SLEEP EXPERT Reveals How To Optimize Your Sleep To LIVE LONGER! | Matt Walker

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World-leading sleep researcher, author of the international best-selling book ‘Why We Sleep’ and Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, Matthew Walker, shares research that shows how important sleep is for our health and the amazing power it has to recharge our mind and body.

Watch the full episode:
Why Sleep is the Most Important Pillar of Health with Professor Matthew Walker

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Matthew’s book

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I am the type who needs more than 8 hours of good sleep (between 8 and 9) and I have always been misunderstood as a lazy was very comforting watch this amazing interview!!


Deprived sleep also leads to increased dementia. Never realized how critical sleep is until I read, the spinal fluid and fluid around the brain literally cleans the brain


Why do people feel no obligation to follow the title of their videos. The title is "how to optimize your sleep". I'm half way in and all they have talked about is the importance of sleep. Okay, now I've watched the entire fkn video and there is not a single word about how to optimize your sleep - as is claimed in the title.


The only "optimization" trick he reveals is on the number of hours of sleep you should have.

17:30 if you sleep 6h/night during 1 week, your blood sugar is so disrupted that you're considered pre-diabetic.
18:00 yearly study called "daylight savings time" performed on 1.6 bio people : in the spring when we loose 1h of sleep we see a 24% increase in heart attacks, and 21% reduction in autumn.
17:00 1 4h night= 70% drop in critical anti-cancer cells
19:50 deep sleep : slows down the nervous system (heart rate lowers, cortisol drops down), turns into immune stimulation mode, restock the armament of your immune system.
40:40 infected people are more sleepy. The immune system signals to the brain that you need sleep to fight the disease.
26:20 in all psychiatric conditions, sleep is disturbed.
27:00 deep emotional brain centers erupt when you're sleep deprived, becomes up to 60% more reactive.
29:00 lack of sleep is predictive of suicidal thoughts and attempts.


Amazing discussion!
What do you do when you wake up on your own? After a certain age, when you finally have some time to sleep, you can't!


I go to sleep quite easily, but the problem is waking up after four hours and can't fall asleep again, I know how important sleep is, but I kneed solutions, I was disappointed to only hear how bad lack of sleep is with very little solutions.


Fantastic interview, this is really informative and interesting


I feel very sad right now. I have done ALL the recommenations(!), I walk in the mornings, go swimming twice per week, take everyday magnesium, camomile tea, banana and honey, turn off the BLUE LIGHT(!)……TV, celular… dim light before … reading… and yet, I turn the lights off.. the minute I put my head on the pillow…… my head starts, my brain in ON and can NOT turn it OFF.. I really do not what to do! Please help!


It's good to see this interview, I have in the past worked very long shifts.i have now changed my sleep, rest pattern and feel so much better.


I love Matt Walker! His advice has vastly improved my understanding and therefore my life. I’ve cut way back on all caffeine and I’ve never slept so good!


Super intesting topic but where is the part now with tips on better sleep you were gonna get to? Really miss that.


Matthew looks SHARP and has the most SOOTHING voice 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Will definitely buy his book - love the guy!


Watching this at 2am when have work 6am, really should go to.sleep


If I lived in England, I would want Dr Chatterjee to be my primary care physician.


I think everybody's different, and require a different amount of sleep and even then it depends on the period in your life and what you do during the day... so I just try to find my own balance


I will never deprive myself from sleep, love to balance hard work with my health. Coz a healthy mind, body = productive day 💯


Getting adequate rest may also help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration.👍


Going for a nap. 😉

I wish you could say more about how to deal with lack of sleep when you're a new parent or working nights or shifts. Maybe next time.

Very interesting chat! 👌


The first 15 seconds clarified what I've wondered for years... "sleep opportunity"


Really enjoyed the interview, I took a lot away from it. 😀
