Foolproof Guide to Side Lying Hip Abduction

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Foolproof Guide to Sidelying Hip Abduction

[ACLr Prehab}


We haven't announced this move yet, but this is one of our ACLr Prehab videos we made in collaboration with a Silicon valley based tech startup. We will be CHANGING THE GAME in terms of surgical prehab and immediately post-operative rehab with this company. Be on the lookout for the full announcement later this quarter!


While gaining back knee range of motion is the biggest preoperative indicator for a successful ACLr surgery, maintaining proximal strength of your core and glutes is a way to jump start post-surgery rehabilitation. Learning how to activate these muscles in addition to building up as much strength as possible prior to surgery means that once your knee is strong enough to squat, hinge, lift, lunge, etc, you won’t have to worry about other weak links in the functional chain - your core and glutes - getting in the way of your rehabilitation.


1️⃣Lie on your side with your affected leg on top

2️⃣Bend your bottom leg

3️⃣Slightly squeeze your core. Maintain this activation throughout the entire exercise

4️⃣Push your bottom knee into the ground to keep your pelvis stable

5️⃣Straight your top leg and lift it up and back. The key is that your are not just lifting the leg up, but also BACK a bit

6️⃣You should feel a deep muscle burning in the back of your hips where your glutes are, not in the front of your hips. If you feel it in the front of your hips, make sure your hips are pointed directly ahead of you and not up to the sky, and also check that you are lifting the top leg backwards

#ACL #ACLr #ACLrehab


Рекомендации по теме

I think you forgot to mention the internal rotation of the foot while elevating the leg. Great video!! Thanks <3


Could you do a video on strengthening muscle around your pelvis?


i only feel this in my knee of the leg being abducted, why could this be please?


forcing us to watch a 4 minute ad is a bit much


When I do this my calf hurts. But that's not going to stop me. I'm dedicated to stop being a lazy useless piece of meat. I guess I'll have to keep losing weight, yes, I said keep, I lost 5 kg in two weeks. I'm 1'97cm tall and 96kg now, close to my ideal weight but still I have a very big belly and mantits, and it's embarrassing me. I want both of them out of my life. I'm also lifting some weights and I'm planning on going to the gym soon to continue woth the help of a professional.
