollar!
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<>When you read articles about financial freedom, you may hear people drone on and on about how they are spending practically nothing so they can retire at a younger age, like 30. Conversely, they may have already achieved financial freedom and are bragging about how frugal they were so they could retire well before the typical retirement age.<>


Here’s one word to explain the whole thing



<People don’t realize how fucked the American economy is… it’s going to implode and collapse. Oil is looking like the previous major run up and probably peaking at 140-150>


Has anyone ever noticed that in the 1982 movie Blade Runner, the opening cityscape scene shows the Tyrell Corporation building as a topless pyramid-like structure and it's intercut with an extreme close-up image of a single eye? Also, inside the main office of this building, Dr.Tyrell has a pet owl flying freely about. I wonder if there's any connection to the information provided in this video?


QUESTION: Anyone notice that George Washington's face is surrounded by an omega symbol? George Washington was the first president of the USA. And Omega is the last symbol in the Greek alphabet. It seems like a silent suggestion of the idea of eleveating Washington to deity level (God of the Bible is considered the first and the last and it appears to suggest the president could also attain that status). I wonder if there is some sort of idea of deification in Freemasonry (apotheosis). To me it seems like it's implying that members of that secret fraternal order can eventually become as gods (or enlightened) when they attain enough knowledge (which is the same trick the extremely subtle serpentine entity used to get Adam and Eve to sin & damage their relationship with God and become mortal and spiritually fallen).


The love of money is the rude of all evil.

Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.
– Benjamin Franklin


I am pretty sure that the 13 colonies were only an exoteric meaning behind all of the 13's. Considering how deeply these people were into the esoteric, it is highly likely there was a deeper esoteric meaning and anyone who is into the esoteric can probably guess what 13 was really referencing.

I guess it comes down to whether the lodges had been compromised yet.


I genuinely mean it when I say that this economic recession has left me incredibly angry and exasperated. I have good companies bought but instead of making profits I've lost over a quarter of my portfolio since a year.
I've been considering hiring a financial advisor, but I'm torn between choosing a male or female advisor. Who do you think would be more trustworthy?


You missed an important aspect of the two seals on the back of the one dollar bill I discovered. Each symbol, the pyramid and the eagle, resides inside a side-profile depiction of a human eye, complete with optic nerve coiling out behind and a visual space out front for sight. In today's current position, these eyes sit across from one another, and resemble aspects of Egypt and Israel looking at one another. The Eagle on the Egyptian flag is the God Horus, and we see the star of David above the Eagle, at right on the US bill, in the Israel position. With that said, the original draft of the bill Had these two "eyeball" positions swapped... which probably symbolized the founding of the USA with roots back in Egypt, across the ocean. The original design was proposed in 1935. The UN/USA would soon help to found Israel in 1948.


The owl is in the Alcoholics anonymous book and that book is where you find illuminating which is the long version of Illuminati


Draw a five edged star aka a hexagon over the pyramid, and youll get every edge touching a letter that forms "Masson" aka the secret society. Thank Dan Brown later.


This video was 13 minutes long... CONSPIRACY


The eagle turning into an alien face freaked me out. Fold the dollar and look at e.t


Turn the owl upside down, Skull and Bones.


These comments illuminated my mind more than this video. Thank you all.


Also u can fold it's only the new 20's that if u gold them the opposite direction of the towers it shows the pentagon burning in the middle


As soon as I heard "Freemason", a chill went down my spine.


Wow, if I could afford a dollar I'd check it out myself.


13 is also the 13 royal bloodlines in England. The Colonie were probably divided amongst them and everything grew from there


I want 13 minutes and 7 seconds of my life back.
