Why Lifestyle is the BEST Medicine | Meagan L. Grega | TEDxLehighRiver

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The United States spends more per person on healthcare than any other nation in the world, yet our health outcomes are near the bottom of the list when compared to countries with similar education and economic resources. The chronic disease epidemic that has emerged over the last 50 years, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia, can be attributed to the cumulative effect of lifestyle choices we make every day. 

programs; supports access to nutrient-dense produce via the Eat Real Food Mobile Market and Lehigh Valley Corner Store Initiative; engages participants in hands-on, plant-based cooking classes in community settings and offers intensive therapeutic lifestyle change interventions for individuals and families. She is a summa cum laude graduate of Bucknell University with a B.S. in Biochemistry/Cell Biology and earned her MD degree from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School.

Child/Family health in general, and the obesity epidemic in particular, are issues in which Dr. Grega has had a long-standing interest. She believes the benefits of regular exercise, adequate sleep, supportive social connections, healthy food choices and the art of balance are the keys to improving our children’s future, as well as our own. Towards that end, she is committed to
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4 ways to decrease chronic disease like heart disease, cancer, asthma, dibetic are
1.bmi <30


I’m very impressed by the evidence based argument for the importance of lifestyle in a populations health. I do think however that we need to consider the large economic barriers that may people have in making healthy choices. While encouraging, I don’t think the speaker emphasized how challenging this can be for people. Even though lifestyle changes can improve outcomes, there are genetic and mental health considerations. Certain populations and people may need more “social nudges” than others to achieve the same result. I love the idea of integrating the community and bringing together farmers, physicians, and others. I wonder how we best integrate this type of model in “food deserts” however. For children I wonder if focusing on school lunch programs might improve the number of people who develop chronic health conditions. In Japan, many school aged children participate in cooking and cleaning up their school meals which are very balanced nutritionally. This model could ensure that all children can learn health eating/cooking skills.


in my opinion this video tells us how important it is to have good nutrition in order not to have so many problems in the future and it also tell us that we need to they care our nutrition.


Insightful video. I did all 4 of those points you said for many years & I practise self control in choosing what I eat.. exercise 5-6 times a week. Indeed it is true, one’s lifestyle contributes greatly to their general health. Sadly many people are unable to practice self control and indulgences..until the disease hit them.


This doctor is a true healer! When I realized that I didn't eat a lot of I also came to terms with the fact that I didn't really know how to cook them that well. Then a little while later I came to terms with the fact that I needed to buy some books on how to cooked vegetables so that I would enjoy them. However, I believe I need nudging from some new friends. Would love to become involved with her foundation. She has done the research and put together a complete package. Please pass this video along to everybody you know! We citizens have to create our own tsunami to combat Madison avenue's marketing strategies.


We can take our Blue Zones along with us! I was born at Loma Linda, one of the Blue Zones identified in the study, and my family embraced the healthy lifestyle even though they later moved elsewhere.

My parents aged gracefully and are now gone, but those who I know, who also embrace basic healthy choices, are still living in that Blue Zone.

It can be done wherever you are, if you want it.


One of the outstanding talks that can transform the world.


As an osteopathic medical student, I am appreciative of the fact that Dr. Meagan Gregan is having a talk on lifestyle. One of the osteopathic tenets is that the body is a unit where everything is related and connected to one another. We have to consider all parts of our being like spiritual, emotional and physical when taking care of ourselves. Focusing on preventative medicine and lifestyle is fulfilling the ethical principle of beneficence where we are promoting good, and preventing removing harm that is disease in our patients. I think the biggest role that fits in with this for our patients is patient education. By educating our patients on what could happen if they don’t make lifestyle changes it can show them the risks without having the disease. For example, with type 2 diabetes we want to make sure our patients are at a healthy weight, and consuming a healthy diet which can help reduce their risk of getting T2D.


Thank you for encouraging my lifestyle, I still need to work on finding an accepting community and self worth though, but I will keep this talk in mind when I face self doubt, thank you


Scrapped the carbs and reduced my blood pressure in a few days, corrected my blood lipids in 6 weeks and dropped 17 kg in 3 months. Now health is maintained by mainly animal food, with some cabbage, cauliflower, etc as side dishes. Excess energy from above automatically leads to more physical excersice after a while, to try to force weight loss by more excersise is futile, it only leads to more hunger and more consumption of lousy food.


Excellent talk Dr. Grega! I applaud your references to the pertinent literature, and your "boots on the ground" experience and recommendations. Keep up the good fight!


Thank you so much Ma’m for the wonderful information


Knowledge Is power 🔋 watching from Nairobi kenya


Highly Valuable Information. Thank You for the depth of this Communication. ❤ We have to be committed to our own health. Making Right and Healthy Choices are Essential. This Resonates so well with me🙏🏾.


Good habits payoff in long run never underestimate power of good habits 👍


Thank You for your beautiful talk on healthy lifestyle!


I think Dr. Grega does a fantastic job at explaining the benefits of changing our lifestyle in response to disease. As a current osteopathic medical student, we are taught to incorporate the body, mind, and spirit when treating a patient. Pharmacotherapy is an incredible advancement the science community has made and continues to be one of the best first-line therapies for many conditions; however, it is not the only therapy available. I appreciated the emphasis Dr. Grega placed on living a healthier lifestyle to prevent disease, but I do think it is easy to overlook how difficult this might be for certain individuals. Eating healthy and organic foods might be too expensive for some people; for others, they might not have time in their day to workout for 30 minutes. I think as a society, we need to remember that some people are doing the best they can just to survive, and adding additional pressures such as healthy eating and daily exercise is not always a choice for some. The concept of beneficence in medicine is the obligation to do what is in the best interest for the patient. I think it is important to remember that what physicians might think is best for the patient, may not actually be. Prescribing a healthier diet may not be in the patient’s budget, but prescribing a pill might be covered by their health insurance. It is best for all medical professionals to keep the whole patient in mind when selecting the right treatment for them. For those patients who do have the flexibility of trying lifestyle adjustments, I absolutely think that it should be added on to any necessary prescriptions. Something as simple as time outside in the sunshine could make all the difference to one patient. As technology continues to advance, doctors must remember that while there are dozens of prescription medications and procedures to be performed, sometimes it is better to stick to the basics.


Actually, there are other essential elements that were not included such as emotional support, mental health, and life purpose as we are body, mind, and spirit.


Very relevant and useful talk. The traditional Indian diet contains fresh vegitables, grains and pulses with little processing and ofcourse very little or no red meat. One may find this trait in covid19 fatalities rate per million of population which is the lowest in the world. Thanks for focussing on physical activity and harmonious relations with community and friends.


Thank you Dr. Grega for sharing your thoughts on the
importance of health nutrition. I feel like many people nowadays forget just
how important a balanced diet has on our overall health and this was a perfect
talk to remind us of it.
