Why I Only Use Manual Focus as a PRO Photographer

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Autofocus on cameras is great, but it certainly isn't for everyone. In this video I talk about how and why I use manual focus as a professional photographer for all of my video and stills work.

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This video really helped me stop doubting the capabilities of manual focus.
The photography world is obsessed with AF and speed, and I had been conflicted, but I'm slowly figuring out that my style is purposeful and methodical. Thanks!


Thanks for this informative video. Nothing can compare to using the right tools for the job, instead of using what everyone else is using, just because it new and shiny. Your explanation made so much since.


I do urban, abstract and event photography. Even for event photography I prefer manual focus for many of the reasons you cited. Manual lenses can have very responsive focus adjustments that allow you to "sweep" through your scene (using focsu peaking) all the while as foreground and background objects change. You can move and shoot in ways that would confuse even the most intelligent auto-focus system as even the best auto-focus system doesn't "know" exactly what it is you want to focus on. I find using manual more like using an instrument, and in that respect it does give you a different shooting experience.

On the other hand, I also go to the other extreme with full-auto, massive super zoom, but still mostly back-button-focus in manual mode. I don't think there is a 'correct' way per se, but we all evolve personal techniques that change how we approach our subjects and the results.


Excellent reasons. They won't apply to everyone(I only photograph people, for example), but they're very good points when photographing non-moving products.


thanks a lot very informative
love your content


Would request if you do a video on which is/are good lenses for still/product shoot. And also suggest budget friendly pro glass as well. And budget pro camera in the current new cameras, like the video you did on 5D ii. Really appreciate for sharing the knowledge, cheers


Great work, thanks for share, keep going.


Well. I am not sure. Is manual focus always sharper? I use AF 95% of the time for product photography. I have one 2:1 macro lens which is manual. The high focal software lets me AF on the live view screen on the PC at 400%. It will then run a serious amount of shots shifting the focus (in AF mode of course) and merge that all into one file. Could not do that without AF (I do not have a automatic slider)
Bokeh is out of fashion (for now) so all needs to be tack sharp: it is just 'hip' - a top down shot of a thin neckless will do fine with one shot at F11.
Still wonder about the obsession with sharpness - when printed on packaging it is with a "one dot per meter" printer and on screen you mostly get 72ppi.
I would spend more time (99%) on lighting and styling - one percent on sharpness.


Seeing this just now. This would not work in case of focus stack though, right?


It's a pity you did not put any sample photos to illustrate you otherwise reasonable points...


I can barely see with glasses. I use autofocus, it will extend my career at least ten more years.
