Dealing with Burnout as a Writer

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Burnout is something almost every writer will deal with at some point. It happens when you push yourself past capacity for too long, or repeat the same tasks for too long with no variation, and can result in having no energy to create. It's one of the most frustrating problems a writer can face, but also one most people face at least once. Today we're talking about strategies to deal with burnout, and hopefully avoid it in the first place.

0:00 - Intro
0:59 - Take breaks when you need them
2:53 - Minimize your to-do list
3:34 - Ease back into writing
4:09 - Get creative input
5:03 - Know that burnout is normal
5:50 - Write what feels easiest
6:18 - Think about what caused the burnout


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Easiest solution to burn out in an author, especially a novelist, is novellas!
Write much shorter stories that are quicker to finish and be done with ---sometimes, in a week.
With a novella, one could still claim they're written a book, or are an author, and, its correct, they've a book, and are authors.
But, rest is necessary in creative writing if one must achieve optimal creativity in their literay, or fictional work.


This was so helpful It’s so important to recognize that we can burnout doing something even though we love doing it! I didn’t recognize that I had burned out even though I found myself saying that I was finding writing ‘a slog lately’. Finally I went on a a vacation and left my laptop at home. I came back itching to write and suddenly the creative juices were flowing. I need to learn that it’s all right to stop writing sometimes to refill the creative well.


i think i got burnout for the longest time because i just wasn't taking care of myself while writing. it's really hard to take care of myself and the emotional weight of writing but I've been getting better at listening to my body (and heart, if you will)


I was working on a novel, and had finished the second draft and was going to finish the finial draft but just couldn’t. This video helped.


It's as if you've read my mind. This is exactly what I am going through right now. This video came at the right time. Thank you.


Honestly I think mine started because it’s so many different characters wanting to tell a story I can’t tell who should go first. Some feeling like they connect when others wonder when there time will come. Really upsetting because I can see them in my mind like a movie.


This video definitely found me when I needed it!


I've dealt with burnout a couple of times. The first times, taking a break helped. But the last time I discovered the magic of creative input, in the form of scrolling down beautiful art on Pinterest. Pinterest was a saver.


Thank you for this, I've been suffering from immense guilt every time I take a break and hearing that it's okay is exactly what I needed. I think that sometimes us creative types feel pressured to continuously produce but it's so important to give the mind a rest. This is a great video!


Gratitude for sharing, may your creative reservoir always be in the path of the deluge.


Before becoming a writer I was a construction manager and in that career and working in journalism after that, taught me this: Sometimes you just have to grind away until it's done. Editors and project managers don't care about burn out. To finish becomes the goal. The break comes after. You become hard and focused because you must. That's how writing in the real world works unless you are very lucky.


This is me--right now. I've been in a funk since Saturday and I was feeling super guilty about it. I've been working and re-working the same manuscript for the last several months and I feel overwhelmed in my revisions. Thanks so much for this video!


It's 2023 and I'm just now seeing the video. It has helped me with what I'm going through. My question is, how do you deal with writing burnout that's related to issues as a result of the pandemic? My burnout has to do with the pandemic happening, me breaking my arm the next year, and then me being scared that something else crazy. How do I do with that. I'm not even sure.


Rather than plan time to write around life, I write and forget about the rest of life


I started a project around 2 years ago. My project is still around. I have spent months just writing a single sentence.
I have had months where i completely forgot about my project.

Its been two years, And Im only on the third draft. But its strodding along nicely.
I have done nothing this week but work on it for 8-14 hours a day again. Im feeling like i need another bteak once more


I don't understand this, but then again writing is a hobby for me and nothing more. Twenty one days straight working up to 13+ hour shifts in a hot, busy kitchen ... that's burnout. I have had a month, more even, times when I just don't write and I've had a ten hour writing day managing 8, 900 words - the most writing I've ever done in one day, plenty of 5, 000 word days too. I'll have times when I just don't want to write and that's fine. I've no deadlines and I know it'll come back soon enough.


when I start written I didn't know I far I go


Avoid additional costs associated with writing as in marketing. Find an agent.


So, I don't have writer's block. Phew. I just burn out every couple of days.


I take a break then read a book or watch 📺 listen to the radio
