Protein Restriction: More Evidence!

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I say in this video that I’ve been eating 5-6% of calories as protein. I don’t count gelatin/collagen in this number since it is high-glycine, low-BCAA!
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The most interesting part of the work you do is that as you progress down the rabbit hole of metabolic disorder, you get pulled into completely different dietary paradigms than where you started.

To me, that marks you as someone who is very trustworthy and scientific in his approach. Most people in the nutritive science genre come to the conclusion that their first idea was magically correct for all facets of health; whether they’re paleo, keto or vegetarian.

You started off recommending a high carb, high fat, low unsaturated fat diet, then transitioned to low fat, then again landed on a low protein emergence diet. The fact that your opinion keeps shifting as you gain new information gives me a ton of confidence in the work you’re doing and a lot of faith in this channel.

Please keep doing great work.


Think I read somewhere that eating gelatin/collagen will balance the negative effect of muscle meat protein.


Perhaps casin isn't good for mice. I'd like to see a study where the mice are feed proteins that they eat in the wild. Or maybe they are fed ribeye protein. 😁


Brad you know I am a huge fan of your work but I have to admit I don’t think this is very healthy!! It looks like it drops weight which is great but what about nutrients in the food or even having enough fat in the diet so your hormones don’t eventually tank??

I have tried everything in the diet world and for me the best I have ever felt was Dave Fits version of your Croissant diet with 25 - 30% carbs / 25 - 30 % protein / 40 - 50% fat with an aggressive approach to keeping fats saturated as possible.

With this weight comes off fairly easily and I seem to put muscle on without even training. I would also argue that Paul Saladino is going down this path currently but I don’t agree with his exclusive approach to fruits etc as I think if you cook / prep starches well then they are an incredible source of carbs (my 48 hour home made sourdough with white einkorn flour is almost a health food in my opinion.)

I hope my thoughts above are of help to anyone reading. I will always follow your work Brad, even if I don’t personally like this new direction you’re going. Some of your breakdown on metabolism is incredible and your spot on with the hate for Mono fats!! Dropping them in my own diet made a huge difference (jersey cow dairy fat is king)


I'm not sold on this yet. I've yet to find a diet that makes feel as good and be in as good of shape as 1-2 pounds of fatty beef a day.

I also can't afford that and don't want to eat ground beef everyday either. So there's that.


We are supposed to eat the same amount of protein religiously daily, and include protein in each and every meal throughout the day, but I don't see how this could be possible back in the times of ancestral men. With no refrigerators and supermarkets, it's illogical to think we were able to hunt every single day and include protein as recommended now. Could it be a good idea to cycle between high protein consumption and very low protein resembling days of hunting vs days of foraging and eating other foods?


Brad, great job on this. The presentation was clear and concise, easily understood on the first pass.


If the mice experiements were using Casien exclusively, it would also be a diet very high in Tryptophan, and has more Methionine than Glycine (making it a very poor ratio). Ray Peat was very critical of the "Inflammatory Amino Acids, " Tryptophan, Methionine, Histidine, and Cystine. He recommended Gelatin as a way to restrict these aminos, and get a bigger does of the anti-inflammatory amino acids. Glycine especially, but also proline, hydroxyproline, and alanine. If you are using gelatin or collagen in higher amounts, you are restricting BCAAs some and getting lots of Glycine, but you are also restricting those inflammatory aminos, especially Tryptophan and Methionine.


Brad. If you don't mind me asking. Were the scientists conducting the experiment differentiating between lean muscle mass and fat? Seems totally natural to drop body weight when reducing protein because the body drops LEAN body mass.


13 Ph.D scientists living in the country with the highest life expectancy with a no profit healthcare system selling nothing say you are wrong. 2014 study title: Animal protein intake is associated with higher-level functional capacity in elderly adults: the Ohasama study. "Higher protein, particularly animal protein, was associated with lower risk of decline in higher-level functional capacity in older men. Animal protein intake may be a modifiable indicator for early detection and prevention of higher-level functional decline in elderly adults."


But the mice don't go to the gym with the intention of increasing muscle mass . . . hard to match that scenario to this one


The protein bros at the gym are usually lean and muscular though?


Hi, you should get into more on the biology of autophagy and the power of fasting. I think by restricting protein you are getting closer to autophagy and the built in protein scavenging mechanism


More muscle = Burning more calories at rest. Not enough protein = No muscle gain. It’s not complicated…


What about right graphic with 25% protein and 25% fat consumption at 9:35? It seems generating maximum physical activity as well?


Bro, you are not a mice. I mean, seriously. You do a really great job, but that goes off tracks. There is 0 evidence that mices and humans have the same protein needs, and it dosen't make any sense.


After switching to a high-carb, low-protein, low-fat diet (based on mostly various types of potatoes, fruits, rice, barley, pasta and some veggies), I definitely felt more active and did more walks and yard works. Thanks for the tip.


Restricting protein produces raging hunger in me, I'd like to experiment more with it but honestly when you only eat 30g protein per day meat is on my mind 24/7


When we think of protein intake we tend to forget its not just for building blocks. It's also for enzymes! So we need a good amount and fasting is a natural thing that we also need to incorporate. Any excess protein gets converted into sugar so basically it's just giving you an extra extension of energy.


This is all very interesting Brad. Question: if you are weight training for strength, shouldn't you increase your protein intake? There are a lot of variables at play here, and I haven't heard a lot about levels and types of activity in these most recent discussions about the Emergence diet.
