PETITTI | Pet Friendly, Non-Toxic Houseplants for Dogs & Cats

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Looking for more pet-friendly houseplant suggestions? Take a tour of our houseplant section with Noelle as she shares some of our favorite non-toxic houseplants. From full sun-loving succulents to the low light tolerant Neanthe Bella Palm, there are so many options that the ASPCA considers safe for pets. Watch this video with Noelle to learn more about some of the varieties we typically have available here at Petitti’s, along with some new and unique plants.

Note: *Any plant may cause unexpected reactions, including choking. Be advised that the consumption of any plant material may cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset for dogs and cats. For specific information concerning pet symptoms, illness, possible poisonings, etc., please contact your local veterinarian, the ASPCA 24/7 Poison Control hotline at 1-888-426-4435, or Pet Poison Helpline® 1-855-764-7661.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you, Noelle! The tour of actual plants being sold was super helpful to know what the plants look like up close and what is available to purchase. Much more informative than a lot of articles I have found with a Google search!


Thank you Noelle, this was great! Lots of information provided. I'd love even more houseplant videos from you. Maybe highlight an entire whole family of plants (such as Philodendrons, Peperomias, Pothos, etc.)? 😃😃😃
