The most OVERPOWERED Weapon - The Morgan | All the Mods 9

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Welcome to my Minecraft All The Mods 9 Guides! 🙌
I will show you how you can get the Morgan, a sword that deals up to 5.000 Damage and which is added by the Mod Mahou Tsuaki.

- Damage got reduced from 5.000.000 to 5.000
- Ender Upgrade Orbs got reduced from 83 to 26

Have fun!

📌 In this episode, we'll cover:
0:00 Intro
0:26 Basics
1:30 Mahou/Mana Generators
2:48 Calibur
4:00 Damage Cap
7:13 Morgan & Strengthening


My Setup*

*This list contains affiliate links. If you purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.


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The Morgan Cap has been reduced to 5000 from the original 5.000.000 in one of the newest Versions of ATM. Also you now only require 26 Ender Upgrade Orbs instead of 83.
It still is super powerful though, there never was really a need for 5 Mio Damag to be honest :D


For getting a lot of mana you can make some witch spawners and a bunch of life drains, the witches will never die because they heal themselves allowing you to stack a lot of them, then craft a ton of attuned diamonds and fill them up

Thats how i did it and its pretty fast


"5 million damage? How did you become so strong?"
"For every damage my sword increased i murdered 5 innocent people"


latest version of Apotheosis lets you spawn baby version of mobs by using an turtle egg to spawners


You should make a video on the wannabee. There's almost no information about it online. I made a mob farm for each of these mobs with it and got most of the materials super quick. You use the resin bee to encase mobs and the wannabee uses that as it's feeding slab and produces it's drops. It's op.


Insanely good guide! I was trying to kill a tamed wolf to convert my caliburn to a morgan since that's what all the googling told me, but your guide told me what was necessary-- thanks!


also something that should be noted, adding eternal stella makes this unbreakable and remove the durability. the sword must be unenchanted for it too work, you will also need a smithing plate. look in the recipe for which specific one.


the newest update for ATM9 added the youthful upgrade for the aphothosis spawners so you can spawn baby villagers (and other mobs)


Thank you for making an actual tutorial instead of a 40 minute+ playthrough.


If you guys dont want to go through ArsNouveau just yet, you can Farm the Pyromancer/Apothecarian (hit them first to be able to use the mob swab) and than just strip the runes with Shriving Stone in auto crafting, boom, blank runes without ArsNouveau


This is the most comprehencive video ive seen about this mod period. Thanks!!!


Before turning Caliburn into Morgan you should increase Caliburn's damage as much as possible. I have a 20k dmg Caliburn (I don't think I need more, so I stopped here) and all I did was throw it into the lake (around 10 times) with max sharpness, smite and vorpal enchants. And by max I mean something around 10, not 5


I was just doing some SGear end-game items and was thinking, damm this dagger sure hits hard. Deleting the warden in a few seconds then this video shows up in my feed and im like this just took me 5h


Thanks for the video, I was precisely gonna do this sword today or tomorrow


In the latest version of atm 9 they reduced the innate cap to 5000.
I was pulling my hairs out as to why it wasn't working after spending hundreds of ender upgrade orbs only to find in the config files that the hard cap is 5000 instead of


I made a Morgan with a 18k limit, but knowing this, I will go down even more insanity. Btw, I automated my mob farm to generate tons of mahou. No more mob masher, I can basically never die with unobtanium armor and have 18 million mana always available. Just spam some spawners, get the spawn times low and use mob fans to get the mobs out of the spawner range to not get affected by entitiy limits


Amazing video as usual, thanks EpicEnchants! I like the changes they've added to ATM9, I prefer killing the Warden to killing a loving pet, that was brutal. 😅


08:14 Actually, I did find a way to automate the Morgan's damage gain. I made a short (~70s) video about it as well, if you want to replicate it


Great tutorial, they also nerfed the cap to 5000 in more recent updates btw


In ATM9, you can create a hopper pot growing carrots for auto-feeding your villager breeding set-up. If you are inclined to add another mod to your ATM9, then Botany Pot tiers will speed it up significantly. I am curious as to why it isn't in the ATM9, but having any botany pots is better than relying on large farm setups with farmer and collector bees.
