3 Ways of Playing F Chord - Guitar Lesson - Guitar for Beginners Stage 6 [BC-161]

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This video shows you how to play the F chord. In fact it shows you a bunch of ways to play it!

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The F-chord. I think the name is self explanatory.


The feeling when you find the chords to a good song and then you see the stupid F chord


You just have to practice to install a capo really fast and then play a E


The most crucial step when learning the F is bringing the thumb down to the bottom of the neck of the guitar which will help flatten out the finger.. You're welcome.


holy shit, thats it, im changing to ukelele


I was hoping there was a way that wasn't any of those three ways.


quick tip: if you're doing the f barre chord, try to practice it a few frets up. the first fret is the hardest to barre since is the closest to the headstock. once you've mastered it in the higher frets, proceed to try it lower until you've mastered the f chord. this was how i learned it btw


This is my first day of grabbing a guitar and somehow I straight up ended up with the most difficult chord...


I'm banning the f chord when I become a dictator.


"This song is so cool and looks easy to play"
F-chord: I'm about to end this man's whole career


How to get motivated to learn the F-Chord: Pick a love song with the F chord, find someone you have a crush on, plan to seduce them by playing this song for them. :)


What i find ironic about the F chord is that it doesn' even sound THAT good despite how hard it is. Regular super easy C chord rings a lot nicer to my ears for example...


Almost one month now, training EVERY DAY, trying to do this F-ing chord. God dammit, it is impossible!!

And I see Justin doing it or anyone else on Youtube, and they make it seem so easy. Gosh, I hate this chord!! And all the songs I want to play have it...

Update: Now I'm 3 months training, every day as usual, and I'm JUST able to do barre chords. But I cannot change open chords to barre chords in a good speed. So I still can't play songs with barre yet. But I'm progressing! Just keep practicing :)


You know one thing no one ever told me when I started out is that if you are barring a chord, lets say F. you only need to focus on barring the low E, B and high E. I was trying to barre across the whole neck on every chord! Ouch! Hard to do, and not necessary. Also, on the F where you only barre the B and high E with your index, your index finger can bump into the G without effecting it because it's fretted by your middle finger further up. This principle is true on all chords.


This chord makes my hand feel likes it's going to implode.


OMG HE JUST GAVE US THE SECRET. It’s all about the muscle between the 1st and thumb. You just have to tense that part and you’re gonna have a clean F. GL guys!


My god you are one articulate man! He just starts talking and carefully chooses his words and progresses. No umms or searching for words...brilliantly described. Thank you


I started playing guitar back in January and TODAY, I can proudly say that I cracked the dreadful fxxxing "F" chord. I cannot express in words this joyful feeling. Thanks for the tips.


I can't get it to sound right, it's always like "muted" or something >, <


There's a reason it's called the "F" Chord...

Like, the F... chord
