Why I think Jordan Peterson is an ENTJ

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#JordanPeterson #ENTJ #MBTI
Someone asked why I think JP is an ENTJ. I herein answer the question. I should add, however: he might be an ENFJ. They can be experts at "presenting as smart," but I think JP might represent too ambitious an example of such a presentation to actually justify our concluding that he's an ENFJ.

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I'd say INTJ. His typical arguments often refer to existing literature directly rather than that he is really creating his own logical frameworks in a Ti manner. If you hear him talk it's always this study said this, this book says that, this scientist says that etc.. The validation of his argument is always tied to to some external source. Also, he seems to be the person who orders all the known information rather than that he is actually proposing actual new ideas that he ideated himself. A lot of other things he is refering to are rather old sources who have been saying something for ages. I think Ni doms often gravitate towards such old sources since they are most timeless and Ni is interested in going back to the ultimate source when it comes to investigating subjects.

On the first impression one could be persuaded by the media to think he is a controversial figure who says controversial things which would make him seem like an ENTP .However, the thing is that they are only controversial compared to the rather newly frabricated way of looking at things (like identity politics). So what Jordan is doing is defending the old views rather than the new ways. He is also often looking for the universal overlapping archetypical concept behind multiple things (Ni) like stories, personal development, religion. He is really not like an NTP that believes in some sort of specific (possibly unproven theory they are working on themselves that is controversial because they are the only ones who are interested in it and there is a lack of external studies to back it up.

People think he is reasoning on the spot because he seems to be able to answer questions about the subjects he talks about. However, it is exactly that his ability to answer questions are only about subjects he already extensily studied beforehand and knwos inside out, which directly detaches it from being actually "reasoning on the spot". He is is not outspoken about subjects he has not already somewhat studied. An NTP would be more comfortable with speaking about things they are not beforehand informed about, since they use their own logical framework and Ne to work through info on the spot.

In his demeaner there does not seem much Ne visibile at all. There is no playful or childlike side to him at all, no lightness, no humor, which is often associated with Ne. He seems quite a "mature" and serious guy in demeaner in line with an IJ type rather than an NTP. NTPs usually have a somewhat archetypical boylike demeaner (boy who wants to understand the world) whereas Te is more the archetypical father figure who advices what you should do.

The way he manages groups of people is not the Fe way to handle them. Rather than focussing on the realm that Fe focusses on (the emotion, the social admosphere) when he deals with groups, he focusses on the Te realm of being competent, strong and prepared.

- The concept of his book "12 rules for life" is very Te book rather than Ti. It basically gives you rules about things you should 'do' in the external world, in order to get a certain result. This is not Ti at all. Te will typically tell you what to do in such a pragmatic way, Ti will not. Ti will want to inform you about how things function according to them, but in the end they want you to make up your own mind.

- In all his advice, he's very generalistic. 'Men usually want this, women want usally want that" and unlike an NTP he does not adapt his answers on the spot to adapt to the specific question. If you ask a high Ti person a question about let's say you're doubting about taking a job. The NTP they will ask YOU a bunch of questions in order to inform themselves of the project at hand, whereas a Peterson just uses Te general rules. Oh women want protection? Then you should become a man to offer them that. However, if the man is too feminine and not protective in nature but seeks female that is more protective, then his whole argument stops working. An NTP would analyse YOU and the JOB and then compare if the different propherties of both aligned and would not hypothetically (Ne) cause friction. They would not really tell you to do anyhting eiether, but just inform you of their reasoning. WHether you agree with that reasoning or not does not matter as Ti communicates the truth tthat the person holds and expects others to do the same. I personally have typed a lot of people on discord, and if people start to believe every word I say because I somehow seem competent in their eyes, _withotu them validating their points with their own TI_ they're almost all Te users. They invest time in finding a good source and then trust that source, while Ti is eternally skeptical of anything.

He seems a very careful and controlled person in the way he handles things. He always wants to do the 'right' thing and even if the person is dicussing things with is totally unreasonable and agressive, he still maintains to have be very reasonable. He does not seem a very "reactive" kind of guy, but rather seems to stick to his own internal goal.

He never seems to have the urge to shake things with the purpose of shaking things up. It only seems he is shaking up things, because suddenly today reasonable arguments just seem to offend people for no reason while a few years ago this would not offend anyone.

