River overflows from Helene and washes away home

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Major flloding from Hurricane Helene caused an overflowing river to wash away a home Friday in Erwin, Tennessee.


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Those poor souls who just lost their house 🥺


God bless everyone affected by this storm.


Hope everyone was moved to safe grounds including pets and livestock.
Houses can be rebuilt….loved ones are not replaceable.


😢😢😮😢omg i feel sad for these people losing their homes, please let them all be ok❤


I want hit ‘like’ on this for the content…..but then kinda feel guilty liking someone’s loss.


😢😢😢 Those poor people animals. My heart goes out to them.


Erwin, Tennessee. If you click on the title, location is included. Also, location text is flashed in upper left at beginning.


FACT:..This is more likely to occur when you build in flood zones because you are on riverbanks or land that was originally marshland that has been illegally filled in and altered by developers. In the State of Florida you will see this very often. When you alter nature she will reclaim what belongs to her For example the entire state of Florida in the past has always been by nature a huge swamp, but greedy and corrupt developers illegally filled in and altered it in violation of the laws of nature to sell land and now the unwary who bought that land are paying the consequences.


Mt St Helens in 1980, Wa State. I was 14. Watched homes being crushed by the mudflows. Almost the exact same scene above, very surreal. A very GREY day in 1980. Good luck Georgia and Tennesee, thoughts and prayers.


I'm so sorry for everyone affected like this. How devastating. Everything but the utmost important things were lost😢😢


those folks are havin' a hard time right now, it'll be a long hard road to recovery


Praying for all the ppl. Boy Mother Nature don’t play


Sorry for the loss, but honestly this is the reason the Indians and the older generations, didn't build in flood plains,


Hoping you are all safe.. houses can be rebuilt, memories are forever - lives cannot be replaced. Wishing a speedy recovery to all.


Ça craint l'eau quand elle arrive en grosse quantité avec la force du courant rien ne l'arrête.!


It is so crazy!?! This is happening all over Tennessee on the east part, especially right now (and many other states close by). Who would have ever thought that a storm from way down in the Gulf of Florida, could bring that much damage to so many other states!?!

I am VERY SICK of seeing people make comments like, "well they were warned and should have been prepared" or "what do you think will happen when you build your houses in places that are considered flood possibilty areas"!?! Yall obviously have never been to these places, never seen them, and do not know the history of any of the places or how it has went for decades!!!! I can assure yall that are speaking that way, this was a historical event, all across the southeast!!!! If we go off yalls ignorant judgemental logic, then there is something wrong with every sort of building and infrastructure!!!!

I live in one of the areas that was hit very hard. Everyone DID take the warnings very seriously. Everyone prepared. This is an event that is tragic and unexplainable almost. Only God himself could have saw this coming. Yall not from these places want to talk about homes being built in "flood zones".... well guess what.... it would not be permitted at all in these areas especially if anyone thought these things would ever happen. The area I live in myself, has NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS!!!! We get flood advisory warnings all the time, just because we are surrounded by so many various types of bodies of water. Even in the worst we'd ever saw before this event, some of these spots never got more than an inch or 2 of standing water. And that has happened for decades. And the homes built in those areas with those distinctions were built to withhold that to certain standards. Yesterday, I saw homes on hillsides get flooded with water up half way past their front doors. Water reached places no one ever thought possible. Do not be so quick to judge and place blame. When people do make decisions where to live, they do so based on decades worth of history. They do not do it ever thinking something could go this badly wrong, this quickly.

Look at all the areas effected!!!! Many counties in Tennessee have NEVER seen this a day in their lifetimes. I've spoken to old timers in their 70's and almost 80, that have said this is a once in a lifetime thing. We had houses took down that were literal historical landmarks. Buildings considered literal historical landmarks flooded for the first time EVER!!!! Just do not be so quick to judge. No one saw this coming. The ones that stayed in homes that ended up needing to be rescued, based it off the worst of the worst they had ever seen. It touched places that have never been touched before. So if you do not know, do not talk on it. Pray for all these different places. Pray for all the people trapped due to bridges being taken out (do yall also think those should have been handled differently even tho they've withstood a century of time in some places!?!), or due to roads being washed away, or what about dams breaking or being breached, heck even interstates washed away!?! (Hence why I stated before it would be that it means everything is wrong).

Do yall really think people are just stupid!?! Cause they are not. People just dealt with a historical event, and it is insane to see people judging and being all high and mighty like they are so much smarter!?! What happened to humanity!?! No one could have known this would happen and end this badly. And no one is out if the woods yet. There is already horrible damages. Thank God the rain that was supposed to come in held off in our area. But if it was to start again or one of the dams go all the way thru with collapsing.... we still are not OK. We have people literally trapped in various parts of the county. Even if they are safe, they can't exit their area or no one can get to them. They cannot get groceries or water (which is out and contaminated most places), they can't go get their medications they need, they can't get to their doctors appointments, and some may need oxygen or have other medical conditions, they can't get emergency help to them in some areas.... think very differently is all I know to ask!?! And start praying!!!! This is insane, and it was a combination of events that created this. We had all the record rain levels, the dams overflowing, and some coming to the point of collapsed, and it all flowed in from other areas that were also experiencing a historical event. On top of that, there was the drainage backups that could not handle anymore, so that created even bigger flooding. This is not a "people should have known better" type of thing. This was a combination of lots of bad things happening at once. A historical event, that hopefully never happens again. If you were not part of it to see how fast it all happened, and to see how scary it was and that there was nothing you can do to control it besides pray, then mind your own business and do not speak on things you know nothing about. Look it up yourselves to edicate yourselves. You think all those areas/houses/businesses that were never touched before, would not have some sort of documented history or be standing after all these years!?! It is yall that are being the ignorant ones. And people seeing it and living it are tired of the hate. Thank You to the communities that have pulled together to help each other. Thank You to all the first responders and community citizens taking their time, some just volunteering with no pay, to help save lives and ensure everyone is OK!!!! Those are the good folks. It is hard to ignore the stupid people sometimes tho.


That sucks. Living in Texas, we watched most houses built close to water wash away decades ago due to climate change but it's always a shame to see it happen to anyone. Best of luck to ya from the Lone Star.


Hurricanes getting larger, faster, and more intense. Ocean and sea temperatures getting warmer to feed the hurricanes’ force. Climate change is real.


These disastrous scenes are getting more and more ordinary lately. Let’s hope people won’t get used to them as to stop fighting climate change


I hope everyone was OK. Devastating.
