Why are there so many interpretations of the Bible?

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"Why are there so many interpretations of the Bible? Why can't Christians agree on the Bible?"
Dr. Robert Plummer answers in Honest Answers | Episode 33

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If its against your personal agenda people find a way to change it.


This guy did a great job answering this question. Gave different reasons why people may interpret scripture than others and gave scripture to encourage people in seeking God for answers in their life. For any of you saying he didn’t answer this well or he side stepped the question, you obviously need to open your ears and listen to/watch this video again. Great job Southern Seminary!


It's no wonder if someone approaches the Bible with the presupposition that it is the word of God that they come to the conclusion it is the word of God. [Just using his argument back on him.]


There are unintentional contradictions, especially in English translations.
Proof, is, Christianity is not under one roof. I have noticed, the contradictions, are between persons, not the basic love letter.


He never answered the question in the YouTube title about bible versions. Frustrating.


The REASON for many MISINTERPRETATIONS is because MANY have superimposed their OWN limited finite thinking onto God's PERFECT word. CHRISTIANITY is NO an exercise in intellectual development. That is a fundamental mistake.1 Corinthians 2:12-14  (RSV)12 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that we might understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. 13 And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit.[a]14 The unspiritual[b] man does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.


I listened to the full video and Im being honest. This speaker did not give a straight answer. I understand sometimes it's necessary to give a parable but the verse in Romans has no relevance to the question. Furthermore sugar coating the answer with "God will help you!" Is not helpful as this is not a error from God's end but rather the Christians for not preserving their book in the text (so the language in which) it was revealed in. The message can be lost in translation especially if it's more than one language.


Okay people, so think about it for a second instead of harsh judgment. Clearly he did answer the question that was GIVEN to him. His question he was answering is “why cant Christians agree on the Bible?”. BUT he did also did answer the question. He isnt talking about interpretation/translations like a Bible translation. But instead on interpretation of difficult texts (hermeneutics)


Tony Campolo and colleagues settle on Red Letter scripture, wisdom falling from lips of Christ. Apostle Paul, charismatic leader, Roman citizen, expert lawyer tried to reconcile why he, wretched sinner, zealous persecutor of Christians, received so much grace, filled with Holy Spirit could work wonders, The expert Pharisee argued long and hard and well. but his " works-faith " definition in Ronans 3.28 was so misinterpreted it led to the crescendo of challenges and scores of denominations, some sporting Swastikas, many think that is a good thing, Apostle Peter would lament at the misinterpretation.


Why believe in the Bible at all unless you believe in the Catholic Church? Don't you know that it was the Catholic Church put the Bible together in the first place, at the Council of Hippo in 393 a.d.?

The Bible is utterly incomprehensible without the teaching authority of the Catholic Church.


I’m concerned with how many Christians view the Bible through the lens of science. It’s amazing how much things in science contradict the Bible, depending of course on your interpretation. But let’s be honest there is only one interpretation of the Bible, the way God intended it to be understood. The earth cannot be millions of years old and thousands at the same time.. please Christians, don’t let the world change your perspective on what’s clearly revealed in Scripture. View everything through the lens of Scripture and if it doesn’t agree then dig deep to understand why!!


3:50 Former Christian here. This is a pretty fair question. However, the reality is that most people are not going to be Bible scholars. I am no scholar myself, but I did what I could for several years. I am still not convinced that the Bible is the inerrant and complete Word of God. I am however convinced that it was written by human beings. Sure, we can draw inspiration from some parts of it. But it remains a collection of man-made documents. I don't think you necessarily need the Bible to find God or decency. Of course, I know that this is nothing but satanic blasphemy by evangelical standards.


Because Martin Luther revolted and many heresys and interpretations and churches have risen up and follow wolves. Catholicism has kept the same interpretation for over 2000 years just as the church fathers and Jesus meant for his one Church to be. There is no confusion in our interpretations.


2:44 God is a loving Father, Amen!! That is why he gave us a Church which is the pillar and bulwark of truth which can guide us into all Truth. When you turn away from the Church, that God himself established, you can interpret the Bible any way you want and by what authority do you have to say they are wrong?


Were the answers really that honest !!? For example when did Jesus teach "us" about asking for a fish etc. ? What I mean is that Jesus was ministering to the circumcision exclusively during his earthly ministry(other than a small amount of exceptions maybe) .. eg the woman who kept barracking him and finally, having ignored her m explained to her that it wasn't meet to give the chidrens bread to the dogs !!! Would it be true that if a mon gentile like myself and this gentleman on the vide could time warp and be in his audience we would have been "dogs" ... and he wasn't going to address us at all !!! Therefore how come then, that the claim is that Jesus taught "us" about the fish etc etc. !!?


