Upper Lower OR Push Pull Legs? (Consider This For Better Recovery & Growth!)

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Should you do upper lower split or push pull legs? Should alternate a pushing exercise with a pulling exercise or complete all pushing exercises back to back? Should you train legs 1x per week or 2x per week? In this video Joshua shares his experience and more importantly what you should consider if your goal is maximum muscle growth with improved recovery!

Joshua is a WNBF pro natural bodybuilder, online coach, ambassador for Core Nutritionals and is a contributor for Natural Bodybuilding Worldwide!

Video segment from episode 93 of the Longevity Muscle Podcast with WNBF pro natural bodybuilder - Joshua Kenyon

Joshua Kenyon on YT: @joshuakenyon9668

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Рекомендации по теме

Awesome physique. Joshua is great love the interview


love the content, but really weird seeing an obviously fake natty on here talking about training as a natural
