Excel Magic Trick 1097: AND & OR Criteria Together for Counting, Adding, Conditional Formatting

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See how to:
1. (00:11 min) AND and OR Criteria.
2. (01:14 min) Counting Formula with SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIFS and a function argument array operation
3. (03:16 MIN) Adding Formula with SUMPRODUCT and SUMIFS and a function argument array operation
4. (04:22 MIN) Conditional Format the row with AND and OR functions and a comparative operator array operation and Mixed Cell References. See an array formula with a comparative Operator Array Operation inside the OR function.
5. (06:51 min)Learn that Array Formulas work without Ctrl + Shift + Enter in the Conditional Formatting dialog box.
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Excel Magic Trick 1097: AND & OR Criteria Together for Counting, Adding, Conditional Formatting

Great video for learning how to construct AND and OR Criteria together for counting, adding and conditional Formatting. Even a cool Array Formula for Conditional Formatting.


Who in their right mind would give this video a "thumbs down"? I love these videos. The enthusiasm is contagious.


Wow that was intense. gonna have to download the file and practice that for awhile. THX for the great vids


Genius as usual...! Thanks for sharing.

As an aside, albeit puerile, I am always very entertained by the sound effects you make...! lol 3:45


It also work with Dcounta and Dsum which I learned from you :)


Hello, could you please help me with something!! I have a report on a daily basis and in my report i use a formula to see the variance % in comparing to the same day of last week the formula is (day 7- day 1 / day 1 ), but i have to update that formula everyday and i was hoping if there is a formula that i can use to make this formula updates automatically by selecting a date from a drop down menu!! 
please help.

