Side Lying Straight Leg Raise - Glute Medius Strengthening Exercise

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In this short video, I want to show you one of my favourite ground based glute exercises for runners. The side lying straight leg raise is a great drill to help you learn how to engage glute medius (aka glute med), which is an important muscle for providing hip and pelvic stability for us runners.

This exercise is a precursor to glute med exercises which have you in a more 'functional' position, like a hip hitch or single leg squat. Learn to get this glute medius exercise right, and feel how to engage these important glute muscles on demand, and you'll be more successful with more functional exercises that demand hip stability and control.



#glutes #exercise #running



ABOUT ME: I'm a runner, sports rehabilitation specialist and coach based in the UK (Norwich and London).

Since 2007 I've been working with athletes focusing specifically on helping distance runners and triathletes overcome injury and improve performance through developing their individual running technique.

Running biomechanics has become a geeky little passion of mine!

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QUESTION 😃 What are YOU training for at the moment? Let me know!!


Jeez, can feel this one a lot more than I expected!


Im from other side of the world and if it means anything you are true heroes for using internet for what it should be used for, health and fortune to all of us!


I really appreciate these videos. Sitting too long caused to get  Piriformis Syndrome as my TFL was sore . I am getting stronger now as it getting less sore and the other stretching videos were a great help!


Thank you so much for this! I’ve been struggling for years with an injury and have been using the tensor fasciae latae instead of my glute and no one has been able to explain what was going wrong, seeing this video and following the explanation of moving my leg back suddenly made me feel this exercise where I should and suddenly I can make sense of the lack of progress!


Oh my goodness. I am doing it with the resistant band and what a difference. Thank you.


Thanks, PT had me doing these and I was told it was to strengthen the hip which is necessary to use glutes when running. I'm trying to strengthen glutes more per your recommendation.


I’m trying to manage stubborn TFL pain, hopefully this and some other exercises will help! Aaannnd, um, nice legs!


Thank you for this video.
I will be trying these


Thanks for the video James. The tip about reaching back with the upper leg made it work for me. Out of interest, what's your view on clamshells for glut med? Yes or no?


Awesome video again James! Can we add resistance loops to this?


Great video - another good exercise well explained and demonstrated. I find it really hard to active my glute on one side. It's not bad in some exercises - like this one - but really can't get it to wake up on exercises like a single left bridge. Any recommendations on ways to help get that one side to fire?



Should your top foot be pointing forward/neutral or should you externally rotate your top legs with your toes pointing up or internally rotate making your heel higher? I have read all of these options in various running exercise posts. Just want to maximize glute med activation and shut down TFL as much as possible. Thanks!


Hi James, how high should we raise the leg? As high as it goes? or is there an optimal top end position to stop and hold for 5-10 seconds? Thanks in advance for your help!


Hi James, I've been having shin splints and a podiatrist recommended strengthening my glutes. I trust the advice but I'm curious how it would help. What do you think?


Hi James. I just watched Tim's video of all the students in Video Labs. It looks like you have a great class! I am trying to get in better shape and have been doing some running so I thought I would check out your channel. I think you have a great niche with running! When I looked for your channel in Tim's description box I couldn't figure out which channel was yours. The title of your channel doesn't reflect anything about running. I think putting something about running in your channel title would really help people to notice and find your channel. Anyways I am going to subscribe to your channel so I can learn more about running!


Great video - how long does it typically take to build strength in the glutes?


Hi James! I have upper inner thigh that hurts during a long run. Any suggestions ways to strengthen this situation. Thank you


how much ( till what angle) normally can be raise straight leg sideway. How much is maximum possible


Ahhh I've just realised something... was it you who did the glute strength for runners talk at Love Trails this year? I came to it - have short hair and an athletic brown dog. Asked a question at the end. These videos are great - thanks for making them. Random question but have you come across the Walt Reynolds exercise for hip strength/ITBS? Any thoughts on it?