Because we all accept god’s grace at different levels. Most are only willing to be barley saved and won’t accept any holiness a few go on to to receive the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongue’s and a select few accept all of the great grace of god and go on to perfection.


Justification of the teaching Magisterium of the Catholic Church which has the advantage of over 2000 years experience in interpreting the Bible which, in turn, She codified in 382. Jesus founded His Church in 382


Most modern evangelical Christians force the scripture to fit into one of two man-made systems of interpretation.
Reformed Covenant Theology is about 400 years old, and Dispensational Theology is less than 200 years old.
Southern Seminary now uses the first of the above.
The 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith claims the ten commandments were given to Adam in the garden, even though Paul says in Galatians 3:16-29 the law was "added" 430 years "after" the promise was made to Abraham "until" the seed (Christ) could come to whom the promise was made.
Who would Adam have committed adultery with, since Eve was the only woman alive? How could Adam honor his mother, since he had none?
The confession also claims we are still under the 4th commandment, even though Paul says otherwise in Colossians 2:16-17. You cannot keep the Sinai sabbath on the wrong day of the week, at the wrong time of day, by doing only some work. Christ is our Sabbath rest every day of the week.
Much of this confusion comes from an ignorance, or denial, of the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34.


The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob only authored ONE Holy Written Word - just one. And in that Word He warns us about adding to - and taking from - His Word. But mankind being mankind - secular, sinful and full of pride - decided that we could word His Word better than He - so we started writing all of these "versions" we have now in the bookstores and libraries. Are those (versions) His true Living Holy Word? No. They are written by mankind - and those who have written them will be destroyed - according to God. .
Also - worth nothing - the King James 1611 text is the only text that carries no copyright - never has - never will. . The NIV, ESV, NKJV, NWT, etc - cannot claim the same. . Another red flag - which book is the one book that is most widely attacked - - the King James 1611. That's because satan only goes after God's Word - and even he knows which one is God's Word.


"Why are there so many interpretations of the Bible?"

For many years I wondered why this was; but I never got a plausible answer anywhere. That all changed when I reached 75 (89 now).

It happened BECAUSE I sincerely prayed my heart out to Jesus; asking WHY there are so MANY diabolically different beliefs all over the world; when it comes to interpretations of the bible(s).

Within days, I began learning things I had never learned in the previous 70 yrs of my life. Oh indeed I did. Praise Jesus! And it hasn't stopped yet! Wow! How I love Jesus with "all my heart, soul and mind"!

Warning: In all likelihood, You're NOT "gunna" like this; but I believe it IS true. I believe that the Holy Spirit guided me to realize that ALL bibles are filled with errors. Oh indeed yes. I would have never believed that; If I hadn't took it to Jesus!. Thus, I stand on it; as I stand on this planet. I don't care if the entire world goes against me I will stand on it. However...

...I am NOT going to throw my bibles in the garbage can; BECAUSE there are untold "golden" truths throughout the bible(s) ALSO!. Oh indeed yes. I believe the Holy Spirit guided me to know this too. And THIS answered my question to the "nth" degree. Praise His Holy Name.

Here are just a few "errors" (but there are a myriad number of errors more)...

...Compare Deuteronomy 24:1 vs Mathew 19:3-9. And compare Mathew 1:1 vs Mathew 22:41-45 and John 8:58. Also compare James 2:26 vs Ephesians 2:8 and 9. Also, compare Mark 3:28 and 29 vs Hebrews 10:26. And I could go on and on and on; where there ARE bold contradictions and right out lies. Please read...

...2nd Timothy 3:16 is NOT true. Oh yes indeed. The above proves that to any wise person. I love Paul and MUCH of what he wrote is absolute truth. But he wrote errors also. Oh indeed he did.

Thus: I believe this happened because satan inspired ALL the writers to put in errors; while Jesus was inspiring the truths. And I believe that Jesus let him do that; so that we would NOT worship the bible; rather worship Him. Oh yes!

Now if you are mad at me now; hear this:

NO bible is the "word of God". I believe that Jesus is the ONLY "word" of God there will ever have been. Please read this...

...John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with(in) God, and the Word was God. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, ) full of grace and truth.

Now SHOW me a single bible that has ever been; that became "flesh"! Huh? I rest my case.

Could I be wrong? ABSOLUTELY yes! But this applies to all others who must bare the same.

In any case, Praise Jesus; for He is the ONLY true God there will ever have been. AMEN!
