Should We Interpret the Bible Literally?

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Read: Reading the Bible Through the Lens of Your Desire

How should we interpret and read the Bible? Should we read it LITERALLY? What do we mean when we use this term? Detective Jimmy Wallace (J. Warner’s son) tackles these questions as part of his Incarnate Investigation Video Series.
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Yes! And this is why it is exceedingly important to call upon God’s Holy Spirit for guidance, teaching, and thus, understandings in all things biblical, And in our own thoughts, feelings, and actions as we live our lives on earth.


“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16, 17


The Bible is a library of books. There’s poetry and lyrics and history and lots of literal passages. There’s a theme that runs through the entire set of books. I read the Bible as divinely inspired. So to me it’s all inspired but not every written word is to be taken as literal. For example Jesus said pluck out your eye if it causes you to sin. That would leave the blind leading the blind. So he couldn’t have meant it’s better to be entirely blind without eyes than to sin and be judged. So yes it’s Gods word but it has to be divided properly into passages that are interpreted by other passages in context. That’s what I believe.


Hi I saw on your app that u said we can loose our salvation because of a verse in galatians but that doesn’t make sense to me because how could we act right enough to keep ourselves saved. I think I’m that verse it condemns judging...who doesn’t judge?


@Cold-Case Christianity with J. Warner Wallace 
I really appreciate your work! I am finishing "Cold Case Christianity" now. I may be using your material for Sunday School in the future. Have you produced a timeline that shows why you make inferences about who wrote the New Testament books and approximate dates? For example, you write that there is no mention of the destruction of the Jewish Temple (in 70 a.d.) in the Gospels. Therefore, you write it is reasonable to believe that the Gospels were recorded in the first century before the destruction of the temple. A timeline like that would be great, and I think many people would buy it. Thanks for your very helpful work!


The answer is, I take it literal where its obviously intended to be literal, but a wooden literal view for all scripture is just incorrect, as there are many forms of literature used through scripture & symbolic, figurative metaphors, poetry, apocalyptic imagery language, prophetic coming judgement language & more as well as these coming together to create a master piece of Gods holy word. It is living & active, & for us to apply to our lives as believers, to grow in grace & the knowledge of the truth, & that truth is Jesus Christ revealed by the Holy Spirit


Of course. We aren’t stupid. Metaphor, simile, analogy etc all are easily identified.
The first rule is to take it literally.
If it’s established that there is another figure of speech present, ok.
We know God doesn’t have wings and isn’t a hen.
Trees don’t really clap etc.


I literally take the bible seriously and I take the literal meaning underneath the idioms in the bible literally, so yeah, one should take the word of God and the God of the word literally and always remember the scripture that says it is the glory of God to cancel a thing and the honor of kings is to search out a matter.


simple. some of it is literal, some is symbolic, some is metaphorical. its a matter of knowing which are which based on fact, logic, context, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit


I see it as: “thus saith the Lord” is literal but we also have psalms, parables, moral in the stories, etc.
We have to read and interpret according to what the Spirit is saying
If someone struggles understanding keep reading and the Spirit will guide


Hey brother
Really appreciate you and your Dad
It would be really helpful if you both could make your videos 5-6 minutes long (similar to PragerU). I think that it would help you will get more views. It’s not that your content isn’t good, it’s just that often we folks out here only have five minutes or so to view at a time. So appreciate you both and helping us run this race better. Love you


If I were to say "The bible is the literal Word of God" (you probably know from my grammar), I mean that since the Bible is called the Word of God, this is what I mean that literally, the Bible is the Word of God.
Just like I don't say "Do you accept Jesus as your personal Lord & Savior?" rather I say "Do you personally receive Jesus as..." because the former implies that the Savior is only for the one, a single person rather than for the world as the Scriptures say (John 3:16) where the latter says each person chooses to receive (not accept) Jesus as Lord & Savior.


The question I have is are we supposed to take the events of the Bible as actual history. Because if it’s all figurative then why is how the message conveyed supposedly “monopolied” to the Bible? I mean that with no disrespect but as an actual question.


You are correct, it is impossible to read the Bible literally and come near to any of its truths and revelations. It is so from the very beginning.


Why should we be so childish in such thinking when the Bible is filled with both literal as well as symbolic and figurative and metaphorical portions? God is the creator of all communication and all it’s forms are beautiful and describes truth in many different ways that both the human heart and mind can comprehend the majesty and glory of God almighty.
Children need literal milk and will need to grow up to enjoy the subtle flavors of all kinds of food in the world for not just our survival and nourishment but also for enjoyment.


The Bible is ancient literature from a specific cultural context. It should be read on its own terms to appreciate how it applies to us. There's sort of a bizarre pseudo-intellectualism with Young Earth Creationists who, by the way, are highly selective (and disingenuous) in what they say is literal and what is metaphorical. For example, six 24-hour day creation and Adam being formed "from dust" (which is an ancient near east idiom meaning "mortal") are literal, but "windows of the heavens" in Gen 7: 11 and "Foundations of the earth" and "four corners of the Earth" mentioned many times are metaphors. But why the selectiveness? On the flip side, Song of Songs is plainly erotic love poetry and not some metaphor for Christ and the Church or whatever utter nonsense fundamentalists cook up. Nor does 2000-3000 year old literature contain hidden scientific knowledge (as your father has asserted btw) or numerical revelation (as Bible Coders believe). I no longer go to church because I'm sick of peoples' incurable ignorance and the laziness of pastors.


There are allegories. HEBREW AND GREEK ARE IMPORTANT. English translations don't always do justice


Was the Holy Spirit helping you recap your day? To use your daily recap and apply it to the bible is not equivalent.


The answer is in the bible. Col 2:17. Old Testament is the shadow of New Testament. New Testament should be taken literally, except Revelation.


Too much hemming and hawing. Do you believe that Adam was a real man created from the dust of the earth a few thousand years ago? Do exacting blue-prints to a temple that takes up 9 chapters in Ezekiel refer to a physical temple? Do you believe that Jesus is a real person that died and came back to life? Depending on the context, these are what is being asked. In a prophecy context, the Ezekiel question is exactly what's being asked. By a person on the street, the question about Jesus and creation are being asked. The question isn't hard.
