If You Quit Eating These 90 Percent Of Diabetes Would Be Solved!

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Who is Dr. Ergin? Dr. Ahmet Ergin is an endocrinologist with a particular interest and passion for diabetes care. Dr. Ergin earned his medical degree with honors at Marmara University School of Medicine in Istanbul, Turkey. Then, he completed his internal medicine residency and endocrinology fellowship at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a board-certified physician in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. He is also a certified diabetes education specialist.

Disclaimer: Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professionals with questions you may have regarding your medical condition.

00:00 Introduction of bad foods for diabetics
00:06 Snacks
00:55 Sugar-sweetened beverages
02:32 Transfats
03:31 White foods
05:12 Cereal
06:05 Dried fruits
07:15 Coffee
08:35 Fries
10:20 Fruit yogurt
11:31 Maple syrup, honey and agave nectar
11:56 Conclusion

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Diagnosed as type 2 diabetis at age 57. my dr put me on metformin n cholesterol meds. after 6months of low carbs low sugar diet i managed to get my Hba1c down to 6.7. after 3months and after 6 months its now 6.1. i have been following your channel since i was first diagnosed. now i m trying the more natural (plant n protein) in my diet and a more active lifestyle- hiking and walking. please wish me luck in my journey. btw lost about 10kgs so far. thank you dr!


There needs to be a diabetic section in supermarkets were all the foods have low carbs.


I was pre-diabetic a year ago. Gave up all white flour, bread, rice, pasta and processed foods. Started exercising 6 days a week. Weight is down 51 lbs, no more pre-diabetic range and no more high blood pressure meds. What a change. Most foods available out there are terrible for you. Go natural fruits and vegetables, eat more healthy protein (especially fish!) and exercise!


I am 65. Last March I changed my diet and began intermittant fasting and excercise. I went from 216 lbs on March 31 to 170 lbs today. Lost 46 lbs in exactly 6 months.
Changes included eliminating all processed foods. No snacks. One meal per day or two at most in a 6 hour window. I never had high blood pressure or diabetes or any other adverse health condition, I just wanted to weigh less and engage in certain sports like mountain biking, road biking, kayaking and fishing. My number one benefit is extended endurance.


I was overwhelmed when I first was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. A friend of mine who had Type 2 told me to just read the labels if the sugar content goes over 5 gr avoid it. Made it a lot simpler and has worked for me the last 20 years.


Im 41, Cut all carbs and sugar 4 months ago. I also only eat within a 4 hour window a day (12pm-4pm or 5pm) . Down 70lbs, no diabetes, no more blood pressure meds, no more arthritis meds. Its like a miracle. I havent felt this good in 20 years. Also Im NEVER hungry.


My favorite snack: mix ground golden flax seeds into natural peanut butter and dip apple wedges in it. It satisfies all the cravings, sweet, salty, crunchy and creamy. Apples are full of fiber and the flax adds fiber and omega 3.


From what I've read, basically you can no longer eat anything you desire or that tastes good or contains even 1 carb. You can eat air and water.


Great video. As a type 2 diabetic I dropped my A1C from 8.8 to 6.1 in 3 months. I followed a low carb diet with plenty of vegetables, 40 grams of carbs per day.


High fructose and others should not be allowed in the food industry. They should have a lawsuit against them for making people sick. It should be outlawed. Thank you for your knowledge. I avoid fructose in low sugar or no sugar jams. I am a type 2 diabetic since last year. but I am trying to reverse it by losing weight and intermittent fasting.


Going low carb does not mean giving up good food. The internet has many channels that offer delicious low carb recipes. I have collected many of them and they are a major part of my diet, and I'm not limited to just meat and low carb veggies. For example, I regularly have biscuits, chaffels, pancakes and chocolate cake that are very low carb and tasty. In 6 months I lost 60 pounds and lowered my A1C from 7.7 to 5.4. My triglycerides and LDL cholesterol are now well within the normal range. I was surprised how easy it was to give up sugary, starchy, high carb foods. It worked for this 75 year old man.


4 weeks ago my BG was 16.2 so I went strict keto - no and today my BG is 5.3. It works!


What I have learned? Nothing, but repetition what I knew already. It's good. Old expression in Russian says repetition is mother of learning.
Thank you, doctor


Thank you for your videos, i have lowered my blood suger and lost 80 lbs. You have changed my life ❤


Just found this video, excellent content. I am an LPN, with Type 2, gestational diabetes x3, 68yo, hypothyroid and parathyroid issues. Most videos I watch never share amounts and most effective time of day to eat foods. Saying a "handful" is not specific enough, the difference in a female/ male hand size is significant. Signed up for your emails, appreciate the awareness you are creating and will share with others, especially my patients and their families.


Dr, this is probably your best video yet. The message from this video is powerful, eat low carb and you get much better glucose control. Don't take anyone's word you should try and experiment. If a t2 insulin-dependent diabetic ate meat and leafy green veggies for just one month, you could reduce your insulin use by 25 percent or more. I know for me it worked because I did it successfully.


Thank you. I have just learned that I am type 2 diabetic. I'm so mad at myself, AND the health care providers who never said a word over the last 20 years about what I was doing to myself...


The information you give here is more then most people get when they consult so call specialists.
And it's free.
God bless you 🙏 ❤️


As a type 2 diabetic, I follow most of this.Have lost a ton of weight incl drastically reducing belly fat ( apparently one of the worst things for diabetes).

2 hrs heavy exercise a day ( rowing machine/weights), 1 hr morning/night and drink a lot of water. All the foods the good doctor talks about leaving out, I generally do - but occasionally snack on potato chips/chocolatel ( infrequently, and only in small doses).

White bread/cereals etc I simply don't eat ( processed foods).This is very good advice.
