DNA: Brother Or Scammer? | KARAMO

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After Jay’s alleged father blocked him on social media, Jay started a journey to find his biological sisters, Meke and Nita. Meke was suspicions of Jay and his intentions, while Nita embraced him as her brother. Will Karamo help this family find answers to a 25-year old DNA mystery?

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It’s funny how the sister rejecting him is who he looks like😌


The younger sister stated that the older sister is a daddy's girl. And now the older sister's view of her father was shattered. She learned that her father not only stepped out on their mom, but also denied and blocked a child to hide his own transgression. Her daddy was no longer perfect in her eyes and that hurt her.


When the sister got up and yelled… “I TOLD YOU” and embraced him really had me teary eyed ❤


The daddy blocking him was a very clear response… the daddy guilty


The daddy knew he was messing with that mans mother...the dad is a coward for blocking him!!


Dad blocked him for a reason. He knew of his son and didn’t want to upset his family. He thought it was buried in the past. What’s done in the dark potentially comes to light. This young man deserved to know who his father is. Children are always innocent in these situations and other siblings shouldn’t make the decision to say he is or isn’t their brother. They weren’t there. It’s sad when you have a perception of someone and you find out things otherwise. It can be heartbreaking but you can’t be bitter about decisions others made in their past, especially when it didn’t affect you in any way, form or fashion. This was a bubble burster for the sister that was the least accepting. Not to mention that he looks more like her than the other who was more accepting. Pray in time, they grow as a family.


Who wouldn’t want a brother like Jay? Well behaved and hardworking. The sisters are blessed


He still was so patient with his sisters even though they rejected and blamed him!! He has a meek spirit, I commend him for his patience as he was seeking answers!!! ITS NEVER THE CHILDS FAULT❤


The father knew that was his son, that’s why he blocked him! He was suppose to be a secret, young man you have a blessed heart keep doing what you are doing and do it bigger and better!


I love how the first sister instantly embraced her lil bro even before the results cause you could see the resemblance. You see how excited she was because she looked over to see the results herself. The second sister, she wasn't with it till the results came, but she will open her arms even wider to embrace her lil bro cause sibling love no one can break that and that's for a fact. I pray the father comes around cause he for sure knew, he thought his secret child would never come to the surface.


Happy for him. It's crazy how he looks just like the sister who didn't want him!


I would really like a follow up to see if he was accepted by the older sister and the father . I pray everyone embrace him with open arms, he deserves at least that after being a secret for all these years .


I feel for him. That rejection from a father is heartbreaking. I hope the father does better, unblocks him and does right by his seed. Smh


The older sister knew this was her brother but she didn't want to believe it because it destroys the image she had of her dad. Hopefully she will allow herself to bond with her brother because she could really influence him in the right direction. The father knows that is his son and blocking him on the phone will not change it. I am praying for this family because they all need one another. However like Karamo said, "it's a journey and a marathon not a sprint.


How can these sisters blame the young man for their father not claiming him? He seems like a great intelligent young man. They should feel lucky to be his sisters.


We found several relatives through Ancestry DNA. One person is our deceased brother's son. My siblings including my Dad totally ignore this young man. I think it's so cruel. He did nothing to deserve this and it's very sad how cruel people can be. My Dad said that scam crap too. I told him "What makes you so important that someone would fake being related to you"? Of course I'm mean. Lol


I feel for the Brown skinned sister because her hero (their father) bubble just burst in her face. Some women are extremely hurt when they find out that their father is an F boy from back in the day. That probably gave her hope that a good man like her father will show up for her and now she's faced with the reality that their dad is a liar. Shout out to their mother, she's the real MVP!


This is so surreal …. This is my same situation…. My father knew about me but denied me… I knew about his other children, but they didn’t know about me. I found the strength to message his other kids … all of them acknowledged me except the one I had the exact same face as lol. We met at a public face to take a dna test but as soon as they saw me they saw how much I looked like our father they said we didn’t need one. The other family members have all accepted me but unfortunately the one who thought she was the oldest has not . Watching this has brought back all those emotions. And I want to fight her lol 😂


The one that rejected him, looks just like him.


It kills me for her to sit there and try to protect her dad. Its so many people in our age group that are struggling with this issue. I know because I am one of them. I have never met my dad and sadly I dont know if he is dead or alive. I dont have any knowledge of the possible siblings or family members that I have on his side. This definitely weighed on me heavy when my mom passed in 2019. It takes alot to get to the point where you feel brave enough to locate a parent that never attempted to get to know you or to consider your very existence. It is not easy and yes years go by as you try to gain the courage to make that step expecially when you have to take in to account the possibility of having to face even more rejection. I resented my mom for a long time because I felt as though she didnt fight hard enough for me to have a relationship with my dad. I have forgiven her, but I had to move on and accept it because I have fostered an attitude of not caring, although deep down inside of me I really do. The least she could do is support the situation and just because you dont know dont sit there and act like your parents and family members told you everything when we come from a generation of people that kept secrets no matter how much damage it may have caused someone else including a child. I salute his bravery because I know from my own story this is something that never goes away and it lives in the back of your mind when there are no answers.
