How To Create Email Template In Canva (With Mailchimp)

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How To Create Email Template In Canva (With Mailchimp)

In this video I show you How To Create Email Template In Canva. It is really easy to do and learn to do it in just a few minutes by following this super helpful tutorial to get a better understanding of everything.

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hey!!, I don't speak English, but I used the automatic translation of youtube and I love the work you did, very specific, short, you took a topic and focused it, and that helped me a lot to optimize my time, thanks for the time you you dedicated to recording and editing this video, greetings from Paraguay🙌


Very simple and fantastic, I am finally good to lauch my cold email campaign for fiverr affiliate program that I joined.


In your banner you create, is you social media avccoint icons from graphics, how to put link on each.


Thanks for the tutorial, the only problem I see with this is that the images you save and import from Canva are not clickable items. Example you added the social media icons on the email header on Canva and imported it to Canva, well when we send that newsletter, the email is basically going to two .JPGs stacked on top of each other. This can be good to get your message out but if you want call to action buttons then it won't work.


I made my template using all your steps. But how can i use and send the template without using mailchimp??


Mam there is compulsory to choose any topic for template...??? Plz answer


How many email addresses can you put on one mailchimp email? meaning I have a client list I want to send this specific email to.
