DNA Mystery: Mom, Why Can't You Tell Me Who My Father is? 🤔🧍‍♂️Karamo Full Episode

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An emotional story gets unpacked as two different men take DNA tests to find out who is Ona’s father. She grew up with uncertainty as to who her father was. She received messages from multiple men claiming to be her father. She hopes to find out if a man named Lonny or Ray, is her father. Don’t miss the results on today’s all new Karamo!

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Why is it so hard for a Mother to be truthful to their Children about their father.


I knew he was the dad, they look so alike. Poor Lonny though. All of this anguish because of that woman!


Happy that she got the results. And that the 2 men were keeping it civil to each other. It wasn't their faults at all. It was the woman, that gave birth to her.


Lonnie is such a wonderful young man. I feel so bad for him. He got his heart broken all over again. I pray he and Anna will have a relationship too. God bless them all, and I pray for healing for all of them.❤


Anyone else kept screaming at Ruth that she's not the victim??


All it took was one toxic woman to set *decades* of turmoil into motion. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I pray Lonny starts his own family. He was sooo betrayed! Heal Lonny! You are now free to move on. ❤


She is a beautiful woman inside and out. I so wanted to just reach out and hug her.


Ray is immature AF. He's still mad about an affair that happened 18 years ago. Lonnie had a right to question paternity because of what he was told. I feel bad for the girl because she has an immature father and a mother who plays victim. Lonnie would've probably been the better option in regards to the maturity level of each adult that young lady has to deal with.


Hey woman, DON'T YOU DARE CRY... you don't deserve to cry...


I knew who her father was the second the camera showed him!


The best episode. I’m so happy that she has these two men who are in her corner. I pray there relationships continue to get closer.


Some people just like being the victim. No matter how much someone apologizes or says they are sorry or tries to do better that person just wants to be mad about something.
This girl needs to stop and realize how much her mom tried to be there and do the best she could regardless of her mistakes.


This girl needs to get a grip. She likes being the victim. I am 78 & I still have vivid memories of bring 5 & taken to an orphanage & left because my parents were divorcing. I was in orphanage for 3 years, then with my dad & stepmother…she beat me for years. No one helped. I ran away at 14, went to live with Sisters of the Good Shepherd. My dad lived 4 miles from the convent. I didn’t see him. I graduated high school at 17 & was emancipated. I went to live with maternal, hit a job, kept educating myself & life went on. No self pity. Just determination. Now at 78 I’ve raised 2 kids, 3 grandchildren & have a great grandchild. I never felt sorry for myself, just determined not to let anyone stop me from living my life. I have few regrets because I learned my own strength & I survived in spite of those who would stop me. The morale is…..don’t wallow in self pity. Believe in yourself. Don’t look back, just forward. Don’t whine. Fight.


these two mature men actually broke my heart...full respect..the love is real and consistent here.wonderful fathers


Ruth (Parents) have feelings also. She acknowledged her wrongs. She laid herself vulnerable. But parents have parameters also.


I’m happy she has 2 father figures in her life. She’s a bit annoying/too grown but then again she’s probably had to grow fast dealing with grown kids around her


Pain will shape you to be great or bad. The only two options out there


She's very fortunate to have to dads


There is something about Karamo; he’s intuitive (is that the word?), and he’s so much more, like a great therapist everyone should have.
Ana is very lucky; she has a bio dad (RAY) & (basically) a step father (Lonny)! I hope they can all stay connected; as it would be great for each of them; but, overall I hope they each get therapy!
I’m so happy for Ana! ❤❤❤❤❤
