15 SECRETS Hidden In National Monuments

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These national monuments have hidden secrets that few know about. Today we're taking a look at some of the most amazing secrets hidden inside national monuments.

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Theres a restaurant in Paris, that my Hubby and I ate at, that had an interesting history. It's a mirrored room, with gold cherubs on the walls. Very ornate! Back during WW2, the area was under threat from Hitler and his Nazis, so the owner closed up the walls, so it would be untouched. It worked, but unfortunately the owner, and everyone that lived in that area, didnt survive. No one knew about it, till years later. The new owners were renovating, removed a wall, and found the room intact. Like a buried treasure!!


The Statue of Liberty torch was replaced in the mid 1980's. The original torch is on display at the museum on Liberty Island.


My favorite "secret" about the Statue of Liberty is how Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi modeled the face of the statue after his mom. It's like the ultimate gift to a mother. Even though she dead and gone she is forever immortalized as the face of a symbol of America with millions coming to admire her magnificence. Can't top that.


I laughed at the end when he said “Maybe the descendants of Nicholas Cage will one day go behind Mount Rushmore, to discover its TRUE SECRETS” 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I’ve actually boon on the 103rd floor of the Empire State Building. I was on the right spot at the right time and got to go up at night back in 1994. It was amazing, and an opportunity that I may never be able to have again.


I was arrested for being AWOL from the Marine Corps back in 1976 in NYC. On my way to the Brig at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. The night before I was put in a cell that was built into a vault on the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge. I guess for security reasons they're not mentioned here.


5:55 I love the scene in Logan's Run where Logan and Jessica find the Lincoln Memorial in wonder, speculating that was what it looked like to be old.
I would have added the line, "Yes, and they were very large."
After all neither of them had ever seen or even heard of a statue like that.


THE giant statue of Jesus is absolutely beautiful. But who knew it was hollow and that people actually have to climb on to the arm's to make repairs. THAT could prove to be very death defying. That's very scary 🥺.


As windy as it feels on the observation deck of the Empire State Building, I’d shit myself with a knee high fence lol


He says that the original intent was to sculpt the eight presidents down to their waist. Who are the other four presidents that were supposed to be on Mount Rushmore?


Very accurate thumbnail. No clickbait whatsoever


1:55 There is something like this at the Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone.
The Inn is a iron framed building (The structural iron beams are clad in wood, giving the illusion it is wood framed) with a very high lobby. High above there is a tree house where a band used to play but because of damage suffered from an Earthquake in the 1950's the upper floors are not accusable to the public.
However twice each day a bellhop climbs to the roof of the hotel to raise the flags in the morning and take them down in the evening.
If you ask nicely at the front desk you may get an invitation from the bellhop to climb to the roof with him/her.
The view is breathtaking and it is usually timed so Old Faithful erupts while you are up there.
Just remember, this is a first come fist served deal. Only one small group is allowed to do this at a time, and they only do it twice each day, then only if the weather doesn't make the trip unsafe. The bellhop is under no obligation to invite anyone up, and they can de-invite you for any reason, so be polite. You are not entitled to do this. Also, there is no disabled access. If you can't climb a ladder you can't get onto the roof.
You will be asked to help fold the flags, but it's well worth it to get that view.


There is secret places out there that we will never know about.


Very funny! I just watched "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" last night.

I think this was one of your best videos!


Gustav Eiffel also designed the structural elements for the Statue of Liberty and he designed the original locks for the Panama Canal.


Disneyland's Matterhorn mountain has 2 secrets in it's peak. There's a half-court basketball area, and a small resting room for Tinkerbell.


I don't think every old fancy building was built between 1880 and 1920. Then all of the sudden we stop making things big and fancy. I think they are from a past civilization and we just take credit for it. They all have "basements ", for example.
They go deep because they have been mudfllooded in a past cataclysm.


A very interesting video. Didn't know that that the statue in Rio was hollow, and, the mini Washington Monument.
Two other monuments: 1- The Capitol Building in Washington DC.
There's that empty space beneath it that was supposed to George Washington's tomb. Thank goodness his descendants honored his last wish to be buried on the grounds of Mount Vernon.
#2-Lincoln's Tomb- Springfield, Illinois. This, actually, rates its own segment. Before all that concrete was poured on it to deter grave robbers, his casket was open one last time. Lincoln's body was in remarkably good shape due to all the formaldehyde used while it was being transported from Washington D.C, to Springfield, and, made various stops on the way(at each stop, his body was injected with formaldehyde to help preserve it).
I don't believe there's any big secret with the tomb, but, I thought I would mention it in passing.✌✌✌✌


The worlds smallest police station is in fact in Florida. The Carrabelle Police Department was a walk in phone booth. Look it up.


Klick-bait. Where is the black dude's head you have circled in red?
