The Olympic Boxer Situation is WILD

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The story of the Olympian boxer Imane Khelif keeps getting stranger. Let's talk about all of the twists and turns, and what I think Christians can learn from this story.

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Did you watch till the end to catch the bigger part of all of this? If so, let me know your thoughts below!


The IOC could clear it up in a day by doing a test rather than insisting that a word on a passport is all it takes.


The whole basis for men not competing against women is a biological advantage.


This story is over shadowing the one where a male volleyball player disabled a 17 year old and giving her brain damage. Then laughed at her.


Physician here.
If an individual has XY sex chromosomes, that person has many structural differences to a women regardless of the presence or absence of male levels of testosterone(other hormones are involved as well).
As the differences relate to strength and power as is important in many sports, the male skeleton is optimized for these attributes. Heavier, thicker bones, the biomechanics as it relates to joint angles and the application of power, force and thus strength are superior to that of a woman. There is no amount hormone manipulation, hoping, wishing, dreaming, rule changing or "gas lighting" that will change these fundamental facts the human genome has bestowed upon a genetically male(XY chromosomes) patient.


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,


This is why I love your channel so much. I think you exemplify James 1:19, being quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. I think it’s why I leave your videos wanting to give more grace to others instead of becoming angry over things that are going on.


This is why us women keep telling y'all to stop saying assigned "female at birth" or cis-woman


By the way algeria my country, doesn't allow transgenders or LGBT.
Because we are mostly Muslims and it is forbidden.


The problem with this whole thing is that the transgender movement has created this problem with disastrous results, by having actual men competing against women, so when something like this rare case happens this is the expected reaction


Respect to you from a Russian Christian


Im a physician - excellent job explaining this.

You’re the only person who explained the science … properly!!!

The only point I would add, is that if she has Swyers syndrome, her Y chromosome is not functioning at all. That means no anti-mulliarian hormone, so no male gonads at all. This would be different from Caster, who has 5-ARDS - who IS a male because her Y chromosome is functioning. 5-ARDS is medically recognized as a condition that only affects boys (they underproduce testosterone). Swyers affects GIRLS - because they under produce estrogen and progesterone (they have fibrotic ovaries).

Her testosterone, if it’s elevated, is neither here nor there. 15% of elite female athletes can have elevated testosterone (including those with pcos). Also. If she does have swyers syndrome, she’s more likely to be impacted by it (very brittle bones etc — so she’s had to overcome a lot in order to get where she is. It doesn’t give her an edge except for height. I guess lean body mass is arguable.

Regardless - i have so much respect for you doing your research and for the last part. Im subscribing! I was seriously loosing faith in humanity and journalistic integrity LOL My husband took my phone away from me because I couldn’t stop watching videos and arguing with the screen Lol

Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity :)


I empathize with anyone who is intersex and working through the identity issues that go along with that. May Christ give them peace and wisdom. Of course female athletes shouldn't have to compete against those with XY chromosomes. I just think it would be difficult to be raised as a girl your whole life and later find out you are XY and not XX.

But whatever the case, online gossip and slander are incredibly ungodly. I just pray for truth in these situations and that the athletes would know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


I have no respect for the Olympics committee


The Olympic Committee is totally serious about covering up for an athlete who is a sexual predator of minors. And we're supposed to take the word of people like that? They'll cover for anyone.


Simple: XX= Female; XY=Male

Intersex is the curveball.


I love how objective you are. It's unfortunate that people make opinions without gathering all the facts


This is a prime example how a spark can lead to a wildfire.


The fact that the IBA informed them, whether DSD is the case, they withdrew from proving out their case is a problem.


"Truth should be for the purpose of helping people, not a justification for being nasty towards people we don't agree with"
I love this.
