3 Day Flexibility Challenge Day 3: Static Stretches for Flexibility & Range of Motion #FBreach

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It's been 4 years and i still looove this Flexibility Challenge! Pls keep going!


I did all three. And the second day at the end where you’re sitting and you just open up with your arms and then close, just released so much stress that I was and had been holding on to that I began to cry. It was good. Thank you for doing these videos and I appreciate how open and honest you are.


I did all three days and loved it. Day 3 was my favorite. I'm 62 and this made me feel so much better!


I completed all 3! I found session 1the toughest but maybe that's because I improved as the sessions went onwards 😊


this was so helpful. I recently started a pretty intense workout program and i noticed I was getting really tight and my lower back and knees started to really bother me sometimes. So I decided to take a few days to rest to do this challenge and it really made me realize how tight I was and how much I needed it. Even on day 2, I felt even tighter but day 3 was my favorite bc after this workout I feel the best I have in months. Thank you Daniel and kelly for these free challenges I absolutely love them hope to see some more in the future


THANK YOU GUYS! I needed this reboot. I started working a physically demanding job in addition to some tough workouts and had mistakenly put stretching by the wayside almost completely. Needless to say, it rolled into a hip injury that I'm still recovering from. This was a good to reminder to not skip the stretch, no matter what. I loved all three days, but this one was super relaxing.


Workout complete: I swear I could fall asleep right now.


Hi Kelly! just finished the challenge too! Thanks to some of my YT subs I recently discovered your channel and can't wait to try more workouts. Such a great resource!! #workoutcomplete🙂


Didn't even do this yet but I want to shout out loud a "Thankyou!" to you, Kelli and Daniel and every single person working behind the scenes. You post such great content FOR FREE and always bring in new ideas. Love, love, love from Germany. Thankyou so freaking much! :)


Workout Complete.
I think day 2 was the best since I could feel more group of muscles being stretched, especially my core muscles.
Definitely gonna keep doing this challenge from time to time.


Hey! Completed the Flexibility Challenge today ( all three in one day)! Wow, I feel so much better. Day 2 was my favorite. By the way, this is my official first day of exercising to better health!


I completed all three days of this little challenge and I absolutely loved it! My favorite day was day 2. I love you you reminded us to drink lots of water and eat healthy. Thank you so much!


i will be doing this tomorrow! but I had an idea...howabout a workout program for people who get bored easily? Just to continue with that theme; I think that would be so much fun!


I absolutely LOVED this challenge! I think this one is probably my favourite, but it's very closely followed by day 1. All 3 are excellent and I will definitely be repeating them many times! Thank you so much for these videos (and everything else you do)!


can you do a video talking about the pros and cons of working out on an empty stomach??? plz I've been doing alot of research and some of them say its burns more calories and other say it makes u lose muscle mass. i trust you guys more than any fitness experts 😘😘


All 3 complete. I've absorbed a lot more information whilst stretching and listening to you explain how these stretches can help with the workouts. These are not tough and I'm sure they're not supposed to be. Working out is a gradual process & I can honestly say (today at least) that I can reach further than I have done previously, so my flexibility has improved. Maybe I could do these twice a week or as you put it whilst watching tv or reading a book. As ever, thank you both.


3 DAY Flexibility Challenge COMPLETED!! WOO HOO.  Thank you Kelly and Fitness Blender for this challenge.  I really liked Day 2 (piyo) and the Day 3 (static stretches).  But Day 1 was essential to get me used to getting into stretching.   I want to know integrate my 15 minute HIIT workouts with these stretching work outs.  THANK YOU!


Kelly, first of all, I want to thank you and Daniel for helping me get out of sedentarism in a self compassionate way. I've always struggled with stretching exercises because my posterior chain muscles (I don't know if that's the right name, I'm not a native English speaker!) are particularly tight, so I can't even sit straight with my legs stretched (I need to arch my back), let alone touch my toes! In exercises such as this and, for instance, that "dog" yoga posture, I never know if I should bend my knees, so I could at least stretch my back, or if I should do a very incomplete version of the posture, or if I should not do the posture at all until I've gained more stretch on the back of my legs. That's my only suggestion, that you could present alternative postures when the exercise stretches both upper and lower body parts.


I love this so much! I haven't been feeling too energized the past few days due to lack of sleep,  but still wanted to get some form of exercise in so these were perfect!. My favourite was day 2, but I enjoyed them all. Thanks so much Fitnessblender, you've really changed my life :)


Workout Complete! I did all 3 days and loved them ALL! Will definitely be doing this challenge again, thank you Kelli and Daniel <3