It makes more sense for an Ni dom to basically go everywhere and say pretty much the same things over and over again everywhere if it serves the big dream/goal they believe in with their Ni.

So basically I'd say he's an INTJ


That was quick. Thank you for making that video. I like that you prefaced it with saying that remote typings are not reliable.

I don't think I know Te enough to give you a direct opinion on whether you're right or not. But it is the case that from watching his lectures, his interviews and his personal takes on why he did certain things, for example the whole benzodiazepine fiasco, he doesn't strike me as an ENTJ, or even Te front stack. For example, he stated on multiple occasions that he is very agreeable (Fe) and it takes a toll of multiple days or weeks of emotional unrest when he had to be "bossy" in an interview. You'll also find that his Te-sounding 'You should's are based in endless Ti principles that he undergoes, as you can see in his lectures. Further, he states that his benzo problem arose within strong personal turmoil (sick wife) when there was already a morbid depression in him, and he really had his back against the wall; and him eating only meat out of laziness doesn't seem right with me if one is to trust him on his life hardship of finding anything that might not upset his many food allergies and intolerances.

However, I concede that his personal accounts can be fallible, as is the case for any human being who is trying to assess themselves accurately.

Bottom line is that I don't think you are doing wrong by making a judgment before knowing the full story (I think it's fine to have a hot take), but it still seems that your intuitions on when someone is Te leading or Si PoLR might be shortsighted.


I totally agree, Te was coined as a practical intellect by Carl Jung. He has ample amounts of Te especially since his advice is mostly practical. But with his Ni it is more pilosophical (idea = N) than actual ( objective reality = S) I guess. :)


JP is either an ISFP or an ENTJ. Much of his behavior would suggest ENTJ, but his attitude toward Ne and Fi, in particular, seem to suggest ISFP. If he is an ISFP, he's a rather extremely defiant character from the stereotypical ISFP, that's for sure XD


I just love the Se Polar rock that watch wearing on the insight of the wrist 😂🙈👌


Hello Host Eric. Recently, I thought Jordan Peterson is an ISFJ because he was ranting about how people must be immature and deluded if they say they don't want children. He made a comment about how you don't know better than all of your ancestors on that subject and I immediately thought of Si-Fe.


I always thought he was an INFJ like me because his Ni was clear to me but after having an ENTJ close friend and analysing him more, and specially after his desease fase I came to realize he is an ENTJ for sure


entj - "gives unsolicited life advice and gets angry if you don't follow it" 🙄yep-> seems about right 😆12 Rules for live, clean your room, behave like a lobster etc


I think you’re correct about his type. But I will never comprehend the level of controversy surrounding this man. It makes no sense 😂🤣


To whoever may be reading this, just know you will achieve what you want in life. You are on the right path becoming one step closer to your goals. Manifest your dream life, anything’s possible. ❤️ Charge your life


interesting. the youtuber Casual Cognition typed him as ISFP, which has all the same first four functions, just in a different order.


Yes. Whatever Eric is, JP is the opposite of that


I was watching one of his vids earlier, and he was speaking about his own self in his early 20s. I even forced myself to watch his thing with the fool mohammed hijab. Taking that into account, I don't think he is an entj. Enfj is more likely.


By the way. I just discovered that I'm a psychopath, because I never have remorse for my actions. And supposedly that makes me a psychopath.


He is ENTP-A for sure the dude is so argumentative and doesn't have feelings. I have never seen him agree with someone else even if they agree with his point of view LOL.


I am very certain he is an INTP. Everything he ultimately stands for is to do with dissecting the Ti validity or 'truthfulness' of the frameworks he is worried about effecting society and individual people's lives, Ni 6th. Also, all of his lectures and talks are improvised explorations of ideas that he is connecting and working through from different fields of interest, Ne tool.


I Saw the 36hours "biblical series" and also typed him ENTJ !
But when you talking about leaving the dragons alone...I think the decision to allow this possibility caused by Fi polarity in you...I don't think this possibility is allowed to happen in right decision ! As an INTP(most propably)...


I think he's ISFP.
He's a P type for sure.


Your premises from 2:17 on are false. as well as your subsequent arguments. they are invalid and unsound.
