5 Easy Tips to Stay Motivated! - Motivational Video
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First, you're going to want to set your goals. What you plan to do, Where you plan to do it, when you plan to exercise, how, using any available equipment and who you plan to look up to, physique wise, in order to set your dream goal.
Scheduling a consistent time to workout. If you tell yourself you're going to workout "sometime during the day" then you're not making it a priority. And if you plan on getting into shape and staying motivated then it's going to have to remain a top priority! Set the number of days you'll be working out a week and the time of day and stick to that plan. That's what separates the dudes from the Buff Dudes!
Measuring Your Progress. By measuring your progress you won't have to just guess if you've made any progress or not, you'll have solid proof! Take progress pictures in a room with consistent lighting at the same time of day once every couple of weeks. Combine that with taking measurements and weighing yourself. That way, when you have days when you're feeling unmotivated, you can just look at how far you've advanced by looking at older progress pictures of yourself. It works wonders!
Injury or Improper Nutrition. Getting into shape is more than just making it to the gym every day. The chair of consistency has 4 legs - Working Out, Proper Sleep, Nutrition & Cardio. Remove one of these legs and the table becomes shakey, remove two and the table falls over! Always remember proper sleep and hydration in addition to fueling yourself properly with food. And don't think that the more you work out the faster you'll reach your goals. Moderation and consistency is key! Take at least 1 day off a week to rest & recover in order to avoid overtraining. And if you feel you're more than just fatigued but actually injured don't be the tough guy and work through it. Find professional help!
Motivational Tip number 5. You need to stay away from negativity, and surround yourself with like minded individuals with similar goals. As the old sayings go 'misery loves company but iron sharpens iron.' Try and avoid energy vampires or those who wish to hold you down. If you can't find like minded company, stay strong with tip number 2 and stay consistent with your schedule. It won't be easy, but nothing ever worth doing ever was. Especially if you wanna become Buff.
Buff Dudes / Fitness / Top 5 Best Tips to Stay Motivated in the Gym!
Written, Shot, Edited, Directed by: Hudson
Starring: Brandon White
Special guest: Diego Marrero.
Buff Dudes Logo Artwork & Other Artwork by Brandon White
Music in this video is used under license from the rights holder.