WORST Doctor Lifestyle Specialties

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These are the worst lifestyle specialties for doctors, meaning the physicians with the least predictable and worst hours, lowest pay, and most challenging work.

The lifestyle quality of a specialty comes down to three main factors: (1) the hours you work, meaning the predictability and total number per week, (2) the amount of money you make relative to the amount of work put in, and (3) the quality or substance of your work.

Some medical students choose more challenging specialties because they love the specialty and lifestyle is a secondary or tertiary consideration. After all, lifestyle should NOT be your primary consideration when choosing a specialty.

00:00 Introduction
02:06 General Surgery
04:28 Primary Care
06:05 OB/GYN
07:05 Surgical Specialties
08:39 Overlooked but Critical Factors


#medicalschool #specialty #premed

Disclaimer: Content of this video is my opinion and does not constitute medical advice. The content and associated links provide general information for general educational purposes only. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Kevin Jubbal, M.D. and Med School Insiders LLC will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death. May include affiliate links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through them (at no extra cost to you).
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Unpopular opinion: lifestyle is THE most important aspect to consider when choosing a specialty, and NOT your "passion."


I think Lifestyle should be an important consideration when choosing a speciality. It’s literally your lifestyle and the burnout rate for doctors is already a problem


I had a burned out surgery attending in med school gave me some of the best advice - “after you do something 200 times it’s going to be boring, but I guarantee you’re still going to like your free time”.


I was a private investigator that worked for a large firm in my area. Wife of a neurosurgeon suspected her husband of cheating and she came from a prominent family in the area and had tons of cash so she paid for a month straight of surveillance on him, 24/7. So for 30 days straight you followed him in 8-hour shifts per person. The dude literally probably spent more time at the hospital than he did at home. His wife was in constant communication with our team and she would let us know if he got woken up at 2:00 in the morning to have to go in and perform a surgery and this happened multiple times a week. We would follow him the hospital at like 3:00 in the morning and he wouldn't leave the hospital until five or 6:00 p.m. sometimes a little bit later. Yeah the dude drove $200, 000 black Lamborghini and lived in a 6 million house but to me it just didn't seem worth it.


Surgeon in practice for 7 years. Did a burn crit care fellowship. Do trauma, burns, gen surg and crit care. Love what I do. Would have been bored to tears in medicine. Was told though that I would never get married, never have a family, never spend time with friends, etc. Happy to say I’m HAPPILY married, have date night every week. I am a mom and dedicate time to my child with plans to grow our family. I have wonderful friends and a family I see regularly. Learning to say no helps. Choosing a hospital culture that fits for you helps. 2 of my partners are also women with kids. Yes I work long hours but moved close to the hospital so I get to come home on call and put my baby to sleep. The advice that was given to me by another female surgeon (got really tired of non-surgeons trying to tell me how horrible surgery is)was that if I truly loved surgery then do it but make choices within the field to fit the life you want. I might work all night but I have the next day off to do what I want, plus I make enough to have a maid service, nanny and Gardner to do the things that are not quality time I could be spending with the ones I love.


I greatly appreciate those who are willing to go into any medical fields. The world needs more of you guys. Sincerely.


Me: not a doctor
Me: not even subscribed to this channel
Also me: "Oh yes, this will be useful information in my future."


Please make a video "So you wanna be an oncologist?" Pleasee


My mom was an OB GYN and I can confirm that it is very sporadic and time consuming. She missed many holidays, especially Christmas and would wake up at like 3 am and do 48 - 72 hour shifts just to get back home and go back in a few hours. Honestly I think it depends on how good you are at being an OB GYN but she was at work most of the time.


Neurosurgeons are like Investment Bankers, they make a ton of money, but have no time to spend it!!


JOKE: How do you hide a $20 bill from a neurosurgeon? Pin it to their kid.


I understand and agree with Dr. Jubbals philosophy that one should take responsibility for everything in their life such as making themselves competitive for a good lifestyle specialty. However, I think the main problem here is systemic. Not everyone can be a dermatologist or plastic surgeon no matter how hard anyone studies or improves their study strategies in med school, so shouldn’t the focus be on pushing for legislation that protects the interests of physicians that want to go into less desirable specialties like primary care? There is already a primary care physician shortage, and I don’t think that it is right that people who decide to sacrifice so much of their time and effort for this field get punished in the end.


I remember it was 2018 when I discovered this channel in my first year of undergrad hoping to go to med school and becoming a doctor (South Africa). Now having completed that and currently doing my honours degree, I will be writing the south african equivalent to MCAT in a few months and may very well get accepted next year if God be willing. It feels surreal that I am at the door from literally dreaming of this since 2018. What's even cooler, Med school insiders was there from the beginning. THANK YOU TO THE MSI team and of course Dr. Jubbal. you guys rock!


I really am interested in neurosurgery and feel passionate about working in that field. But it’s so unfortunate that they are so overworked and there isn’t a way to be a neurosurgeon and have a “healthy” life style :(


I remember what an internal medicine dr told me when i asked him about how it was to work in that specialty, he told me he liked it, but recomended me to always take my vacation time and never pospone it, he made the mistake if going 2 years straight without vacations and working really hard because he liked having the extra money, and he ended up getting sick for working non stop.


"Or perhaps you're outraged and so offended that I listed your specialty in this video": actually I LOVE that you mentioned my future specialty! Amazing and incredibly useful video, as always


My Dad is a Neurosurgeon and most of his workmates died before they turned 60


Unpopular opinion 2.0: Chose lifestyle, scope over passion. You'd be amazed how fast your passion for a specialty diminishes once it starts to affect your lifestyle and you're one one many. That's why I chose neurology (clinical), I absolutely hated Neuro but it had the most scope and I welcome the challenge. Now I'm in love ❤.


I’m a general surgery resident, my life is living hell!! Can’t remember the last time I had full 7-8 hours of sleep. Just like he said, I applied for plastic surgery but couldn’t match, so had GS as my back up!!
